A look at GameCube and Wii Emulation

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. bodasantos

    bodasantos New Member

    Mar 29, 2009
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    Hi there.
    I'm new to this forum, I've found this topic via google search.
    I've downloaded your movie of SSBM and It's hard for me to believe that you are running the game in your desktop.
    I have a dual core E6600, Gforce8800GTs320Mb, 2Gb Ram DDR2 800, and I can only run the game at 25fps.
    I think your video is a fake. If not, prove me I'm wrong, and teach me how to run the game so smoothly.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Oh it doesn’t work like that for me it must be fake, that’s a great attitude to have...

    All the proof you need is out there already, for starters look at the graphical glitches in the videos.



    Just from looking at your specs the problem is most likely your processor, by default the E6600 runs at 2.4ghz, my processor is overclocked to 2.93ghz so that’s over 500mhz per core faster than your processor. GameCube emulation requires a massive amount of processing power to maintain 50/60 fps constantly.

    Some things you can do to try and speed the emulator up are make sure your running the 64bit version of Dolphin its a lot more optimised than the 32bit one.

    Also make sure Dual Core and Dynamic Recompilation are enabled in the core options.

  3. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    O.o WTF? I think you'll get farther in life by not being an ass. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE knows you want to know how to run it smoothly but was really necessary to word it like that?
  4. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    My FPS was only running about 24. I don't think I had Enable Dual Core checked though. Thanks for the tip.:D

    I might be able to play Skies of Arcadia: Legend now. I recommend it to any RPG fan.:)
    Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention whenever I start up dolphin it says I don't have and need DLL Plugins\Plugin_VideoDX9.dll Would I need to look on Google for this?

    Oh Insane you lying! I enabled Dual Core and I'm getting 60FPS! So you have to be lying! THANKS so much! My PC only has a 2.1GHz processor Duo core and its full FPS!
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you download it from my attachment above its included in that, it should also be included with the download on the Dolphin website if you get the latest version.

    I should probably upgrade at some point as the version I’m using now is a couple of months old.

    Glad your getting max FPS! some games do need more processing power than others, all the games i enjoy look to be the ones that require the most power :-#
  6. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    The game was Super Smash Bros. Melee. The videos would go between 50-55FPS and the game was a full 60FPS.:)

    This is probably a dumb question...What do you think about overclocking a Laptop? I want it to be a little quicker not by much I don't need that much. Just maybe 100 to 200MHz more...thats probably a bad idea though right?

    Yes the newer one does have the required DLL file BTW.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It looks like the emulator has improved quite a bit since I did my little write up about it, double click on the video below to open YouTube and click HD.

    Looks better than the game playing on the Wii to me! (Y)
  8. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I was looking on the newer version of the emulator and it looks like it supports playing games from the disc drive. I tried to but now Dolphin says (Not Responding) so looks like I can't use this feature. I tried to use Soniic Adventure 2 Battle, one of the few GC games I still own.( Hmm, I see you can use Action Replay codes with Dolphin. I'm not sure how to do this though. Anyone mind telling me how?[take note from this question bodasantos])
  9. bodasantos

    bodasantos New Member

    Mar 29, 2009
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    I don't know what to think anymore. Yesterday the game was running at 25fps, today it´s runnig almost at 40fps. Can it be witchcraft?
    I apologize for doubting your work and words. Yesterday I was very frustrated beacause the game was hardly playable and after reading and seeing a lot of fakes on youtube and other foruns, everything looked like fake to me. I'm sorry to have used such desperate and ofensive words to get help.
    I will follow your tips and try to improve the game performance. Maybe I'll do a very low overclock just to see if I get a little fps improvement.
    The game continues to be very unplayable at 40fps, It would be great if I could double the numbers.
    I'll keep working on that goal and I'll share any breakthroughs if I happen to brake through one of them.

    Sheers and apologizes.
  10. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Not quite double the numbers, 60FPS is exactly where you want it to be. You have enabled the Duo Core right? It wasn't automatically on when I first got it. Also make sure you don't have something like a virus scanner running when you trying to play it. As InsaneNutter said some games require more to run it then others, what it the game your trying to run? As long as your cooling system can take it a small overclock of around 200MHz, it would do some help.

    Also make sure you have the newest version of the emulator. I went from the Emu in this thread to a newer one and it gave me a couple of extra FPS.
  11. bodasantos

    bodasantos New Member

    Mar 29, 2009
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    Yes, I have enabled the Duo Core. I'm running the program in windows 7 64bit, with lots of aplications running, like virus scanner, messenger, power iso, etc. I'll try to get the maximum performance of my computer when I have time. Maybe tomorrow night.
    The game I'm trying to play is Super Smash Brothers Melee. It's od, at the same fps (arround 40), sometimes the game seems to be very sluggish, other it's too fast to control. Maybe its beacause I don't have a steady number of 60fps.
    I'll also try to overclock my CPU and see what I can get.
    I'm using Dolphin SVN revision 2712. When I try to download the latest version from dolphin website, the rar file I get is allways corrupted. :(

    Tnks for your support. I hope that tomorrow night I will reach the 60fps... :P

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  12. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I tried to get the latest one too but after I clicked the link the next page wouldn't pop-up. Messenger shouldn't be too much of a problem, Having the Virus protector enabled should be fine, just don't be in a scan while trying to play. With Power ISO it just really depends what processes your doing with it if it takes a bit of the CPU. I don't get full FPS all the time some points are sluggish but most of the time its 60FPS. I'll goof with it a little bit and see what else I can do and see if it'll run faster. I would love to overclock but its probably not to safe to do with a laptop:(

    I pressed the infamous Crtl, alt, del and poped up task manager. I stop most processes, I even stopped windows.exe (Start bar). That gave me a bit extra around 7 extra FPS and I ran it at high performance instead of balanced (since i'm on a laptop). That gave me a few FPS I am running 32-bit Vista. It would only take up to 86% of my CPU and not the rest and it takes 1.16GB RAM, without running Dolphin I use around 800MB of RAM, With me closing all programs I STILL use 700MB of RAM. (Not sure why its that high in the first place). When I stoped the Dolphin Emulator my CPU usage is around 3%, thats even with my anti virus on, I use Kaspersky.(its just on, not scanning.) I'll do a few more things see if I can get the FPS rate higher.

    I can only run Skies of Arcadia at around 20FPS...well this sucks.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    To download the latest build don’t use Internet Explorer, the download script is in use on the Dolphin website seems to corrupt the file when downloaded with IE :S I had the same problem, I was able to downloaded it it fine with Google Chrome.

    Bodasantos, you should be able to over clock that to 3ghz, maybe 3.2ghz with no problem. Obviously do your research in to overclocking as you can easily damage your hardware. If my processor wasn’t overclocked your E6600 would easy beat my E4500.

    You can’t really overclock much Dark Scyth unfortunately,your laptop would overheat quite quickly if overclocked much I imagine.
  14. Revolution

    Revolution Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    It’s all down to processing power guys, I have two computers in my home, a Q6600 at 2.4ghz and an E8400 at 3.5ghz.

    I can run smash bro’s perfectly like in the videos posted here on the E8400, the Q6600 struggles to stay at 50fps constantly.

    Im sure it would also work perfect on the Q6600 if I overclocked it, the extra two cores make no difference as the emulator only supports dual core.
  15. bodasantos

    bodasantos New Member

    Mar 29, 2009
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    I overclocked my CPU, just like you said. It's working at 3000Mhz. Now the game is working at almost 150fps... :(
    It's unstable and impossible to play. If there are few players the game works at 130fps, if there are lots o players the numbers drop down.
    Is there any way to keep the fps stable?


    ps: In was running the game without sound. When sound is on the fps came down to almost 40fps. :S
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What version of the emulator is that in?

    The emulator should have a frame limiter built in, I know on the very first 64bit build of the emulator some games that emulated well would run over a 100fps but games should be locked at 50 or 60 fps in game now.
  17. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Down to 40FPS? Whenever I tried to play it WITHOUT sound it would actually lower my FPS.

    Dolphin is only getting 500MHz with my Duo Core 2.1GHz processor. Any way I can get more MHz to Dolphin? I shut down all main programs even Firefox, Firefox takes 32,584K which sounds like thats way too much to me. I closed down Windows Explorer, it takes 19,008K.

    Here is a compatibility list for GC games and Wii games.

    Dolphin-emu - Discussion Forum: Perfect on Dolphin

    They will tell you the things you should enable and disable to help performance wise.

    (On that thread if your trying to find a certain game press: CTRL + F then type in the game your looking for.)
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Since I posted about this the emulator has advanced massively, Smash Bros Brawl runs almost perfectly now. I’m averaging between 50-60 fps most of time .

    I’ve uploaded a couple of videos of it running on my pc, they don’t really do the emulator justice as recording the videos in 720p took about 30fps off and the none HD videos don’t look anywhere near as good.

    It should give you an idea of how much things have advanced since I made the original post anyway, back then Brawl wasn’t even playable!

    Kirby VS Pokemon Trainer (720p)
    Brawl Intro (SD)
    Pikachu VS Yosh (SD)
    Kirby VS Fox (SD)
    Short Clip (720p)

    The Kirby VS Pokemon Trainer one is probably the best one to watch.
  19. Fudge

    Fudge Resident

    Sep 24, 2010
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    Holy shit thats good 50fps on a wii game
  20. Flamzorz

    Flamzorz Addict

    May 29, 2009
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    I'm having some problems.
    I load my iso and looks great but it isn't recognizing by button presses.

    It comes up with a safety warning and says press any button so I press every button on my game pad but nothing works. I then did some keyboard mapping and it worked but why not on my controller?

    Help will be appreciated.

    I mean for now I can play using xpadder but I would still like controller support.

    EDIT: i'm also getting like 7 FPS =/ (Chibi Robo)

    EDIT 2:I played another game (Crazy Taxi) and get like 35fps (playable)

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