GameBoy / GameBoy Colour USB Save Game / Rom Backup

Discussion in 'Console Guides' started by InsaneNutter, May 13, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    This is a modern way of backing up GameBoy / GameBoy Colour save games, over USB on any modern version of Windows, including Windows 10. You can also dump roms of your GameBoy / GameBoy Colour game cartridges over USB

    Why backup your GameBoy / GameBoy Colour Save Games?

    Most GameBoy cartridges have a small battery inside them with keeps your savegame on the cartridges SRAM. Like ram in your computer when the power source is removed the SRAM looses it contents, this being your save game. At some point the battery powering the SRAM is going to run out of power, wouldn’t it be nice if you could backup your saves to the pc and be able to use them on an emulator or on an Nintendo 3DS virtual console copy of the game?

    What you need:

    This tutorial is for the J.Rodrigo Cart Flasher for GameBoy, this is a home made USB card flasher in a 3D printed case by J.Rodrigo. Think of it as a usb card reader, however for GameBoy and GameBoy Colour cartridges, its even a similar size to a multi card usb card reader as you can see:


    You will also need a Micro USB Cable, if you have an Android or Windows mobile phone the USB cable from this should work fine with the J.Rodrigo Cart Flasher for GameBoy


    GB Cart Flasher for Windows
    32bit and 64bit CDM Drivers

    On Windows 10 i didn't even require any drivers, i simply connected the Cart Flasher for GameBoy to my PC via my phones Micro USB cable and Windows 10 recognised it and set the drivers up automatically for me, however ive included the drivers above as it's likely you might need them on older versions of Windows.

    Windows 10 recognises the Cart Flasher as a USB Serial Port:


    With the Cart Flasher connected via USB simply load up the GB Cart Flasher software and you should see it has recognised the device is connected via USB:


    Insert the game cartridge you wish to backup a save of or dump a rom of and click "Cart Info", you will see the info about the game cartridge is displayed to the right:


    Take note of the rom size and ram size displayed to the right, as you will need to set the FLASH and RAM size to the left.

    So in this example the ROM size is 1MB, so this means the FLASH size is 1024KB (1MB = 1024KB) and the RAM size is 32KB:


    Now we have set the correct FLASH and RAM sizes, we can read or write to the RAM on the GameBoy game cartridge, esentially backing up or restoring our save games.

    Clicking "Read RAM" will backup the savegame on the game cartridge to your PC, you will simply be asked for a file name, then it will be backed up.

    Clicking "Write RAM" will ask you to select a save game on your PC to write to the game cartridge, so you might have a save game you have downloaded from the internet you wish to write to your physical cartridge:


    This is a pretty quick process only taking a few seconds.

    In addition to backing up your savegame you can also dump a rom of your game cartridge, this is done by simply clicking the "Read FLASH button"

    The time to dump a rom of your game will vary depending on the size of it, a 1MB game took 2 mins 11 seconds to dump and a 2MB game took exactly double the time at 4 mins 22 seconds.

    Now if you have a Flash Cartridge you can also write a rom back to it by clicking "Write Flash" you can't write to a standard game cartridge, it has to be a special Flash Card. You can purchase a 2MB or 4MB Flash Cart from J.Rodrigo also. I don't know if other flash cards will work with the Cart Flasher for GameBoy or not:


    Finally you can erase a flash cart by clicking "Erase Flash" or erase a save game from any game cartridge by clicking "Erase Ram":


    That's all their really is to it, everything is really user friendly.

    To test your save game has dumped ok make sure its named the same as the ROM image
    e.g. Gold.GB and Gold.SAV, only the file extensions should be different.

    Now load the ROM in an emulator, all the saves I’ve dumped work fine in Visual Boy Advance or TGB Dual:


    As you can see from the above photo my Pokemon Gold save has been dumped from the cartridge and is working perfectly in the emulator Visual Boy Advance.

    You could now even do a GameBoy save transfer to the Nintendo 3DS
    if you happen to have a 3DS capable of running homebrew.

    I hope this has helped you to discover a modern, easy way to backup your GameBoy and GameBoy Colour games using modern hardware and versions of Windows. This is certainly a much easier method than what i recently used to trade some 17 Year Old Pokemon to the new Sun / Moon games.

    Some images of the Images of the Cart Flasher for GameBoy:

    gb-cart-flasher-dumper-save-backup-windows10-review-2.jpg gb-cart-flasher-dumper-save-backup-windows10-review-3.jpg gb-cart-flasher-dumper-save-backup-windows10-review-4.jpg gb-cart-flasher-dumper-save-backup-windows10-review-5.jpg gb-cart-flasher-dumper-save-backup-windows10-review-6.jpg

    I think this is a great independently developed product, it's not made by a company or anything, just someone at home with a passion for electronics from what i gather.

    The device is powered via USB and has a green power light, so you know when its on. When you are reading from a cartridge you have a red and blue light which come on to show activity is happening.

    The Cart Flasher for GameBoy is certainly a very nice little device and feels like a quality product. If you are looking for a modern solution to backup GameBoy or GameBoy colour saves i'd certainly recommend it.

    The alternatives require an old PC with a parallel port, running Windows 95 to XP and hardware which has not been manufactured for the last decade now. You can see the old process in my old guide on how to backup GameBoy and GameBoy Colour save games from retail cartridges.

    The Cart Flasher for GameBoy is about as easy as its ever going to get in my opinion.

    Attached Files:

    Deoxyz likes this.
  2. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    It's really too bad that this is being made years too late. At this point the demand is probably a bit low, most people with childhood games would have needed this years ago, but chances are their save files are gone by now and they don't really have an use for this.

    Good price though, hopefully these keep being made (even if on-demand or something) because I'd be interested in having one at some point since GB/C is the only Nintendo handheld for which I can't read/write saves nor dump roms right now.
  3. fabio00

    fabio00 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Can someone test something for me?
    I just bought this and it works like a charm but my Pokémon Crystal game name is "PM CRYSTAL BYTE", just worried since I bought the game second handed and I'm a little bit afraid it may not be legit. If someone could see if the game name is the same as mine it would be nice, thanks

    EDIT: Btw I can't load the save on an emulator and then put it back in the cartridge, it gives me a "bad file size" error...
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't have my Crystal game to hand at the moment, however the easiest thing to do would be to check the SHA1 of your dump. HashCalc is good for this if your on Windows.

    If its untouched you should have one of the following SHA1 hashes for an English game.

    Crystal English USA / Europe: f4cd194bdee0d04ca4eac29e09b8e4e9d818c133
    Crystal English USA / Europe 1.1: f2f52230b536214ef7c9924f483392993e226cfb
    fabio00 likes this.
  5. fabio00

    fabio00 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Thanks a lot, it turned out to be v.11 :P
  6. Icelordcryo

    Icelordcryo Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    just tried to boot up the ROM image I took from my old Oracle of Seasons cartage, everything seemed to transfer to the PC well enough, but the provided emulator keeps crashing the moment I try to load the ROM image. Any idea what's going on? (Also tried it with PKM Gold with the same result)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Check the SHA1 of your dump to a known good dump, does your SHA1 match anything? it's possible they could be bad dumps.
  8. Icelordcryo

    Icelordcryo Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    how to I check the SHA1? Sorry, don't have any experience with ROMs.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  10. Icelordcryo

    Icelordcryo Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Got it working! Was a simple issue of not making the FLASH size big enough in the GB Cart settings.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  11. difad

    difad New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    how you made it working ?
  12. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    I think they're referring to the size and settings of the save file. Some games don't seem to care much but others ie pokemon seem to be very very sensitive to it and sometimes wont even run if the settings are incorrect. This is my experience with games on emulators but I think it also lies true with flashcarts. Also I noticed that theres 3 different types of batterys where you buy on the site each one being specific to certain games, that most definitely plays a part too.
  13. aquariu

    aquariu New Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Hi, I want t play some GBC games can someone suggest good GBC Emulators for playing on PC, I'm little new at this and any good suggestion or some youtube tutorial would help. Thanks.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  14. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Visual boy advanced and its variations are the most popular gameboy advanced players, it also plays gameboy color games no problem, only thing is its no longer under development so several other people have picked it up and started adding features to it. I want to say the most up to date variation is vba-m but I might be mistaken. Also iirc its no longer possible to get the original vba directly from the person who made it, so there can be a risk getting it elsewhere instead of a variation, most notably some of the rom sites are risky.

    I don't encourage using rom sites to get your roms but if thats how you've decide to do it, and there's no changing your mind, you should avoid using sites that use installers. Installers on these types of sites are notorious for giving malware and pups(potentially unwanted programs).
    aquariu likes this.
  15. Stacy

    Stacy New Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    So, I'm late to this conversation, but it's the only one I've found in days of searching discussing this. I recently got a device like this (mine's called a Flash Boy and was bought on Ebay) for the specific purpose of backing up save games to PC so they aren't wiped by battery loss (if it isn't already too late, which it probably is). But back to the point... I can't get the thing to work.

    I've installed the suggested drivers, and right after an install and reboot I'll get the bot that says:

    GB Cart Flasher version 1.1 started
    Detecting device
    Device connected to: USB
    Device firmware version: 02:10

    But any attempt to get cart info (or do anything else) gives:
    >Error opening COM port

    If I close and restart the program it gets:
    GB Cart Flasher version 1.1 started
    Detecting device
    Device not found!
    Check COM port connection

    with the program having switched to COM4 even though the device is still plugged into USB

    Rebooting the computer doesn't always fix, and sometimes I've had to reinstall the drivers and reboot, but I'm still not getting anywhere. What am I doing wrong? Do I have a bad device or is it a driver issue? I've tried multiple cartridges. Also I am on an Asus K55N laptop in this instance running Windows 8.1
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What com port does it says been assigned if you look in to device manager? you should select USB however.

    Chances are you have a different device if it was purchased on Ebay. What drivers / software were recommended for your device?
  17. Stacy

    Stacy New Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Device manager has an entry for USB Serial Port (COM4) appear when I plug the device into the USB port. Opening properties says manufacturer FTDI and "This device is working properly"

    The device I purchased is this one:

    It came with no instructions, software recommendations, or anything of the sort, and only googling around let me find a mention of someone saying they used the same software as in this thread with one purchased from an auction using the same pictures. The link to software and drivers were the same links as this thread has, but there was no troubleshooting or mention of what to do about the problem I'm having. This was the only thread I could find on how to actually use the software. So I really have no clue what I'm doing with this thing. (All I wanted to do was see if I could save my Pokemon.)
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Its possible this software is incompatible with the hardware you have, can the seller provide any insight on what should be used?

    It could be faulty hardware, however its honestly hard to say with so little info on the product.
  19. Stacy

    Stacy New Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    I tried messaging the seller. The response I got was:
    Flash Boy Cyclone user manual and software driver:

    (User Manual)
    Extraction code: p2t2

    (Chinese software driver)
    extraction code: m2mz

    Win10 special driver:
    Link: extraction code: 6ae8
    There are no files at any of the links. While the sticker on it doesn't match what I see when I google "Flash Boy Cyclone" I'm now googling for the software and drivers that go with that in case they might be compatible.

    Update: the software I tracked down for that says "illegal com port number". This is way beyond my tech level. I guess with no way to prove what they actually sent me there's probably no way to get it to work? Would I be justified in asking for a refund at this point, or did I walk into a setup where they'll just say it's my fault I couldn't figure out how to use it?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    As you purchased it on Ebay i'd just request a refund, i don't think you can really do much more to get it working.

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