Guide to installing Flash on your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 (Jailbroken)

Discussion in 'Mobile Devices' started by Nimrod, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    While Steve Jobs still insists the future of the web is HTML5 without Flash (which it may well be, in the future) right now the web contains lots of Flash Content. Before now, iPhone users had to make do with a half-broken web or having to use special apps (like the Youtube one) to view flash content on the web.

    At least now, there is a choice for users of iPhone. While many Apple zealots will insist Flash on a mobile phone is terrible, it wastes battery and resources and so fourth, for those of us that just want our phones to work on the web, you now can.

    Some clever people managed to port Flash from an Android running 2.2, and get it fully working on the Mobile Safari on iPhone. However, Flash only runs on an ARMv7 processor, so users of the original iPhone or an iPhone 3G will not be able to run this.

    For iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 users, you will have to have your device jailbroken for this to work.

    Step 1: Add the Source to Cydia

    Open your Cydia Application, and select the Manage Tab, and then select sources. At the top you will see an Edit button, tap it then press Add. You then need to add the following source:


    Step 2: Download Frash for iPhone

    Now on Cydia, once it has finished refreshing the new source, you need to go to the search tab, and type in "frash". You should then be presented with two results like in the screenshot below.


    I would recommend the second option, as that will install both the SBSettings Toggle as well as Flash for your iPhone. However, if you are not using SBSettings you will either need to install it, or use the first option above to install without the SBSettings Toggle. The Toggle allows you to turn Flash support on and off on the fly, allowing you to save power when you are not needing it.

    Once installed, your Springboard will need to be restarted, press the Restart Springboard button and enjoy Flash on your iPhone!

    Remember you can use the SBSettings Toggle, which may not show by default, so you will need to change the SBSettings and ensure its enabled and there is space for it on the menu.

    Screenshots of Flash in action on the iPhone:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Trebor likes this.
  2. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    May have to do this later on. Never come in need of flash on my phone though.
  3. Flamzorz

    Flamzorz Addict

    May 29, 2009
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    If only it were on pod touch....
  4. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    It is, if its Jailbroken..

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