Guide to Jailbreak the PS3 with a Xbox 360 NAND reader running PSGroove

Discussion in 'Playstation 3 Guides' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Now this is very interesting, Looouky from Xbox-Scene has figured out that you can use an Xbox 360 NAND reader to jailbreak your PS3.


    How To:

    • Download compiled code for pics 18F modified for USB SPI here.
    • Program the usb spi, following these instruction's Start at “Prepare TIAO 360 USB SPI Interface”
    • Download Stealth Backup Manager.
    • Copy Manager.pkg corresponding to you onto an external drive. (Formatted FAT32)
    • Go to your PS3 and do a complete power cycle. (Turn off completely with switch on back.)
    • Plug in your USB SPI, turn on the switch in back.
    • Power on your PS3 and hit the eject button immediately. (This is the part most people mess up.)
    • If you did it right, you will have two folders on your XMB. One that says “Install Package Files” and another “/app_home/PS3_GAME/”.
    • Plug in your USB drive with the Manager.pkg file. You should now see it in the “Install Package Files” folder. Run it. You should now have Package Manager installed. Once installed remove the external drive.
    • Insert your original PS3 game and run Package Manager. It will ask you whether you want to load it or back it up. Back it up!
    • After a few minutes you’ll have a copy of the game showing up. Select it and it will load it to the XMB menu. Screen will go black and kick you back out to the XMB.
    • On the XMB Hit the game icon and you can now start enjoying the backup copy of your PS3 game.

    Xbox 360 NAND PSGroove Port Download

    An original game in the PS3 is always required to run a backup. It does not matter which original game however.

    Attached Files:

  2. Fudge

    Fudge Resident

    Sep 24, 2010
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    how much for nand reader might jailbreak my friends ps3 but how big are the games?

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