What do you think? Could it simply just be a build of Halo 3 for testing some new maps? Or could there be an expansion pack in the works. I think it will just be a special internal build for testing some new maps.
I don't think it will be an expansion pack.. I think the game is too old now for new stuff. But they may be wating people to get back into the game.
It’s unlikely it’s an expansion pack I agree, however I wouldn’t say the game is that old... it’s not even been a year since it was released! Age of Empires 3 is almost 3 years old and that’s still getting expansion packs so a game is never too old! I believe there is going to be another Halo 3 map pack soon so i think it will be just something to do with them, you never know tho!
Looks to me like all it is, is a dedicated testing build for the new maps. Just a stripped down version of Halo 3, using the new 1.2 system and only consisting of multiplayer with the new maps loaded.
The only mention I could find of Lego Halo from a reputable source was 1up. Looks like you were April Fooled Ultrakiller .
Mythic isn't, it's only a map pack. Although TU2 is probably the closest Halo will get to an expansion pack, albeit a non-optional one.
I'm looking forward to what TU2 will bring the Halo3 community, I suppose nothing that good, as the majority of my friends are concerned about the ranks reset and the new achievements being related to downloaded content that's still being paid for.. Still I love to see how Bungie is one of the few developers that spends so much time on the community and the fun factor of the game, even when release was somewhat a year ago.
So the ranks are getting reset? I didn’t know that. I know they did this with Halo 2 several times... I never really understood the point... however I ranked up far enough to get the ranks achievement so I’m not too bothered, I know some people are going to go crazy about that though.
I've only seen a few things about the 1.2 update on Bungie's homepage, but clearly all friends/players who were talking about the update, said that it will bring reorganized playlists (like the removal of Rocket Race) to give the important ones more priority and activity, and reset all players ranks (thus not skill levels) to reorganize and make an individual rank for every playlist (just like skill levels already were). I don't see the point for this either, as the true rankers who are like generals and such will lose a lot of status, as they're not able to rank up so quickly again because even if the player has a highest skill level of 40, that won't get him to the highest levels that are mainly based on EXP points instead.. I suppose this whole reorganizing thing will eventually expand the lifetime of the game though, so I don't see it as a real problem, just that the ones with a proud rank will lose a status they've played months for.
Ranks nor skill levels will be reset. You will keep both your highest rank and skill level from before, but now we have separate rank and skill level in each play list. For example, over all you could be a brigadier, but on team slayer you could be a general. Thats what i could gather from what bungie said anyway. Maybe someone get a link form the bungie website, i cba to look!
I was surprised that they didn't reset any ranks or skills after all. Some of the new achievements are a little strange however, it still made me download the Legendary Map Pack after so much time.. I'm not sure if I'll buy the upcoming Mythic pack so quickly.
You gave in and bought it the Legendary Map Pack is free when the next map pack comes out I believe. Would you say the maps are worth buying?
Avalanche is well worth it, especially for Objective based games. Blackout is average at best, Ghost Town is shite.