Sup! I'm donots. I like Realmz and Fantasoft stuff. That got me here, after following this link: Link is... "closed off", though? Says I lack permission to check it, even as a registered user. It redirects me to the following URL: I know this is an intro thread/section, but I'd be extremely glad to get any help or insight on this. Thanks.
Hello Looks like that thread was long killed off. At first I thought what's the problem it works for me, then i noticed its in the deleted content forum. How do you get to that deep link anyways? Is somewhere linking to it? Anyways, is there any specific info you need from it, i could always send you the old thread content - though it looks like the downloads are all gone for it.
The Divinity and Character Editor programs for Realmz ( ) were of interest for me, but if the links are all dead, then that's just sad. I was digging for Realmz content on those 2 particular programs, which are very hard to find in full form. They both are programs exclusive to Mac OS (pre-OS-X), as far as I know. Oh well, thanks for the willingness to help. I appreciate it.