How To Upgrade You're JTAG Console Using Easy freeBOOT 12611 GUI

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Here's a little guide I've made while making a updated 12611 image for my JTAG. As you can see, its fairly simple to follow. The pictures do most of the explaining. ;)

    If you haven't already Download Easy FreeBOOT 12611 GUI from Digiex Download Center

    A friend has informed me that Easy FreeBoot may have problems with 256/512 jaspers and Windows XP

    1.) You're gonna need to open Easy FreeBOOT. (Double Click on EFB.exe)


    2.) Once opened hit Create Image.


    3.) Select you're nand.bin file. It should be your original nand that you use, not an old hacked freeboot one. If you dont have the original nand then I think you can dump a hacked and use the "use donor files" option that is there (You can acquire this using FSD or flash360)


    4.) Enter you're CPU Key. (You can get this by booting into XeLLous and telling this program to get the key)


    5.) Verify that the nand.bin image you selected is what it says it is. As you can see mine is correct! So I hit yes!


    6.) After hitting yes, you should see this screen. Now press any key to begin the process.


    7.) If everything went okay then you should see this saying that fbBuild finished. Press any key to quit.


    8.) Now save you're Updflash.bin.


    9.) All done!


    10.) Now place the image on a flash drive and flash you're 360!
  2. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Nice guide, I have also heard this tool has some problems with Windows XP and Big block Jaspers, it should be and easy for most people who want the easy option to upgrade now.

    You, Nutter and Slim have done some great guides.
  3. Mike Mike

    Mike Mike New Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    The output contains some "***** could not read "
    is this normal?
    P.S. Thank you for the hard work on this app, it is exactly what I was looking for :)

         fbBuild v0.01
    verbose set to level 1
    output name overridden to: .\FreeBootImage.bin
    Writing initial header to flash image
    Loading bootloaders
    reading .\bin\payload.bin (0x200 bytes)
    reading .\data\\smc.bin (0x3000 bytes)
    reading .\data\\kv.bin (0x3ff0 bytes)
    reading .\data\cb_5770.bin (0x8e40 bytes)
    reading .\data\cd_5770.bin (0x56c0 bytes)
    reading .\data\ce_1888.bin (0x5606a bytes) padding to (0x56070 bytes)
    reading .\data\cf_4532.bin (0x44c0 bytes)
    reading .\data\cg_4532.bin (0x2ef40 bytes)
    reading .\data\cf_12611.bin (0x4450 bytes)
    reading .\data\cg_12611.bin (0x5fa10 bytes)
    reading .\bin\freeboot.bin (0xae0 bytes)
    reading .\bin\patches_falcon.bin (0x90c bytes)
    **** ldv line 3 set to 00 f0 type: 3
    reading .\bin\xell-2f.bin (0x38a60 bytes)
    reading .\data\cb_5771.bin (0x9340 bytes)
    reading .\data\cd_8453.bin (0x5780 bytes)
    Encrypting bootloaders...done!
    Copying crypted bootloaders into flash image...done!
    Fixing up FS table...done!
    Writing zeropair CG patch slot overflow data to sysupdate.xexp1...done!
    Writing target CG patch slot overflow data to sysupdate.xexp2...done!
    reading .\data\aac.xexp2 (0x4000 bytes)
    reading .\data\bootanim.xex (0x55000 bytes)
    reading .\data\createprofile.xex (0xc000 bytes)
    reading .\data\dash.xex (0x5e4000 bytes)
    reading .\data\deviceselector.xex (0x9000 bytes)
    reading .\data\gamerprofile.xex (0x1a000 bytes)
    reading .\data\hud.xex (0x1f000 bytes)
    reading .\data\huduiskin.xex (0x11000 bytes)
    reading .\data\mfgbootlauncher.xex (0x8000 bytes)
    reading .\data\minimediaplayer.xex (0xc000 bytes)
    reading .\data\nomni.xexp2 (0xb000 bytes)
    reading .\data\nomnifwm.xexp2 (0x5000 bytes)
    reading .\data\signin.xex (0x12000 bytes)
    reading .\data\updater.xex (0x8000 bytes)
    reading .\data\vk.xex (0x9000 bytes)
    reading .\data\xam.xex (0x213000 bytes)
    reading .\data\xenonclatin.xtt (0x11b000 bytes)
    reading .\data\xenonclatin.xttp2 (0x18000 bytes)
    reading .\data\xenonjklatin.xtt (0x1a8000 bytes)
    reading .\data\xenonjklatin.xttp2 (0x7000 bytes)
    reading .\data\ximecore.xex (0x15000 bytes)
    reading .\data\ximedic.xex (0x90000 bytes)
    reading .\data\ximedic.xexp2 (0x2800 bytes)
    ***** could not read .\data\launch.xex, skipping *****
    ***** could not read .\data\lhelper.xex, skipping *****
    reading .\data\\crl.bin (0x9b0 bytes)
    writing as crl.bin to flash
    ***** could not read .\data\\dae.bin, skipping *****
    reading .\data\\extended.bin (0x3ff0 bytes)
    writing as extended.bin to flash
    ***** could not read .\data\\fcrt.bin, skipping *****
    reading .\data\\odd.bin (0x40 bytes)
    writing as odd.bin to flash
    reading .\data\\secdata.bin (0x400 bytes)
    writing as secdata.bin to flash
    reading .\data\\smc_config.bin (0x4000 bytes)
    Fixing up empty FS block entries...done!
    Writing FS table to image...fstable writing to: e08000
    calculating ECD bytes...done!
    writing file '.\FreeBootImage.bin' to disk...done!
    .\FreeBootImage.bin written OK
    .\FreeBootImage.bin built, info:
    console  : falcon
    NAND size: 16MiB
    (keys removed)
        fbBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
    press <enter> to quit...
  4. Adrenalin

    Adrenalin New Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    this is a great tutorial and i appreciate the effort.
    i recently bought a jtag machine from someone but i didn't get a copy of the original nand. is it still possible for me to update the freeboot and dash following this method?
    could you explain to me or point me to a link on how to do that.

    i've never messed with a jtag machine before, but i'm anxious to update the dash to use it with kinect.

    thanks again!
  5. Richie Wheatley

    Richie Wheatley New Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    If you have FSD 2 on you USB/HDD then you can use the utility to get a copy of your NAND onto a usb stick (or media of your choice)... I've don't it this morning but got stuck on the Easy Freeboot software, getting an error sysupdate.xexp1 ERROR: Unhandled exception....
  6. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
  7. DvineD

    DvineD Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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  8. kaymm2

    kaymm2 New Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    This guide worked great! I have a Jasper 512MB 360 and was on dashboard 9199. I dumped my freeboot 9199 nand (didn't have original) with Flash360 (I did it 3 times and checked to see they all matched). dumps were about 500MB in size. Then I used easy freeboot to make a new .bin file then flashed with Flash360 (Raw Flash without keeping current kv/config). I had some error about WARNING: Keyvault encrypted data check mismatch" and "WARNING: Your current nand is not the ZeroPaired." but I continued anyways and it worked. Then I downloaded the SystemUpdate 12611 from MS and updated my 360 with it. Now I'm on 12611. Awesome! Thanks

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