Internet Trolling Reaches Epidemic Proportions

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Popcorn, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Popcorn

    Popcorn Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    Internet trolling has become widespread in our lives. I hear frequently on the news about how some Facebook troll has got in to the minds of grieving mothers and families and put them though an unquestionable amount of suffering. Just to satisfy some thrill they have because they, in real life are not the person they want to be.

    It just goes to shows the amount of illegitimate uses of trademarks and copyright (Glad we finally adhere to copyright laws here and that our admin team are focused on protecting this forum from such attacks). Further, the trolling activity of some people online has become a bit too much for me to stomach of late, There has been a lot on the British news about how people have set up fake accounts to dishonour the dead. I do remember a young lad who killed himself because of a trolling attack that went on for hours in his room. Little did his parent know what was going on in his room on that computer that night. He was found dead in the hours that followed.

    I am really haunted by the recent surge of internet trolling (cyber-bullying). The walls around the online world seem to be closing around us, and it would seem that the few of us who really use the internet to better ourselves with the vast knowledge base that the internet provides are going to pay the price. Just look at china they sensors the internet for their general population. I do not nor have I ever claimed to know anything about why they do this in china, but it would seem that the basic principles of what the internet stood for a going to the trenches. When I was first introduced to the internet I was told that it was freedom in its purest form.

    It would seem that some of the people among us are too fascinated by the fact there are not in our proximity, that they can hide behind their computer screens and feel that there are no real consequences for their actions. Me personally I try not use social media although I do have accounts on both Facebook and Twitter. I dread to think for what is in store the next generation of internet users. We my friends have truly peeked into a world where there have been almost no rules. Where freedom was a core value and some of us have messed it up for generation to come.

    I can now see where the internet is going; the days of internet privacy are gone. Say hello to your new online police officers patrolling the World Wide Web. A new crack force of geeks that at their computers armed to the teeth with 100GB of RAM and GHz processors with 50Tbps internet connection. Searching through all your data looking for that one thing, that needle in the virtual haystack.

    Me personally I am going to stick to the real world with my family and friends and use the internet how it was envisioned all that time ago. For sharing your ideas and knowledge and creating an online society were, what should be the core values of our race, become reality

    Thanks for reading

  2. oO Flowzilla Oo

    oO Flowzilla Oo Addict

    Jul 23, 2011
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    I like to troll every now and then. Not bully but troll.
    Popcorn likes this.
  3. Mr.Needlemouse

    Mr.Needlemouse Resident

    Aug 7, 2010
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    dont feed the trolls 220px-DoNotFeedTroll.svg.png
    Popcorn likes this.
  4. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Trolling and Bullying are two entirely different things, sure they are negative but trolling is just like annoying people on forums or YouTube comment sections.

    I admit I like trolling sometimes on IGN new videos just to get fanboys worked up and pretend to be a fanboy too. It's kinda fun. :P
    Popcorn likes this.
  5. Popcorn

    Popcorn Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    Yeah what i am on about goes a whole lot further people have commented on dead baby pages and some people have even killed themselves as a result of trolling. I remember not too long ago a troll got caught out when a boxer turned up to a troll's house, who had been making vile comments about his wife and baby. such as raping her while the baby was watching and such. so if you can see where i am coming from its getting to the point were its not just fun. winding someone up in a bit of harmless fun is OK in small doses but it seems to be getting really extreme with some people who only have big mouths.
  6. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    I got today a jerk threatening me he'd terminate my account because of the cyber-bullying, ugh, what a moron that was trolling. People are really stupid if they can't figure out the difference between bullying and trolling.

    He did get me one strike on my account at least, so he accomplished something for no good reason. I guess he really feels his favourite console is worth defending. The kind of trolling I was doing was randomly attacking fanboys and getting reactions out of them, of course the most retard of all felt the need to take action.

    Oh well, doesn't really matter my trolling fix has been filled and in six months time that'll be taken off.

    By the way, I think he was Italian or something, but who cares. lol
    Popcorn likes this.
  7. thekorngear

    thekorngear Resident

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Came back after a long time to say hello and it is a gift for me to have such essential writing. I f*cking hate Most of the Youtube comments- full of trolls. God, thanks- there was one plug-in called comment snob.
    I like this thing very much-
    Had it been that way there would have been much less amount of trolls around us.
    Popcorn likes this.

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