Just want to bring some attention to the JJ2 clan ladder. As some already might know, Digiex is hosting this ladder. www.jazzjackrabbit.net The site and ladder are kinda new. But we are growing and are now hoppefully able to broadcast matches live! If you have not played this game, then download it here on digiex! We have great fun with this old 2D game.
the ladder is coming along very well. I am most impressed with all the new features being added including live broadcasts, download sections all handcoded
We use software to emulate a webcam from what's showed on screen, then we broadcast at mogulus.com ^^ The recorded videos are just hypercam/fraps/whatever + youtube
Ah I see, that’s an interesting idea, I’m going to have to keep checking to see if a live match is going on. I’m a bit behind when it comes to JJ2 stuff, not played for quite a long time now
JazzJackrabbit.net and "the crew" is organizing a CTF duel-tourney. There will be prizes for the top 3 players (specially designed T-shirts). If the player belongs to a clan, that clan will be awarded under "awards" here on jjnet. You need to be fast signing up for this tourney, because there is a 32 player limit!