The matches of JJ2 National Cup 2011 is being broadcasted live with commentators on the Digiex hosted site Next match to be played is Finland - Poland august 19th: 20.00 (GDT+1) Direct link to the broadcast, here. Also, if you don't have this game. Get it here. But be sure to install plus. (or you can use this to automatically install plus along with JJ2)
Just to be clear: You don't need the game to watch the broadcast. DZ just wants you to download it anyway, because it pwns.
I might watch, its been many years since i played JJ2. Great to see the game is still active, even today
I watched part of a battle on sunday, the commentary was a good addition to the video. JJ2 has changed a lot since i played, i never knew it had a spectator mode or the ability to pause an online battle, the infamous 1.25 patch finally get released?