From what ive been reading on-line here in the UK we loose out if we are on the beta dash and convert our MS points to real money. Apparently you get less than the MS points are worth and the prices of games are more in real money than the MS points equivalent. I hadn't been on the Xbox yet to update to the new dash, so went on and was still able to purchase games with MS points, at the normal prices. So i've simply spent my remaining points and am now about to take the dash update I purchased Battleblock Theater, (1200 points) a game ive been planning to purchase since the beta. I also got Doodle Jump Kinect as it looks a lot of fun for only 400 points, that leaves me with 80 points, so not really much to loose out with the bad value in the conversion process.
It looks as if the latest prices are a 'mistake'. Whats more likely is this was intentional and they hoped no one would notice.
Microsoft makes terrible moves but how exactly did they expect no one to notice it? It was so obvious and annoying that if I wanted to purchase an XBLA it'd cost me more than 800 MSP even though originally I'd just pay 800 and be done with it. Now it's £8.99 what a rip-off. Even without Don Mattrick Microsoft isn't doing any better.
lol tried the beta with my old console and a fake account. had 100 MS points and their convert it to 1,44 Euro..... but 100 MS are 1,50 Euro! M$ you stole my 6 cents.....
I read that they'll refund people who're in the beta after the dashboard beta is finalised so that's.. In the winter. They'll refund the small rip-offs they have now. I wish I could revert to the normal dashboard. -.-"