Hello and good afternoon or evening (depending on where you are) I would like to say thanks for having me and also I will do what I can to make this community what it was. mostly I see is malicious intent towards others. But I do not agree with that, most do so to new modders but fail to remember they too once were a new modder. So you can count on me to give all I can and share only helpful tips so that any and all can gain even a bit of what I can offer. thank you for taking the time to read this. If you did make it to the end comment cotton candy grapes lol (they are real and I hear are super delicious)
Good to see a lending hand, sucks the 360 scene is pretty dead but there is always people looking for a modded console, and you are right, some people dont wanna help or are rude to new people looking to have fun, so its always great to see helpful members
yea it feels as if it is dead, but tbh, I don't want it to die so everyday I'm doing my part to sell RGH consoles and get more (good) modders to get this kickin again. I have only modded a bit over a year and just recently started to check out sites about mods. Funny to see peoples reactions when they find out there is SOOO much more that these consoles can do than just mod on GTA or BO2. I may not have been around for the glory of modding when it began, but I do plan on being here until nobody else has anything we can mod lol (there's always something lol)
sounds like your passionate for xbox heh i know what you mean, 360 is my favorite console and im currently developing a homebrew history app for it https://digiex.net/threads/xenon360-history-app.15597/ Im about to release v2.0 today or tomorrow actually I also collect stupid rare xbox stuff like alpha kits and early builds and unfinished games that were cancelled. Matter of fact, the owner here, InsaneNutter is UBER cool and was so kind to help me setup my own site to document and preserve the development side of the 360 days my site is running on the Digiex servers. https://digiex.net/threads/gunz4hires-collection.15477/#post-81032 MYWEBSITE: https://protoplanet.us/
well InsaneNutter I appreciate all you do and have done and also continue to do! if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to ask. I just got back home and got my son settled in with dinner and homework out of the way so I will go check out your site as it sounds super cool!! I like to make banners for modders and custom pictures, just recently I began making banner videos. As far as developing, well I would love to learn to code but I think I'm getting too old to learn a new language lol. I have been messing around with the gta folders and doing stuff with changing textures
We do our best to be as welcoming to everyone on Digiex, everyone has to start out somewhere. Anything I know computing wise is basically self taught, or i've learned from others who know more than myself via the internet. We do encourage people to share the knowledge where possible in the guides and review section of Digiex. Likewise i'm big on preserving / keeping available apps, rare downloads and homebrew content in the Digiex Download Center. A lot of consoles hacking sites have been and gone over the years, so we do our best to keep these otherwise hard downloads available and accessible to all. Game mods is actually something we don't really have much of in our Xbox 360 Downloads section, so if you ever have time to start posting them, your most welcome to. I can easily add a new category for them. Either way I hope you enjoy your time on Digiex.
well thank yall for making me feel welcome. I'm not sure if anyone here still plays gta (I do lol) but if anyone has any specific requests as to what they want to see as far as textures I am open to suggestions. this is the jester liveries and I'm going to put some other items such as bullets, crew name, emblem just to name a few. the slamvan truck that has horrible breaks but looks BadAss is another one I'm gonna edit, instead of the normal wood bed on the truck, I am going to make it have a lava texture to it