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Pokemon GEN1 Legit Club Nintendo Norway Mew Event Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 22, 2019.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    About the Club Nintendo Norway Mew:

    This is a legit Norway Mew for GEN 1 Pokemon games, distributed by Club Nintendo.

    TID: 10595

    The Club Nintendo Mew distribution ran in Norway from October 15th 2000, to November 20th 2000 and required you to be a Club Nintendo member to receive a Mew.

    Club Nintendo members could post their game cartridge to Club Nintendo, Nedre Rommen 5, 0988 OSLO. Once the cartridge was received by Nintendo a Mew would be distributed to it, before the game cartridge was posted back.

    This Mew was obtained by @Golden Toilette back when he was 9 years old. So do send a big thanks his way for preserving this Mew 19 years later and allowing me to share it on Digiex for all to enjoy.

    Golden Toilette also had the Norwegian Club Nintendo Issue 3 magazine which detailed information about the Norway Mew Distribution:

    club-nintendo-norway-magazine-issue-3-mew.jpg club-nintendo-norway-magazine-issue-3-mew-info.jpg

    The article has also been translated in to English by Golden Toilette:



    norway-mew-1.jpg norway-mew-2.jpg

    The Norway Mew is at level 100, however it is easy for anyone interested to revert it back to distribution state with Pkhex: just set level to 5, set all EVs to 0 and set moves 2, 3 and 4 to "None".


    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Norway Mew From Club Nintendo Norway Event [Save] Download - This is Golden Toilette's Pokemon Yellow save game, with the Norway Mew in the PC, trained to level 100.

    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Norway Mew [Level 5] From Club Nintendo Norway Event - This is the PK1 of the Norway Mew, reverted to its original distributed state and extracted from the save game.

    Pokemon GEN1 Legit Norway Mew [Level 100] From Club Nintendo Norway Event - This is the PK1 of the Norway Mew, simply extracted from the save game.
  2. fabio00

    fabio00 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    One more event preserved. Thanks a lot!!! :D
  3. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    muchas gracias por preservar este extraño maullido
  4. PawsofHorror

    PawsofHorror Active Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    This is crazy just a few years ago completing the dex in game boy games was possible only with cheats but now there are so many legit events available, specially for mew! Too bad this one ain't untouched, not sure if pkhex will restore it completely to the original state it was when the owner received it. I don't know if each Pokemon has its unique data and whatnot like each file has its own checksums just to make you understand what I'm talking about and if we modify the file the checksums change too so if by lvling up the Pokemon or teaching it moves or increasing the evs with normal gameplay maybe the data changes and pkhex can't restore it to it's initial data? Okay my head will explode
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020

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