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Pokemon GEN1 Legit YOSHIBA Mew From 1999 ToysRus Distribution [Red, Blue, Yellow] Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The Mew contained in this save file is legit and was obtained from a ToysRus distribution in 1999.

    The save attached to this post contains a Mew owned by Cirellio, who suloku found over at nintendoage forums. He worked at Toys R Us at Peoria (US) during Christmas holiday season in 1999 and was in charge of Mew distribution for that Toys R US. Unlike other distributions made with Mew machine, this one was made via direct trade with a gameboy such as this one:


    He also traded one to his own game, and fortunately enough, he was able to dump the savegame after all this years. What's more interesting about this distribution is the question "were those direct trade Mews also clones with the same DV values as the Mew machines?". The answer is yes, even before the Mew machines were used DVs were already fixed.

    The only Mew that might have scaped this would be the NINTEN Mew distributed via Nintendo Power, the very first USA distribution. I've read a very old post form an user claiming that these direct trade Mews were all 1:1 clones (all the Mews in the cartridge were exactly the same one, even ID#).

    This user posted that Mew's OT and ID#, but the ID is different from Cirelli's Mew, so either they were not all clones or each Toys R Us got a different ID#, or maybe each box of Mews had different ID#. I guess the probability of finding someone with two of those cartridge distribution Mews from the same event for confirmation is nearly null.

    About this Mew:

    ID: 47310
    DVs: 5(hp)/10(atk)/1(def)/5(spe)/12(spd)
    Contributor: Cirellio

    This Mew is not untouched, however remember you can use PkHex to revert the Mew to a "distribution state" at level 5, no stat experience and pound as it's only move.

    If you want an untouched Mew then the Pokemon GEN1 Legit YOSHIRB Mew Save From 1999 ToysRus Distribution might be what you are after.

    Also this is a Pokémon Yellow savegame and Pokemon Yellow wasn't out when the distribution took place. Cirellio traded the Mew over to that cartridge from his blue prior to dumping the save.

    Legitimate Mews for GEN1 Pokemon games are extremely rare these days, due to the fact the save games on Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow game cartridges get erased when the battery inside the game cartridge runs out.

    More information on this event can be read on Bulbapedia.


    The save below is compatible with Pokemon Yellow USA or European versions of the game and can be:

    You can of course trade the Mew from this save game to your own Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow save game, or even import it in to Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal.


    Pokemon GEN1 Legit YOSHIBA Mew Save From 1999 ToysRus Distribution Download [Used YOSHIA Mew]


    Mew-YOSHIBA-1999-Toys-R-Us-Legit-Event-1.jpg Mew-YOSHIBA-1999-Toys-R-Us-Legit-Event-2.jpg

    Attached Files:

    gatekeeper1122 and InfiniteWL like this.
  2. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    The title had me getting exited because I thought it meant the actual Mew-packed savefile used for the distribution was finally dumped.

    This is still good for archival purposes though (Y)
  3. Agree with it. Another Mew from the first Generation. I hope some more will find its way to the surface.
  4. InfiniteWL

    InfiniteWL New Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I must say... thank you once again for another save file containing a legit Mew (Y)
    One thing I never knew was that we could revert a pokemon to its original stats using PkHex, I had a hard time trying to do that, but it worked. Apparently to do that you have to manually edit the pokemon by changing its level, removing current attacks and all EV's.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    All credit to Cirellio and Suloku :)

    I learned something there too, I believe its because GEN 1 Pokemon are simple compared to later generations. However i've never been one for editing Pokemon with save editors regardless so my knowledge in this area is a bit limited!
    InfiniteWL likes this.
  6. InfiniteWL

    InfiniteWL New Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Oh yeah, true... all credit to Cirellio and Suloku :D
    I've noticed that editing gen 1 and 2 pokemon is a lot more simple than later Gens too. My knowledge is also limited when it comes to save editing... when I was trying to revert Mew's level and stats, at first I was trying to find a button that could do all that in a split of sec lol. But! I figured it out that there was no such thing then I tried to do everything manually and it worked. It was my very first time using PkHex though.
  7. duncs07

    duncs07 New Member

    Jul 18, 2022
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    Has anyone found a mew on a save file that can be transferred through poke transporter?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The only Mew that can from Gen 1 / 2 is the 3DS Virtual Console GF Mew.
    duncs07 and AlamosIT like this.
  9. alan smith

    alan smith New Member

    Jul 16, 2022
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    quite right!;)
  10. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Awesome stuff!

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