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Pokemon GEN1 Legit YOSHIRB Mew From 1999 ToysRus Distribution [Red, Blue, Yellow] Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The Mew contained in this save file is legit and was obtained from a ToysRus distribution in 1999.

    The first 1,500 customers at each Toys "R" Us store around the United States received a special 'Peel & Win' sticker card on November 26, 1999. 200 at each store contained the text "Caught Me!" underneath, which allowed players to receive a Mew from December 8 to 12, 1999.

    Legitimate Mews for GEN1 Pokemon games are extremely rare these days, due to the fact the save games on Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow game cartridges get erased when the battery inside the game cartridge runs out. Luckily wilykat from the EverDrive forums had backed has save game up so was able to share this rare Pokemon GEN1 event Pokemon with us.

    More information on this event can be read on Bulbapedia.


    The save below is compatible with Pokemon Blue USA or European versions of the game and can be:

    You can of course trade the Mew from this save game to your own Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow save game, or even import it in to Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal. In addition if you get this save game on to a 3DS you will eventually be able to transfer the Mew to Pokemon Moon and Sun when released for the 3DS later this year.


    Download Pokemon GEN1 Legit Mew Save From ToysRus Distribution [Red, Blue, Yellow]

  2. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    Wow 1999, talk about a blast form the past. Glad someone had the forethought to do this. I can now finally stop asking you to prove you have a Mew, as I can now obtain one for myself after all these years ;) lol
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Haha you not believing I had a Mew is a blast from the past, i'd totally forgotten that!

    As it happens i've just uploaded TGB Dual, a Game Boy emulator that supports trading and works on Windows 10! Happy trading ;)
  4. eisnerguy1

    eisnerguy1 Active Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Thank you for uploading this. I lost my legit Mew when my Red cartridge kicked the bucket a bunch of years back.
  5. Marksamson

    Marksamson New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I'm sorry. Your intentions are beautiful, they truly are. You want to give others a legitimate Mew through a copy of your game save file that you selflessly backed up and have generously given to this community! I commend you for your efforts! I truly do.

    However. At the end of the day, backups are clones because they are duplicate files of the original file.

    There is more to a legit Mew than its raw data. If you were sitting next to me with your Gameboy with your legit Mew that you got at the Toys'R'Us and were going to willingly trade it to me, then I would consider THAT legitimate. What you have here, is a clone. Its a COPY of your Mew's data. If I wanted a copy I'd just go gameshark one or something.

    In my eyes, a legitimate Mew is a Mew that was obtained either by A. Going to the event and receiving this Mew First-Hand B. Finding an insanely rare distribution package for RBY and getting your Mew there C. Obtaining this Mew from someone else who already obtained it by A or B by trading for it between two games on the physical Gameboys.

    I know that its ridiculous and borderline unfair at how rare the legitimate Mew is, but in a way, its actually really cool b/c it makes Mew the STUFF OF LEGENDS, as it SHOULD BE. I mean lets face it, if everybody had a cloned RBY Mew, he wouldn't be worth anything. Its his rarity that makes him so beautiful and special, and that's as it should be.

    If you want this Mew for fun, then by no means will I stop you! I don't decide how you enjoy this game. But you're wrong if you think this is the same thing as obtaining THE legendary Mew.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    With a gameshark you are not getting a copy, your getting a Mew with the stats and iv's of a randomly found wild Pokemon, with yourself as the origional trainer, which would never be possible.

    Every Mew ToysRus gave out was a clone, they all have the same stats, iv's, trainer id and ot. So what you have here is the exact same end result as going to ToysRus back in the 90's and recicveing a Mew from a distribution machine. Nintendo's machines gave clones of one master Mew, that is exactly what you are getting here, just a "modern" way of going about the same end result.

    If i posted up a save with my Blastoise and other Pokemon i trained to level 100, I would concider that Blastoise a clone if anyone else took a copy of it. It would be very unlikly, but not impossible for someone to end up with a Blastoise that has the exact same stats, nickname, ot, trainer id and moves as my Blastoise.

    I can respect what your saying though, the story behind how someone would obtain this Mew is not it's not legit in the sense the Mew came from a savegame on the internet, however the data of the Mew is legit as it's exactly the same as every Mew ToysRus ever distributed.

    I can certainly respect your viewpoint though. In later GEN's Mew is not that rare, i've got various Mew's from vrious distributions. Plus anyone with enogh time can get one from My Pokemon Ranch even today. However in GEN 1 so few people had a chance to get a Mew so is very rare in that sense.
    PurpleFishstick and HaxAras like this.
  7. Marksamson

    Marksamson New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Nintendo's definition of what constitutes a legit Mew is law. Definitions are not opinions, they are facts. Certificates of Authenticity were given to trainers who received Mew at the Toys'R'Us distribution events. Nintendo defines a fraudulent Mew as any Mew that was/is not paired with a CoA. You simply cannot argue with facts.

    Still, I respect your willingness to let others have a shadow of what once was. It is the closest thing that people will ever have, even if it isn't technically authentic. If people want the Mew, then all the more power to them! Your SAV file is the closest thing that one could have from an original, and that is generous of you to let people have this file. You have a good heart to do that for others, and that's heart warming.

    Essentially I'm just a god-tier sentimentalist when it comes down to it, lol.
  8. This was the first save file with an event Pokemon (in this case a Mew) that i found. Was on another forum though. And its even in its original distribution state. Awesome.
  9. PurpleFishstick

    PurpleFishstick New Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    Joined this forum specifically to say thanks for uploading this, you are a gem among humans and my inner 10 year old can finally be at peace.
    Legooolas likes this.
  10. Legooolas

    Legooolas New Member

    Nov 10, 2024
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    Really amazing! I am really thankful for the effort to make this dream come true!
    I remember playing yellow back in the day and capturing every pokemon I could in that version, and even managed to trade some of the missing pokemon from my version.

    But Mew was just a dream that I could never accomplish, I remember just walking in Pallet looking at all the tall grass in the left outskirts of the city, imagining that if I could manage to get there maybe I could find mew there or some pokemon I don't have.

    I also remember seeing the last pokeball from Oak in his table, imagining if he would somehow give to me (it was just there and I couldn't have another starter!) it was so frustrating

    Then I read in a magazine about the Mew distribution and I begged my mom to take me there (even tho I had the old game boy and they probably didn't had the gamelink adapter to send me Mew) but she never took me there, I guess she had no idea how important that was to me.

    And now there he is, the distribution Mew just like he was back in the day and now I can finally have it.

    Thank you so much for making my childhood complete.
  11. Legooolas

    Legooolas New Member

    Nov 10, 2024
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    I managed to move this guy all the way to pokemon home, here the steps I did:
    - Using mgba I traded me this Mew in Pokemon Yellow
    - Using visualBoyAdvance I loaded the save and exported the battery file as Rash file (important to be rash file)
    - Using a CFW 3ds and the checkpoint app for that, I loaded this battery file into VC Pokemon Yellow for 3ds
    - Using PKSM I loaded the Mew in one of the boxes (Pokemon bank won't accept Mew straight from VC Yellow)
    - I retrieved the mew from the box in PKSM into Pokemon Y
    - I loaded mew into a box and sent to Pokemon Bank from Y
    - From Pokemon bank I moved to home.
    AlamosIT likes this.
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Interesting that the Mew can be migrated to from bank to Home if you hack your way past the Poke Transporter check.
    The only one I ever migrated from Gen 1 was the GF Mew.
    AlamosIT likes this.

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