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Pokemon GEN3 Mitsurin, Doel, Aura, Negaiboshi + Nearly Complete Dex Save

Discussion in 'User Playthrough Saves' started by ZLX, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. ZLX

    ZLX Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Hi! Long time lurker, decided to create an account.

    EDIT: I've attached the files now

    This is a (US) Emerald save that I've been playing on for some time, originally intended to complete a Living Dex for Hoenn with everything possible caught in basic PokeBalls

    I backed the save up in 2020 and intended to post it here around then. The external HDD that it was on died shortly after (spoiler: I dropped it :P) and I thought I'd lost it all.

    Well, today I found another copy of it, stowed away in a random directory on another hard drive (redundancy FTW!).

    I'm uploading it here for preservation, and to hopefully contribute to the community.

    I acquired three of these after purchasing a JPN copy of Ruby somewhere between 2019 and 2020.

    The trainer name on it was まーと (Maato (Mart?)). Inside the cartridge, were the following Pokemon, with no other Pokemon (transferred, I assume?):
    • Mitsurin (ミツリン) Celebi
    • Doel Deoxys
    • Aura Mew
    At the time, the copy of Pokemon Ruby was saved at Mauville City, just before getting the 3rd badge.

    I've also received the following in an IRL trade with another player:
    • Negaiboshi (ネガイボシ) Jirachi

    Some things worth noting:
    • I've performed the Battle Tower duplication glitch on Emerald quite a lot, for cloning TMs, items and Pokemon. However, no GameShark or cheats used at all.
    • I have traded it over to Emerald a few days after I received it, and it's been there since there. The intention here was to clone it using the duplication glitch and keep two copies of each, on both Emerald and Ruby.
    • Additionally, I used a duplicate copy of the save to open it in PkHeX to check the validity of these three Pokemon but was unable to fully verify. If I recall correctly, it marked the Celebi as an illegal Pokemon. Not sure if this is because it wasn't in the database or if it actually is illegal or a fake.
    • I think it's also worth noting that I used mGBA to open this up for verifying the integrity of the backed up save file.
    • As for the hardware, I used a GBxCart RW 1.3 Pro, and the software I've used for extracting the save is an old version of FlashGBX.
    • There is also a Ho-oh, Lugia, Jirachi and another Deoxys that I've received through trades IRL.
    • I'm unsure about the origin of the Jirachi. Upon referencing Serebii, the OT seems to imply it's from a 2003 event in Japan. I do not know about its authenticity.
    • However, Ho-oh, Lugia and Deoxys seem to be from in-game events such as Birth Island and Navel Rock.
    • The save file on the Pokemon Ruby is still intact. I have not reset it, although I did finish the story on it and left it there.

    I've no idea how to check their authenticity, but they seem to be completely untouched as far as I know, except maybe the Negaiboshi Jirachi which is at Lv.100* (*not Lv.10; typo) at the moment, with met level being Lv.5.

    • Traded_Events.zip contains the four event Pokemons picked out separately with PkHeX, if anyone wants to take a look at them.
    • Emerald_Save.zip contains the full save file. Lanette's PC is very messy, so be warned :P

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
    KANTO LOVER and InsaneNutter like this.

    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    Great, I wish more old pokemon save files with rare event pokemons comes in like this here.
    ZLX likes this.
  3. ZLX

    ZLX Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Same here. Some of them do seem to pop up once in a while.

    I've also recently spotted a listing with another Pokemon Ruby cart with someone claiming to sell it with a save containing a Hadou Regirock and a few other event 'mons in it.

    No idea how legitimate they were though; the seller was from Japan and the screenshots looked like they were taken from an emulator, unless they'd backup it up to the PC or something.

    I wasn't exactly in a position to purchase it. It might still be up I think; haven't checked it since.

    However, if I see a local listing in the future, I'll try to see if I can grab it and share it here.
  4. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Please post that listing, the hadou pokemon need researched lol
  5. ZLX

    ZLX Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Sure thing. Allow me a moment to pass it over.
  6. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    If they're posting screenshots from an emulator sounds like they'd probably be selling multiple of that same save of ruby on different carts. That doesn't mean the pokemon or save is illegitamite but sounds rather scummy to sell a cart and not disclose that if thats indeed what they're doing. Scummy or not if we get to preserve them and they are legit (save clones or not) that is nice. Recently though people have been selling repo carts of event or modified event roms. I wouldn't be suprised if this trend exists outside the English speaking community too.
  7. ZLX

    ZLX Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    I agree with you on that, and that's a good point regarding the legitimacy.

    Well, the good news is, I ended up purchasing that listing a few hours later. Decided to take the chance. At worst, I'll probably just have another copy of Ruby haha :-$

    I'll post an update once it arrives (yn)
  8. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Be sure to back up the save before attempting to confirm its not a repo cart. If it is a repo cart and you try to transfer pokemon to gen 4 just to see if theres the option some people have said that it can delete the save same with beating Elite 4 and some other misc actions. Would be really unfortunate to buy a game for the save and to lose it in an instant.
    ZLX likes this.
  9. ZLX

    ZLX Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Odds are the cart itself is legit, as it's a non-English (JP) copy.

    Either way, I'll be sure to back the save up before touching anything on the save file at all. Thanks for the heads-up :)

    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    Taking scrennshots from emulators are not all fake.Some people find it easy to dump save file in the PC and use emulator to take screenshots. All it matters the legitimate of the pokemon and oldness of the save in that save file. But,Gen 3 savitar files are hard to determine tho. Btw, i also got a HG japanese catridge that i purchased from a second hand site which i dumped here already sincw this save file has lot of rare event pokemons and stacked with rare stuff. Usually the old pokemons games that people bought are either not worthy save file with just usual stuff or no save file at all . Like, u said give a close check before purchasing anything as some might be just counterfeit of the event pokemon if you are solely aiming for that only in save file
    ZLX likes this.

    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    Also forgot to mention i do find a misturin celebi and 2006 or 2005 tanataba jirachi inthe heartgold save file i posted.
  12. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Some people feel that transfered pokemon are less pristine than pokemon that have stayed within gen 3 because they lack some original junk data they get in gen 3. Still I think its a wondeful think you perserved them. Thank you!
    KANTO LOVER likes this.

    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    Yeah, i know that. Some people just want to see it in gen 3 format. Emerald cloning giltch helped a lot that days to keep pokemon in gen3.so lot of people would have perserved still more rare pokemons. As far i know from seeing ppsts here almost all gen 3 pokemons are covered and available in 1 way or another. Only ones still are Hadou regi rocks, some japanese event absol or pichu(i only remember yhese 2) are yet needed to be get. Btw i also forget to mention XD demo Metang japanese(which is evolved to metagross) is also there in hg save file i posted.
    ZLX and AlamosIT like this.

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