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Pokemon Heart Gold Japanese 10+ Year Old Save

Discussion in 'User Playthrough Saves' started by KANTO LOVER, Feb 4, 2023.


    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    Hi all,iam new here in this community,

    so as a joining present i would like to like to share a save file that is more than 10 year old worth in a japanese Pokemon heart gold catridge that i purchased from a website.

    Download Pokemon Heart Gold Japanese 10+ Year Old Save File

    The save file has lots of stuff and pokemons there like when i examined it has almost all boxes full of legit pokemons i believe it is like event pokemons,collection of pokwalker mons,pokemon transfered from palpark(gen 3),Pokemons from colosseum and xd etc,it even has lot of shinies which iam pretty sure all are legit from what i examined,it even has all 7 evee evolutions legit shinies i believe its from 5 to 4 from pokemon colosseum starter,all kanto and jhoto shiny starters which are all legit from what i can see,lot of competitive pokemons with some i think perfect ivs,lof of traded pokemons from other games DPPT,SS etc

    The save file is full completed i think like all trainer card stars quest completed,Elite four,post kanto game and beaten Red,pokedex compled etc when i checked

    oh,also the guy who played this save file was a pokathelon Veteran i think,he has insane amout of records in it and its not cheated,he has spend more that 200 hours in pokeathelon and he has like 493 medalist pokemon(full pokedex),so its not cheated i believe,all battle frointer quest compeleted,the save file play time +800 hours so i think,this guy put some decent amount of time in to this game

    I dont find this guy cheated on ths save,every quest he completed i guess completed legit and all event pokemons including myticals all are Legit,btw it also has shiny ranger manaphy and shiny jirachi which is either wishmkr or from pokemon channel,its 100% legit when i checked it

    ths max amout of money can be claimed itscheated but i dont think,from what i see, with amulet coins and remtach trainer facility its very easy to earn max money,so,its not big deal

    so,when i got this game catridge and explored it completely,i found this website so i want to share it with people too worldwide,i know this game save file is very old gen,but there should people like me who is searching for very old save files like these and Traverse across people play memories,

    this save file even motivated me to complete my japanese pokemon colosseum and XD that i bought from the website which i will be uploading completed save soon

    so,yeah Enjoy and have a nice day all!

    Attached Files:

    AlamosIT and InsaneNutter like this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Welcome to Digiex and thank you for sharing the save! I do find it interesting to look though someone else's save from many years ago, especially when so much time has been put in to the save.

    I would agree it a very legit looking save from the quick look though I've had. Usually you can tell pretty quickly if someone has been using a game shark / save editing a save. The player has put a vast amount of time in to the game and obtained Pokemon from the Gen 3 games / other games and events as you have mentioned.

    I would say the fact the Manphy is named *RNG* suggests whoever originally owned the game was a pretty advanced player compared to the average Pokemon player.

    That does make me wonder why the game ended up on an online website, if i'd put that much effort in to something I wouldn't want to part ways with it. However I suppose everyone is different and the original player could have simply moved on from Pokemon.

    Either way its certainly an interesting save, hopefully you enjoy the other Pokemon content on Digiex.
    KANTO LOVER likes this.

    KANTO LOVER Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    @InsaneNutter Yeah,i bought this from a local second hand site for a decent prize in my country here,maybe as u mentioned whoever played or sold this to the person i bought from don,t have anymore intrigurity on the save file or he might have moved on,anyways based on my inspection,this guy was a pokemon collector as some pokemons from different countries or differnt OT,s,so he might had somefriends circle for this oragizing and collecting,i don't know,
    well ait was glad joining this community,found lotnof intersting stuff for me here,i hope this more intesrting contributions like this comes through
    InsaneNutter likes this.

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