Anyone who hasn't heard of Portal has been living under a rock for the past few months. It was the only thing the internet would talk about for some time. Was it really worth all that attention or was it just some mediocre puzzle game? Locked up When starting the game you will begin in a small cell. You hear a voice explaining your situation and after a while a portal appears. You step in and get out at the other side of the room. This is what this game is basically about. Transporting yourself or other objects through portals which you can create yourself. At first you can't create these portals yet. The game starts out teaching you how portals work. First you get one of the portal guns. You can then make blue portals. There are two portals, blue and yellow ones. When you step into a blue portal you come out of a yellow portal and vice versa. With this blue portal gun you can now make blue portals anywhere you want. After a while you also get the yellow portal gun and you can transport anything from one place to another. This is when the game really begins. Solving puzzles At this point the puzzles start getting harder and you find out what you can do with your portal gun. Since you can create portals not only on walls but also on floors and ceilings, you can use portals to shoot yourself to a certain place. For example if you create a portal on the ground and another one on the wall and then jump into the one on the floor from a ledge you will get shot out of the portal on the wall. While falling you gained speed and with that speed you get thrown out of the portal on the wall. By doing this you can get to places you can't get to by simply jumping. There are also several objects in the game to help you solve puzzles. For example there are cubes, you can put these on buttons to open doors. Like yourself, you can also transport these through your own portals. At a certain part in the game there will also be turrets. You will have to find ways to get past these. Now you might think this is easy, you can just create a portal to get to the other side. But you can't create portals on every wall. There are some walls on which you can't create any portals, which means you will have to find different ways to solve some puzzles. The Story You'd think a puzzle game like this wouldn't have much of a story. As you progress through the game, you will have a computer voice talk to you. She appears to be helpful and trying to help you get through, but near the end you start to notice she is more sinister than that. At a certain point you get to care a cube with a heart through a level called your weighted companion cube. It's little things like this which make the game feel alive. The computer voice will make you think that you love this cube and it is your friend. At the end of the level you will have to make a choice, destroy the cube to go to the next level or stay there forever. There are some other small things which make this game so likeable, like the cute voices of the turrets. It will make them seem very alive, unlike the normal turrets you'd see through Half-Life 2. Another thing is the promise the voice makes that you'll get cake after finishing the test. I will not go in on the rest of the story because I don't want to spoil the surprise. Just know that the ending is very interesting, with a nice boss fight at the end. Best game ever? If you haven't played this game yet, go play it now. The only downside of it is that after you finished it you still want more. In other words, it's a little short. There are still some things to do after finishing though. There are challenge maps, which are maps fro mthe main game, but a little harder. You can also try to finish some of the levels under a certain time or by using the least amount of portals you can. The game feels very alive and it makes you want to play the game over and over again after finishing it. 8,5/10
Thanks for reminding me about that, I believe it’s an extended demo but it’s another game on my steam list for free I still really need to play this, I have it on the Orange Box for the 360 but never got round to playing it.
together with cod4 and tf2 one of the best games from the last years i heard some ppl cant play that game and almost start to puke cuz all the wierd twistings, make the game even better tbh
It was a great game, had all the good elements. But whats up with the length? Took me like 1 hour to complete the game.
Portal was an excellent game! I even got all the gold medals from the challenge mode...that took quite awhile.
I haven't played it yet, though I got it with Orange Box for the PC through Steam. Biggest thing I noticed is that according to Add/Remove programs the game eats up 16GB of HDD space, man that's a whopper.
Looks to be BS I've had a look at it, even Half-Life 2 is reporting being over 25GB. I have a feeling its a user error from when I recently ran NewSID and ended up reinstalling everything. I think it's almost time for me to reinstall Windows.
I don’t really trust add and remove programs estimation of disk space usage, for Portal mine says 254mb of disk space is been used... I’m sure it’s quite a lot more! (I believe source engine games share files anyway so it might be why it thinks it so small) My Steam folder is currently 51.9 GB at the moment (A), I do have quite a few games installed atm though.