Welcome Digiex members and unregistered users As most of you guys and girls know Christmas is coming! We want to see your Christmas tree's or outside decorations, if possible both. I just started putting mine up today. The tree is finished I'm working on the outside lights. Below is my tree. Though its still day time here, so no picture of it lit up till later tonight. If you haven't got yours up yet, I suggest you get started. Time is running out. As you can see the Digiex banner at the top now even has a Santa hat! So everyone in the Christmas spirit please post up your decorations and tree's. Thanks xzKinGzxBuRnzx Note: The tree isn't much, but it beats not having one. Edit 1: Lit Tree added
Nice looking tree there, I can’t wait to see the rest of your Christmas decorations. Is that a photo of you on the Christmas tree? Were putting our tree up next weekend although I’m pushing to get it up earlier, ill post a pic when its up!
The green one is yes. It was made when I was little, in school. The red one is a pic of my bro from when he was little also.
We just have a tree thats set when its out of the box. Little lights already on it... Bit borring. We do not have any decorations outside either... Lol yes we are miserable.
bah, humbug... ;-) no tree or decorations here at my uni house... mums tree is up, il up a picture when i get my phone to sink in ubuntu
Nice tree there King! We actually have two smaller trees next to each other. The one on the left: The one on the right: And at the bottom:
I like your tree InsaneNutter and Assassin. Both are really nice. Insane, I see lots of presents there, any for me? lol. Nice tree though. My aunt's tree is huge. I'll try to get a pic if possible soon.
The shipping to the USA was too much for your prezzy so I ate it, you will be happy to know it went to a good cause
Lol, anyone seen that guy with the 35ft tall christmas tree? Christmas tree is 35ft tall | The Sun |News
lmao if I didn’t read the news article I would have said that was a Photoshop! that’s the biggest tree I’ve seen this year. Nice