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Requiem 4.1 - Remove iTunes DRM (FairPlay) from music, video and books

Discussion in 'Applications' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. InanimateCrbnRod

    InanimateCrbnRod New Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I've used Tuneskit for 2 videos now, and they claim to not re-encode the video (even though it takes awhile which raised an eyebrow with me) The bit rate and resulting filesize is identical, with the exception being the AAC stereo track. perhaps the stereo audio track is re-encoded and the 5.1 audio and video are just stripped of DRM??? at any rate I have not noticed a perceptible difference in quality but would need to do more tests to be 100% sure. It works with latest itunes and is frequently updated. It is not free however.
  2. Dogbertd

    Dogbertd New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I had a look at Tuneskit, using the trial version which only encodes the first 5 minutes of your video. It takes about 20 minutes to do so, so I think it's definitely recoding the video. Looking at the resulting picture quality, it certainly seems a little bit softer and has a little less detail that the iTunes original. It's not awful, but neither is it as straightforward (or free) as Requiem, where the pre- and post files were identical in quality, and it was much quicker.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I think anything else out there at the moment, no matter what they say re-encode the video. Some apps air play the video, then dump the stream of that which is close to the original quality, but still not lossless.
    nosaj311 likes this.
  4. nosaj311

    nosaj311 New Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Hi, I'm new here. I've been reading up on this thread, and it sounds like Requiem might be in a slightly rusty state (perhaps finicky is a better term). I'm in the same boat as everyone here with a bunch of locked iTunes movies, and I'm thinking that maybe it would be a fun exercise to try to update the Requiem project to work with modern iTunes. Do you have any opinions on that topic? What I would like is to do is be able to run Requiem with the latest Java version, and on at least iTunes 11+. However, I'm willing to bet there are some unknown obstacles in the way. Can you tell me if this is a fool's errand before getting my hands too dirty?

    Also, I have a question about how Requiem does its crypto magic. I have DRM m4v files that I am no longer able to unlock because they were bought using a now defunct iTunes login (had to get a new Apple ID when they did that lame Mobile Me thing). If I am unable to authorize that old user with iTunes am I out of luck, or is Requiem able to decrypt the files without authorization? I understand that FairPlay uses an asymmetric encryption scheme, so my iTunes login is used to get the user key from the iTunes server in order to decrypt the master key in the video file. I'm curious if I can unlock the master key any other way. I'm guessing your reply will be to get a golden master key from Apple or something :)

    Anyways, I'm glad to see this thread is still alive.

  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    To be honest i'm amazed its worked for 4+ years after I first used it.

    I think in answer to your other question, if it could have been done by now someone would have probably done it. You need a certain mindset to work with something like DRM, unless you have had previous experience with that or reverse engineering / hacking something I really don't think you will get anywhere. Anything like that is beyond the average person such as myself.

    You need to be authorised to decrypt content / have access to it. Requiem can exploit your ability to use the content to produce a DRM free copy.

    "I'm guessing your reply will be to get a golden master key from Apple or something"

    Basically at this point yes, i'm sure someone will come along eventually with another lossless solution like Requiem. It's probably been a case of if it isn't broken don't fix it. However now it's broken, someone, somewhere with the ability and relevant skillet might be interested enough to have a go at a new solution.
  6. Trevorg

    Trevorg New Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    Hi I'm new, found this on thread on Google.

    I follow LOADSTØNE who posts lossless only iTunes content. On the 5th of Feb he posted "Apple has changed the security on the 1080p files, so I'm unable to get and decrypt them (losslessly) at this time." about 2 weeks later on the 19th of Feb he was then able to again - 1080p lossless, definitely no encode.

    Does anyone know yet what the workaround was used for this? I lost 1080p iTunes download ability in 10.7 at the beginning of Feb, would love to find the workaround so I can continue with Requeim, or whatever replaced it.
  7. Dogbertd

    Dogbertd New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Is it possible to ask LOADSTONE (wherever it is they post)?
  8. kawybear

    kawybear New Member

    May 2, 2017
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    I found this forum by doing a google search looking for something to take the DRM out of 6 videos that I just got on itunes for my kids. I don't have an apple TV or a smart tv and typically just put my movies on a USB and plug into the tv. Although now I can't do that with these files. I am so frustrated because I am not a super tech savy person and I am not willing to pay $40 for a converter. I tried the link but it would appear me running windows 10 and a new version of everything has me kinda in a pickle here. Any ideas out there what I could use to convert these videos. Such BS that we have to go through such lengths to get a video to work. And they wonder why people download illegally. It is just easier than all this crap. :(
  9. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
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    If you have paid for the video files you have done your bit to support the artists, i'd honestly just download the video files if at all possible. DRM only hurts people who pay for content as you have found.
  10. kawybear

    kawybear New Member

    May 2, 2017
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    My problem is I don't know the best place to download anything these days. Seems everything is on "lock down"
  11. bluezebra87

    bluezebra87 New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Wish I'd have found this sooner, wouldn't have wasted $14.99 on a TV season... I tried the tuneskits trial and it just freezes up and asks me if I want to close or wait and it doesn't convert anything so I'm not going to waste $45 on the full version. I always buy Blu-ray but now so few shows are released on BD and some not even on DVD so I get them on iTunes if I really like them and watch them from an external hard drive, but now I guess I won't be buying anything that's not on Blu-ray. I understand that DRM is to try and prevent piracy but it hurts the people who buy it more and just want to be able to watch it on something else, because if people wanted to share it they'd find a way to do it anyway. Oh well. So long, iTunes, you won't be missed.
  12. ss_tekin

    ss_tekin New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    i am using Server 2012 64 bit, iTunes 64 bit 10.7 (, Requiem 4.1, Java 8 Update 131 (32&64)
    i am not downloading movie with iTunes 64 bit 10.7.

    This video requires iTunes 11.0 or later
    You must update to iTunes 11.0 in order to download and use this video

    After i setuped VMWare Workstation Pro 12.5 and Windows 10 64 bit, iTunes 64 bit 12.6 (, Requiem 4.1, Java 8 Update 131 (32&64)
    And i downloaded 720P and 1080p with WMWare Workstation Pro, iTunes 64 bit 12.6.
    I copied movies to other system. (Server 2012 64 bit, iTunes 64 bit 10.7 (, Requiem 4.1, Java 8 Update 131 (32&64))

    Requiem 4.1: 720P: Successfully DRM Removed. No problem..
    Requiem 4.1: 1080P: failed call a458f619 - can i tunes play this file.
    the following files could not be descripted
    ...m4v failed call a458f619 - can i tunes play this file.

    Is Requiem 4.1 program running on 1080p movies? Can you please help me?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
  13. Dogbertd

    Dogbertd New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    No, Requiem 4.1 no longer works for 1080p movies.
  14. Jafa

    Jafa New Member

    Aug 9, 2017
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    Just tried Requiem 4.1, iTunes 10.7, win XP, actually one of those trimmed down versions, TinyXP I think. Java needed to be installed.
    Worked a treat, installed it all on a really old Dell laptop, downloaded 720p movie, sparked up Requiem, 10 mins later DRM removed, movie plays with Vlc and also no problems on a Panasonic Tv
    I followed this guide... works perfectly well.
  15. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    I'll be looking around for something else that can losslessly decode DRM and resave the file from a newer version of iTunes that supports 1080p video downloads. I'll post back here if I find one. Please post here if you find a solution!

    (As a side note, I have discovered that the audio track was completely lost with some new 720p video downloads...)
  16. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Well, since things are broken now, someone's got to be the one to figure it out... Any chance you know if the source code or repo is floating around anywhere as a starting point? I suspect that the method used by Requiem is entirely ineffective on newer versions of iTunes, but maybe it's worth taking a peek at where things were abandoned to see if a similar method could be used.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The source code is attached to the first post of this topic, good luck!
  18. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Hah! Derp, I glazed over that link thinking it was a download for a third platform. :)

    I'll post back here if I am able to make any progress, but I wouldn't expect anything for another few months. I am an experienced programmer, but lacking experience in DRM implementations and reverse engineering -- it will be slow going at best, but on the off chance I can hack something together with some specific newer version of iTunes, I might as well try...
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  19. Rileyx

    Rileyx New Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Has anyone been able to make an updated version of this? I'm trying to remove drm from my iTunes movies without converting them. I haven't found any program to do that except this but i'ts outdated and doesn't work anymore. Please let me know thanks
  20. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    It's still working fine for me (only 720p, mind you). Make sure you're using the old version of iTunes and if you're having problems, log out and back in again. You also might need to disable two factor authentication because that's not well supported by the old version of iTunes. (Sorry, I know this reply is over a year late!)
    InsaneNutter likes this.

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