Follow this easy step by step guide to get your NowTV box setup and install Plex without having to sign up for any NowTV service. If you have a newer NowTV HD then you want to follow this update tutorial for installing Plex on a NowTV HD. Background: The NowTV box is just a rebranded Roku LT (which usually retails for around £40) however sadly Sky choose to block third party apps which compete with it’s service, with this guide I’ll show you how to enable the developer mode and get around Sky’s restriction and get Plex up and running in no time. This can be achieved in about 10 minutes. Before you begin this guide, I will assume you have already purchased your NowTV box, but if not, for only £9.99 delivered you might as well order one (or a few, hehe!) and allow Sky to subsidize your Plex viewing habits. You can buy them at this link: Step 1: Registering a free NowTV account. To even get the NowTV box setup, you need to setup an account with Sky. They will try and push you into giving away credit card details in the promise of a free 30 day trial (which they hope you forget to cancel and then charge you for it) but if you follow these steps you can avoid all that (and even get away with fake details): Click this link to go to the Sign up Page: Join NOW TV today and watch the latest movies and live Sky Sports | NOW TV Scroll down and Select the 30 day free Movies Trial (ignore the Sports Day Pass): Next you’re asked for some details. I filled in a random name for this step as well as a username and password. It does ask for an email address for this step and I did use an old email of mine but they never asked to verify it so you could get away with entering any old/fake email address here. On the next page, it will suddenly ask you for a credit card and billing address. I do not wish to give this to Sky so at this stage I just closed the page. But rest assured the account is still made and usable! Job done, your account is made but you didn’t have to give any details away and is now ready for the NowTV box. Step 2: Connecting up and Configure your NowTV Box. This is simple, unbox your NowTV device and connect it up to your TV. When you first boot it up, it will ask for your wireless network details then performs some software updates. Once these are completed you need to login with your newely created account before your device completes setup and boots up. Step 3: Enabling Developer Mode and Install Plex First thing’s first, your need to download Plex to your PC. I’ve compiled the latest Plex for Roku from Github ready for use, which you can download here: Download Plex 2.6.9 for NowTV Box (If this version ever becomes out of date and I haven’t updated this post, just reply in this thread and I’ll compile the latest for you). Download this file to your desktop, but don’t unzip it. Next, grab your Now TV remote and press the following buttons in order, relatively quickly. If you fail once, just repeat and try again: Home x3, Up x2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right All going well, you will be presented with the below screen: Write down the address which is shown, or take a picture (this is important!) Next press ‘OK’ on the ‘Enable installer’ option presented and agree to the developer agreement that appears (you have to pretend to read it all, so just hold the down button until its fully scrolled and press ok). You will need to agree one final time on the pop up box and your NowTV box will restart. Once it’s reloaded and back on the home screen fire up your web browser on your PC and go to the address which was shown to you earlier. If you got it correct, you will be presented with the below screen: Select ‘Browse’ and select the zip file you downloaded earlier. Select install and all going well you will be presented with the below: Now take a look at your TV and you should see the below: Your all set, Plex is installed onto your NowTV box. Think of the bright side of this, Sky have subsized your Plex media habits by giving you a Roku box at a dirt cheap price! Down the line if you ever want to complete another update, you will need to repeat the process with the web browser and loading a zip. Sadly as Plex was installed via the developer route it cannot be updated via the Channel Store like normal apps.
very good. Does adding this app void any terms and conditions that they have etc. I'd like to add the app and stream my movies etc. back, just wondering that's all. Thanks
Hello, Just wondering if this is still the latest version available :-) also would using ssl\https be possible at all? thanks in advance :-)
I cannot guarantee you in a court of law that it's not against there terms and conditions, but they left the Developer Mode enabled which allows you to compile your own apps so they would struggle to claim a breach of any contract or conditions. Your using the device as it was given to you. It is at the moment, as soon as a newer version is available on the normal Roku Store (not the NowTV one that disallows it) let me know and I can go re-compile the latest Sadly Netflix isnt open-source and doesn't provide anything we can use to compile a Roku app from If someone manages do let us all know, as I'm sure readers of this would love Netflix
May be wrong, but I'm sure I've seen a 3rd party netflix channel for plex, Cant you just install it to the plex server and enjoy netflix that way? Ill post more info if I find it
Soruce: 1.82MB 2345 downloads Install Download and copy the bundle into your Plex Media Server plugin folder. That's it. On the Mac it's located at ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/ API I've built up a custom API specifically for the UK version of Netflix and it's available at The data is currently sourced from TheTVDB and TheMovieDB with Freebase providing the IMDB id's that are used as the primary link between the services. I'll add more documentation on the API soon. Notes Whilst most of the show information is accurate there may a couple instances where this is not the case. I'm currrently working on a frontend to flag these issues and deal with any inconsistances. Thanks Plex Team - Original Netflix plugin on which this is based Update - 27/05/2013 Updated the download link to the latest version.
Hi when i try entering pin code i keep getting " We coudn't find that PIN. Please check your PIN and try again. " I have refreshed the code countless times ,factory reset and reinstalled app but the same error appears can anyone help with this , thanks. Anto
Theres a new version out (2.8.2) but this also turns it into a paid app with a 30 day trial How does this effect us NowTV users? I believe existing users still get it for free but as we side loaded ours and didnt get it through the store there'll be no record of that So are we stuck on this version now, unable to upgrade? Or even worse, will they all stop working after 30 days?
The changes with the app going from free to a paid app does now present a problem to NowTV box users who side-load (As there is no way to purchase the app in the channel store). However, that isn't so much of a problem as a developer called ljunkie has forked the last remaining free version and is now making further developments to keep the app up to date. It's called RARFlix and information and download links (including direct NowTV sideload editions) are available on this thread: It's well worth us NowTV user's switching to this version, free and fully supported (though does mean it's now an unofficial client - if you want to keep an Official one then the 2.6.9 download provided on this site in your only option). Note: just incase Plex shut down this as they are now using a paid-app model for Roku devices, I've attached to this post the current stable version of Rarflix (v3.0.0) as a long term mirror.
Hi, Just received my Now TV box and managed to install Rarflix (v3.0.0) - it's great and works perfectly! Are there any steps I now need to take in order to avoid any issues later on, eg: disabling system updates? Not sure if this is possible as can't find an option to disable updates but assume that Sky may eventually disable the use of this app with a future update. Just wondering before I go ahead and order another Now TV box for the spare room. Thanks sad_muso
UPDATE: Hmm, now seems that I can't play all of my mkvs through the Plex app on Now TV box - weirdly one video worked fine to begin with and now sits on the 'retriving' bar before backing out to the menu again if you try to play it. I've tried dropped quality but no luck, plus the very same video plays perfectly on my iPhone so I know it's not a speed issue. Any way around this does anyone know? I've tried transcode and direct playback to no avail.
I'm afraid that sounds more like a Plex issue which you may get better support on the Plex forums. That's not anything to do with sideloading the Plex App on the NowTV box. Usually though for reference I just close and reload my Plex Server if anything weird happens like that, and make sure the port it's listening on is open as expected.
New Plex Roku Release Hi. Thanks for the great guide. I now have 6 Now TV boxes replacing XBMC on Raspi and an assortment of DNLA clients on TV and Bluray players now giving a consistent and reliable UI. Hopefully Sky won't disable the developer mode in a firmware update! I believe 2.8.4 is now released for Roku. Would you be able to compile it or explain how I can do it if it's not too difficult, please. Regards, Frank.
From Nimrod's last post, My understanding is you cannot compile plexforroku yourself anymore due to the fact its a private repo. You can get the latest RARFlix (Custom build of Plex for ruku) from RARflix - a modified Plex/ROKU channel
Sorry guys - I must be going crazy but the link to RARFlix eventually leads back to the Roku Channel store. I dont have a Roku device so I cant get the download - any ideas of a work around? thanks
If you look at my first post where I mention RarFix, it has the download attached as well as linked. RarFlix Download Post Just download and install in a similar way to the original Plex guide. Hope this helps
I have a Now Tv that working but purchased another today. trouble is after setting up a new nowtv account and closing the page down upon the credit card details it seems it has created the account but the now tv won't install with it. When you put the details into now tv you get: Your account is not setup properly' Please visit to complete the setup process.
This isn't good, looking at that URL it says: Look's like they are now forcing you to put your payment details on your account even if you have no intention to use it When I wrote the guide in November it wasn't a requirement, but with the large number of readers of this guide I'm assuming Sky are trying to block this loop hole. Bad news is it looks like you will need to add your payment details, but you won't be forced to pay for the service. If they put you onto a free trial though, be VERY careful as it will likely try to auto-renew unless you log back into your account and cancel it. Sky do love finding way's to get money out of customers hands by hoping you forget to cancel a free trial which renews into a fully paid membership. All in all, it is bad news, but right now once you have done that, it seem's you will be good to go with Plex still!
yes they are now forcing you to put payment details in. I have just done that and the Now TV activates. Looking in the NowTV web pages Account details the option is there to Cancel the Pass. Best I go and buy a few more Nowtv boxes, get them activated then cancel the Pass.