Teen Girl Jess Jones assaults old man in Liverpool, UK, gets floored

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MasterChief, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    A teen girl called Jess Jones and some friends attacked a random old man walking down the street in Liverpool, UK.
    The man defends himself and smacker her clean in the face knocking her over, this is going viral at the moment.


    People like that disgust me, many kids around here are like that and have no respect for anyone or anything. Got what she deserved if you ask me.

    Her details from 4chan:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2012
  2. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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  3. P.KID

    P.KID Addict

    Dec 27, 2008
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    I feel sorry for the old man, society these days... :/
  4. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Michael_T this isn't even funny, the girls were obviously wanting to cause trouble for God knows why and he didn't deserve it.

    She hit him for whatever reason her stupid shit brain told her and then he punched her. What's wrong with teenagers nowadays, sure they might or probably don't have a job but it's no reason to be harassing people, just be nice to everyone.

    Look at the Japanese during the catastrophe back then, they didn't violate each other, steal each other, or anything, BUT help each other out.
  5. oO Flowzilla Oo

    oO Flowzilla Oo Addict

    Jul 23, 2011
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    I blame the kids parents.

    The situation isn't funny but the way the people made these videos (music, sfx, ect...) made me laugh a little.
    Michael_T likes this.
  6. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    For first, non of you's know what had been going on. Firstly this was a rotten drunk old man, and he came up to Jess's girlfriend trying to feel her up. Then Jess went up to the man asking him what he was doing? and then he swung for her and that's when he was pushed up against the wall, asking why the removed was he hitting girls, and yeah he got Jess on the floor? he's a removed grown man hitting girls? what do you expect, at least she got right back up and removed decked him one. In my opinion she did the right thing, and i would of done exactly the same in her position. He swung for her first. Youse are all a bunch of dickhead being honest removed you's don't know the full story or what went on, and Jess is getting the blame. When it was that drunken arl sod trying to removed rape her girlfriend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2012
  7. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    And that gives her the right to hit an old man ? Come on, hitting an old man ? She could just go into the store & ask for help .
    BTW , i don't believe this is the real story you're telling .
  8. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    That so?

    Then they just should've moved on instead of trying to get back at him, because, it was for the best, no one would get hurt.

    But honestly, they were acting so tough that makes your side of the story somewhat unbelievable.
  9. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    @ xbox360nps3 : I meant the video's people made where funny ! And may i ask what you're problem is with me ? Every time i post something you keep breathing down neck. What i mean with that is when i post something, you give negatieve reply's to it. I'm getting really sick of it , so please stop it.
  10. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Yeah that is so, and it was at like 10 o'clock, all the shops was closed, And if a drunken old man comes up to about 15people, trying to feel one person up the hole group is obviously going to like wtf, and Jess obviously went to see whats going on obviously, as she cares for her girlfriend.
    and to be honest i don't really give a flying removed what you believe am just saying how is it fair that everybody is ganging up on jess for protecting somebody from a pervert?

    it was at like 10 o'clock, all the shops was closed, And if a drunken old man comes up to about 15people, trying to feel one person up the hole group is obviously going to like wtf, and Jess obviously went to see whats going on obviously, as she cares for her girlfriend.
    And to be honest i don't really give a flying removed what you believe am just saying how is it fair that everybody is ganging up on jess for protecting somebody from a pervert?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2012
  11. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    True but we all know what it looks like, group of chavvy teens who have no respect for anything. Hardly mature for 19 year olds what ever way you look at it...

    Hard to believe he would go up to a group of 15 people and try and feel someone up...

    So he walked up to a group of 15 people and tried to rape her? considering the punch he got on her he cant have been that drunk.

    Finally, why upload a video of this if you are her so called friends? shes going to be arrested for assault sooner or later.

    For 19 year olds you really need to grow up and act your age... start showing a bit of respect for the people and town you live in.
    Rick, Michael_T and InsaneNutter like this.
  12. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Yeah he did walk up to her and start to feel her up, yeah it mightn't o been the best thing jess could of did in the situation, but she was defending her girlfriend? and she's getting arrested for assault? he swung for her first, they just didnt get that on video, If anything he should be.
    She does act her age, and to be honest it's non of all your businesses, and everybody's trying to get involved and ganging up on Jess. Gangs of 30year old men have been going around town to try and get her everywhere today so i heard, you think thats fair? nobody knows the story unless you was there!
  13. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    You're right about that. All we have to go on is the video, which doesn't show all of it. All it really shows is an old guy getting attacked. I can't say I find it very believable myself. I wouldn't think any old guy would try this when there are several other people around.

    I also tend to find people to be less believable when they're constantly swearing and practically using slang terms in their sentence.
  14. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    What kind of a perv tries to rape someone between 15 people? It doesn't make much sense, but if you say so, okay.

    Not to be a grammar nazi but "you was there" is incorrect.

    Again, in the case of the old guy tried to rape her then she should have reported it to the police not anything else which could of gotten her killed if he was drunk and mad enough to beat her senselessly.
  15. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    You / your friends are stupid for uploading a video of what looks like her trying to assault an old man... no one except the people there knows that really happened.

    However which ever one of you who was stupid enough to upload the video has made it look like she's trying to assault him, then your all shocked when he is stronger than you estimated and floors her. I can't see him been drunk personally having good reflexs and packing a punch like that...

    Maybe thats not the case, however the impression you have given the 10,000's of people who have seen this is you are just another group of chavvy kids out to cause trouble. Then of you ends up getting more than you expected... that's why everyone's talking about it, people are fedup of kids who show no respect for anything. When someone uploads a video like that it will get people talking.
  16. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Yeah because if some man comes up to you, and starts "slurring words" at you and playing with your hair, your obviously going to give him a mouthful to get away.
    and yeah, it may be unbelievable but that's how it happened, he swung for her hit her, and then he mumbled out oh, your a girl. Thats when Jess got angry and started to hit back.
    and yeah but jess has a short temper, the man set her off. and she can defend herself, and when he knocked her out thats when everybody else got involved and was like just leave it, because jess doesnt know when its enough, but it was the right thing to do, which in my personal opinion.. i saw what happened i was there.
  17. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    She's hardly trying to get away, running after him trying to assault him...

    So you say the guy is sluing words, yet is sober enough to get a cracking punch in her face and floor her... don't think so some how.

    The more you try justify it the more you make her look guilty, why do you care about what people on a tech site think about you? look on YouTube, Twitter and 4chan... people there are saying much worse.
  18. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    Longer video & i thing you're still not telling the truth.


    She was about to get raped ? Why is everybody laughing then ?
  19. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    well to be honest, i have no idea who uploaded the video and it was literally months ago it happened. well they got the wrong end of the stick then, because there's facebook groups about it, and it's not even relating to this subject. There all trying to take the mick out of her, there even bringing her sexuality into this calling her a "dirty dyke", when it doesn't come up in the situation? it is taking it too far, and with all the remixes everybody is doing? when she was doing the best in her interest to get the man away from all of us.

    And i didnt say he was about to rape her at all, i said he was feeling her up, giving the impression that he was going to rape her.
    Because let's be honest if a 50year old man comes up startes talking, mumbling things to you, stroking your hair, and back? he obviously wants more than a conversation with you?
    and i have not been using "slang" terms, that's how i talk? its where am from, there common sayings.
  20. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Samm - If you can't stop double posting and use the simple edit button instead I'll suspend your account from posting on this thread.

    Also accousations either way without proof are extreme. We can't have people making such claims without evidence. If this thread doesn't calm down we may have to close it.

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