Using an Xbox Live profile on a Jtagged / RGH hacked Xbox 360 and staying safe

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    i'm honestly not too sure why it showed 0 gs, all i did was move the profile from the MU to HD and then sign in and it showed everything normally then my avatar was greyed out, 0gs, basically a new profile but the only thing the same was the gamertag. i saw on youtube a guy suggested load it, then sign out and delete your profile but pick option a: delete profile only, then recover it. i did just that and it loaded up fine, everything was in tack and its been fine ever since.

    this is probably a touchy subject but i'm going to ask anyways:
    what about editing gamerscore? i realize thats almost a no brainer, but i'm curious because i have the game Saw, and i'm 4 achievements off from 1000/1000, and they're just basic ones, Kill a guy with a pair of scissors, kill a guy with bomb etc, worth 10 each, but i just dont wanna have to redo the whole game JUST for 40gs. any of you guys have any luck with modding just a couple here and there? its no big deal, just dont have time to do it all again :P
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you edit gamerscore you are just asking to be reset to 0gs and branded a cheater, i know a few people who have done it and they have all been reset sooner or later.

    Thats going off topic though so i would start a new thread to talk about that.
  3. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    yea not worth it since i'm trying to keep a clean live account :P

    i know ive said 'last thing!' before, but!

    last thing!

    foreign games are safe to play just like every other game? i saw you mention them but not a definitive answer
    thanks :D
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes they are fine, whats to say you do not own an NTSC-J for example anyway?

    If you look on Xbox 360 Achievements some people have 2 or 3 copies of the same game on there profile from different regions to stack them for Gamerscroe.

    As long as the game is released you will be fine.
  5. AceVader0

    AceVader0 New Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Hi, I have a RGH banned console and I had my profile inside the 360's internal nand (MU) but it was lost in the process. Silly mistake, I didn't copy it to the Hard Drive. Anyway, the profile got corrupted and I made a new profile but it's not a LIVE profile so it doesn't have a XUID. So my problem is that I can't use avatar items. My question is this:

    If I copy my profile into a friend's Xbox and sign it to Live, will he have any trouble later??? I mean, do they ban the profile or the whole console? Could Microsoft flag him in some way?

    Thank you, and greetings.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    He should be perfectly fine, if you have homebrew / unreleased games on this profile it would likely receive a profile ban at a later date.

    It will be perfectly fine for use offline though and i dont see your friend having any problems.
  7. aos10

    aos10 New Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    thanks for the info
    i have RGH console
    i logged few times on xex menu 1.1 , and i am using now FSD 2.2 for boot my xbox
    if i give my friend my profile to update my gamer he gonna be banned ? or just my profile ?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Just your profile eventually, i would delete it, recover it, and make sure you dont use any homebrew apps on it if you plan on updating it on live.
    aos10 likes this.
  9. aos10

    aos10 New Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    what i want to do is :
    1-make my friend recover my profile
    2- make him send my profile to me
    3-back up my existence profile , then take my recovered profile from my friend and put it in my jtag xbox
    4- now i will have my previous achievements i have to load all my games that i played from the last time i lifted the LIVE ( and i'll be sure not to log to xex menue )
    5- then..i take my profile from the usb..and send it to my friend , and he will log to live with my profile

    i hope this will work
    i know this look very long procsess .. but i don't have another xbox
  10. Bigdogontop

    Bigdogontop Active Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Kinda disappoinying that you can't use your live profile to play games through freestyle dash on my jtag. :(
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You will still loose any achievements you have gained since you were last on live doing what you say.

    Store your games as Games on Demand and use the MS Dashboard, only thing you can do really.

    Or use FreeStyle and sign in to your profile after the game loads up.
  12. aos10

    aos10 New Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    i ment to say is when i load my save game for the same should unlock all the achievements i gained since that say in one pop up
    happen to me before..when i got reset score for my achievements last year..i tried to play my old game..and then an achievements pop up for the all achievements in that game i legit got ( eg. 180 for 11 , an achievements pop up to me when i played sonic 4 again after the reset)
    whoever..i didn't get any points..because that game was reset to 0 and will never gain its point again because of the RESET rule
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Ah true, i dont know if that will work for all games it depends on the game. You want to be careful they unlock in the right order too otherwise it will look like you have been save gaming / gamerscore hacking. But i guess as you have been reset anyway it doesn't matter that much.

    Good luck!
  14. DARKFiB3R

    DARKFiB3R Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    What do you make of this?...

    teamfsd . com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=962

    (wouldn't let me post the full url, sorry)
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I think the majority of it is a load of crap to put it politely, some very narrow minded views in that thread considering the primary use of FSD and all that.

    Here are some of the main points i disagree with which various people have said there, i might register on the FSD forums and post in that thread myself.

    What about playing games not released in your region? or even just system linking a game to play in the same room as a mate on two TV's? I see no reason to split screen if you dont have to.

    I personally use my Jtag to play the NTSC-J shoot em up's that have never been released outside Japan, do i like getting the achievements for them? yes why not they are some of the hardest games out on the Xbox 360. If i got an achievement on there i would like it to be on my profile, why not its no different to playing any other game is it? Its good to compare progress to friends playing the same game.

    When myself and mates have Xbox Lans we always take our profiles on USB memory sticks. I personally like playing as myself and been able to continue my game no matter where i'm playing. Just because i use my Jtag for homebrew it doesn't mean it cant be used for games too does it?

    Wrong, only if your launching it with a homebrew application, such as FSD or XEX Menu. If you launch it with a quickboot shortcut you are fine. Or you can load it with FSD and sign in after.

    Again i dont think people really understand what is been talked about in that thread. There is a massive difference between using a live profile offline on a Jtag and taking a Jtag online.

    It doesn't at all, they are just some very narrow minded and misguided views in that thread.

    1. Again total rubbish, you can even test this your self.
    2. On a retail console create a profile and play a game that doesn't save data to the profile, Full Auto is a good test subject for this.
    3. Make a copy of the profile on your computer
    4. Now use this profile to a Jtag / RGH, sign in and load the game up from a quickboot shortcut / GoD container, quit the game.
    5. Make another copy of the profile.
    6. Now compare the two profiles in a hex editor, they will be identical proving simply signing in on a Jtag / RGH console does not add any data to the profile, or even playing a retail game add any data to your profile.

    Below, the collection of my NTSC-J shoot em ups i enjoy playing on my Jtag. Just to highlight a major plus for jtag, importing games.
    If you look on arcade gaming related forums, and forums less focused with console hacking or even piracy you will find a lot of people own Jtags to import beat em up's and shumps only released in Japan.

    Long reply i know lol, but thats what i think.

    No idea if it would be possible to make FSD appear as another game,I dont see why it wouldnt be as games appear to add data the first time there run and not again until you unlock an achievement (unless its a game that saves to the profile). Not been a programmer i couldn't honestly say for sure though.

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    Sikbeni10 likes this.
  16. DARKFiB3R

    DARKFiB3R Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Finally, somebody on side :)

    Please do post in that thread mate, would be much appreciated. I think a c&p of the above would do nicely ;)

    EDIT: Havent had a chance to test myself, but when I pointed out this thread to Blackwolf, he jumped on the fact of how old it is, suggesting that things have now changed. He's not some noob, I do generally hold him in higher regard than most.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If he has any research to black that up he is welcome to come post it here... i don't want to mislead people however i have been messing about this evening and everything i have stated in the first post still holds up on the 14699 dash.

    Left is a profile that has played a game on my non modded console (see sig)
    Right is a copy of this profile that has played the same game from a GoD container on my Jtag. (the jtag in my sig)

    By been in the Jtag the profile has not been modified at all.

    Posted my views on the FSD forum for you anyway, i personally think your idea is a good one. No idea if its possible but i don't believe it should be shot down for the reasons it has been.

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  18. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Not sure if that was on purpose or not but either way I got a good laugh out of it.

    Also, I am quite envious of your NTSC-J collection Insane Nutter.
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Type-o! it was late haha.

    Took me 2 years to get what i have there, i waited until i could get most of the games i wanted cheaper.
  20. ROTOR

    ROTOR New Member

    Feb 29, 2012
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    I have a RGH xbox, I only use FSD to copy GoD games (iso2god) + DLC's over Ethernet, I always Boot original M$ Dashboard and when a go out from a game the console always load the Original Dash.

    The FSD only boot if a keep press the X button, and alwais Log out when i do it.

    Is this the most secure way to stay safe?

    Sometime I quit the game without logout but I the console always back to M$ Dashboard because is predefined. there is no problem with it?

    Thanks & sorry for my bad English!

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