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Uwizard - Wii U WUD Manager and NUS Downloader

Discussion in 'Apps' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Uwizard is an all in one program to manage Wii U games iso's (WUD images) and game updates downloads from Nintendo's NUS.


    • Easily manage your Wii U games from a list!
    • SHA1 key verification!
    • Hide keys in inactive text boxes!
    • Downloads covers from GameTDB!
    • Specialized NUS Downloader for the Wii U!
    • Use Crediar's CDecrypt to decrypt downloaded Wii U titles from NUS without using the command prompt!
    • Use Crediar's DiscU to extract game files without using the command prompt!
    • Easily convert Wii U BFSTM or BFWAV sound files to WAV or MP3 sound files!
    • Easily update Uwizard with a single click!
    • Use Uwizard in either English, French, Portuguese, German, or Spanish!
    • Easily manage SARC archives!
    • Easily manage Yaz0 compressed SZS files.
    • Convert / extract games so their ready to use with Loadiine GX2

    Download: Uwizard - Wii U WUD Manager and NUS Downloader

    Keys: (These need entering in the settings page)

    Wii U Common Key: D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656
    Wii U Espresso Ancast Key: 805E6285CD487DE0FAFFAA65A6985E17
    Wii U Starbuck Ancast Key: B5D8AB06ED7F6CFC529F2CE1B4EA32FD


    Attached Files:

    gatekeeper1122 and Rick like this.
  2. Jax_Ripper

    Jax_Ripper New Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I believe this no longer works. As the shai key does not get picked up or seen by the uwizard.

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