Government employer asks man for Facebook login during job interview BY ADAM CLARK ESTES When do background checks go too deep? When is a routine security measure a total invasion of privacy? When Facebook is involved, suggests the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU recently sent a letter to the Maryland Department of Corrections in reference to a blanket policy requiring applicants to submit social media log-ins and passwords for routine background checks, reports the Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal. The letter details the experience of Officer Robert Collins, a seven-year veteran of the department, who spoke out about the new policy after applying for a new position. In a statement for ACLU Maryland, Collins described his employer's request and his reaction: Here I am, a US citizen who hasn’t broken any laws, who hasn’t committed any crime, and I have an employer looking at my personal communications, my personal posts, my personal my pictures, you know looking at my personally identifiable information… you know, where my religious, my political beliefs, my sexuality; all of these things are possibly disclosed on this page. It’s an absolute total invasion, and an overreach, and overstep of their power. It's unclear how long the policy has been in place, but the ACLU's stance is clear. Calling the state's request for such deep access for a routine background check a "frightening and illegal invasion of privacy" that raises "significant legal concerns," the ACLU draws attention to how little legislative attention has been paid to online privacy. Officer Collins discusses his experience in a YouTube video for ACLU Maryland: Source: Government employer asks man for Facebook login during job interview - Facebook - [video=youtube;bDaX5DTmbfY][/video] If you asked someone for their password and that person handed it over surely you would not hire them? they are a security risk!
I would ask him for his first and say i don't have one. Are they expecting someone to post getting high or just robbed the bank or something,all they want to do is stalk your personal life.
Never. I never give out passwords to anyone. Ever. I'd just say no. Its personal information that I don't have to share.
Why couldn't you just say you don't have a Facebook page? Believe it or not, not everyone has a Facebook page.
To be honest I probably would if it meant a job. Even though my privacy settings are maxed the hell out. On a side note, sup nutter?
Think about it if they have your log-ins and passwords it wouldn't matter how the privacy settings are because they are IN your account not looking at it from the out side they could change all your settings copy all your pic's see who all your friends are and that's like the #1 rule for anything NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD OR LOGINS, would you give someone you bank account numbers or your debit card with the pin because its about the same