Myself and the other Digiex staff have been wondering this for a while, we have so many members who have signed up and never posted anything, were not complaining just wondering what made people sign up?
Well I first just came to get the Red Alert 3 key but then I saw the great community and thought id sign up and look where I am
This thanks to google + insanenutter
I first joined this forum when you guys released the first guitar hero demo, and ive been a parasite since then
I Was Having A Look On YouTube For When The BETA Of The First Version Of The Kinect Dashboard & I Was Watching It And I Heard Insane Nutter Say "You Can Download This From" Then I Found The Site Signed Up And Downloaded The BETA And Thats About All
About the same for me I was looking around for the kinect beta came across youtube and it directed me here to Digiex and seamed like my kind of site so I joined and stayed been trying to help when I can
Xbox 360 contend ! At the time my 360 was banned from XBL , but i still wanted to play new demo's & stuff .
Wellllllll....... I guess I was looking for some demos for my XBOX360 at the time, and since then I'd stick around with you guys... Whoops, forgot to mention: I googled and Digiex came up, so there you have it!
Obviously the JJ2 listserver setup which was long ago. Later on and some Xbox 360 guides and content.
I was searching for something on Google, Digiex came up, I must say I learnt a lot form this Forum already.
I knew about this site for a long time but I never signed up... Then one morning I woke up and said " Meh, wtf..." and ever since I signed up, I've enjoyed my stay... That's pretty much it....