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Xbox 360 Original Hard Drive Music Download

Discussion in 'Media' started by bfgmike360, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. bfgmike360

    bfgmike360 New Member

    Jun 20, 2024
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    I signed up to upload the long lost hard drive music that came preloaded on original Xbox 360 hard drives back in the day, so people can use them on there Xbox 360 once more.

    These are the original files I kept for years.


    These are the songs that came preloaded with xbox 360 hard drives in the past! These are original files not a copy also each file needs extracting and put into a folder named "mindex".

    There is also a "mindex.xmi" file that puts the original playlist back on the xbox 360 which is the "Xbox 360 Custom Mix 1" playlist so if you want to copy that on there you can do, but keep in mind this will overwrite your current playlist so if you already have music on there just create the playlist and call it "Xbox 360 Custom Mix 1" hope this helps. If you have any problems inbox me on digiex and i will check for messages every now and then and do my best to reply.

    Please enjoy these tunes again and have a blast from the past! from bfgmike360. (Side note please remember to put the songs in the 0000 folder in the "media" folder with the mindex folder on hdd1 dont forget that or the xbox 360 wont see the files on the hard drive in the system music player!!

    Download: Xbox 360 Hard Drive Music Download
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thanks for taking the time to register and post. I have changed the title of your post and moved it to the download section, along with uploading the files to the Digiex server so everything is not split up in to many parts.
  3. bfgmike360

    bfgmike360 New Member

    Jun 20, 2024
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    thanks appreciate that if anything comes up i will do my best to share it here as i always liked digiex great to be part of the community

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