Xbox 360: Play System Link / Xbox Live over 2 consoles with only one Disc [NXE Only]

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by Trisha Takanawa, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. Trisha Takanawa

    Trisha Takanawa Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    Xbox 360: Play System Link / Xbox Live over 2 consoles with only one Disc [NXE Only]

    Note: this no longer works!
    Warning: Playing with your DVD Drive with a disc in could be dangerous, we take NO responsibility for any damaged caused in anyway. The emergency DVD eject method used is designed FOR emergencies not everyday use. If you want to be safe, just buy 2 copies of the game and support game developers. However, this has been tested with my flat mates Xbox 360 and worked for us.

    To do this you will need:

    • A paperclip.
    • The new NXE (search google for NXE Download or just wait till November 19th).
    • A single copy of the game you wish to play system link with.
    • Nerves of steal and a steady hand.
    Its recommend you read this entirely before beginning to get yourself comfortable with the procedure. It might be worth testing ejecting the DVD drive manually with the console powered down until you are happy with it.

    Stage One:

    Install the game you wish on one of the consoles to the hard drive. You will be doing this on the console that will have its DVD drive emergency ejected.


    Once installed launch the game and let the Xbox 360 check the disc in the drive and confirm its valid and allow the game to load.
    Its IMPORTANT at this stage to wait for the DVD drive to fully spin down. If unsure, wait at LEAST 10 minutes to be safe. Feel the drive, and make sure the disc is NOT spinning.

    Once your happy that the DVD drive has fully spun down, if you wish do continue.

    Stage Two:

    Prepare to emergency eject the DVD tray. There is a system in place in virtually every disc drive made that allows you to eject the disc drive even if the buttons jammed or no power. It involves using a paperclip in a specific hole, the Xbox 360 drives also have this.

    Check out the following site to see what DVD drive you have:

    Xbox 360 DVD Drive Comparison How to determine which version DVD drive you have in your Xbox 360, Samsung, Hitachi, Benq

    Then check this guide to see the method to manually eject your Disc Tray:

    Manual Eject for Xbox 360 DVD drives

    At this point, make sure you are 100% sure the disc has spun down, doing it while the disc is spinning could be disastrous!

    If you are happy, you may now perform a emergency disc eject and the disc tray should just pop out an inch with the disc in it. You should then be able to pull the tray out fully and take the disc out.


    If your lucky, the Xbox 360 hasn't detected the DVD tray is open and the game you are playing continues. You should then be able to put the disc in the other console and launch it as normal and enjoy system link. Do not press the eject button on the console with its drive hanging out as the Xbox will then detect the disc has been removed. Just leave its drive open and enjoy.

    This is the point some people didn't have luck on, for some it worked and for others the Xbox detected the drive has been ejected and went to a blank screen and flashing lights. If it works for you or doesn't work for you please share your experience listing your Manufactured date and the DVD drive being used so we can work out if it works on specific models etc.

    For those of you the trick worked for, it is recommended that once you finish your game you turn your Xbox off ingame and not attempt to go back to the dashboard as if it attempts to read a disc and the tray is open this could do damage.


    At the end of the day, if your not comfortable with this DO NOT ATTEMPT IT. The method used in this guide with ejecting your DVD drive was designed for situations where your drive got stuck and you needed to get it open, not for everyday use. You would be better off you just buying a second copy of the game, as that is supporting the game developers and the moral thing to do. However, if your a poor student like some of us and just want to play system link with a friend without sharing half the screen with them, you may consider doing this. Digiex takes no responsibility for any damaged caused, this is a dangerous operation in the first place and you should only do it if you feel comfortable and at your own risk. Pictures are ripped from Google image search as I don't have access to a camera at present, but I will update it when I do. This could work with more than 2 consoles, but I only have access to his Console (with NXE installed) and my own Xbox without NXE. You have been warned, we will NOT take any responsibility for any damage AT ALL.
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    A poor student with with two Xbox 360's and two TV's. I wonder what a rich person has?


    This is cool though, however I don't see myself doing this.
    Kind of cool, but my friends have Xbox's and most of the games I have, so it's cool.
  3. Trisha Takanawa

    Trisha Takanawa Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    I have one, and as it says my housemate has one to. Student life without an Xbox 360 would be difficult. And when sorting out money to ensure you actually have food to eat as well as pay accommodation and all other unexpected costs, it doesn't leave much left to spend on two copies of a game.
  4. kamanashi

    kamanashi New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I was going to try this when it came out. Thanks for proving my idea. Hmmm... do I still want to try?
  5. coolestk

    coolestk Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Honestly, I don't think its worth taking your xbox apart and risking everything, just go rent the game, or something.
  6. Trisha Takanawa

    Trisha Takanawa Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    It doesn't involve opening anything. Unless you class ejecting a dvd tray as opening.
  7. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Did you even bother to read the entire post by Trisha Takanawa? If you did you would of learned just like Trisha Takanawa says you won't be taking your 360 apart, just manually ejecting the tray. A link on how to do it was here. :P Before attempting though, make sure the cd has spun down. As its working for me! Lol, thanks Trisha Takanawa!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  8. Dunhamzzz

    Dunhamzzz Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Hampshire, UK
    Reminds me of the old "pen trick" of getting pirated PSX games to play!

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