Hello xXXBOXxHACKERXx. Hope you dont mind me asking a few questions. You say that the online updates are watermarked. How have you verified this? Can you tell me the location and nature of the watermark in the file? Have you compared your update file with a file from another person to confirm that they are different? Have you examined the update? have you extracted it? By now I assume you have done a basic comparision of 13141 and 13142. Any differences worth noting? do you have at least two copies of the new halo reach disc to confirm that the updates are the same on the discs? when you sniffed the URL is it in the same format as previous? /content/xenon/13141/su....bin? Thanks
You cant possibly know that as no one has compared them, i would think they are exactly the same as all the other system updates. By all means do provide a source to this / some proof. All it needs is for two people to packetsniff the update process, Rick has done it, we just need someone else to. My opinion is we will likely see each console is downloading exactly the same file from the MS servers.
ont he 12416 i uploaded my friends info was in that and that is why he got removed from the kinect program. later i found his console id in it and what are you talking about 13142
Cool. Did you find your console id in 13141 update file? Is the sniffed URL in the format /content/xenon/13141/su....bin? Can you please post the first 1 or 2 characters of the SHA-1 or MD5 of the file. Thank you! 13142 you mentioned here
i dont packet sniff i extract mine from a hidden partition in the hdd thats how i got 12408 12416 12414
Not hidden really. Partition3\$SystemUpdate Can you answer my other questions please? can you post the first 1 or 2 characters of the hash of the file? If you are paranoid I can pm you a salt to use. are you examining these updates? what will you do with them as a "hacker"? im curious!
maybe if you didnt do all the hard work on the other updates and the archive of updates on digiex maybe you"d know look at your hdd and loom for the system update folder and if you find it tell me the version of it 9199 was the last one to be openly stored. but the betas are in a hidden partition. type my name in google and youd see what ive done.
no problem i cant send pms because it has reached a limit hope to see an update release soon by someone peace
The updaters are console signed PIRS packages (just like XBLA are console signed LIVE packages), in fact it may even work to use something like Yaris swap to remove the console ID. I still have the old updaters I pulled from the NXE beta, and with yaris swap 0.4 I'm able to clearly see "orig console id" of the console I used to get that updater.