My GamerTag is: s0ldier94 ....I Play Fifa 10 (soon fifa 11) pes 2010, gta IV, Halo 3.... I'M Italian, there are italians there ?
GT slimwadey i I play all types of games from shooters to racers to RTS and RPG's I love the Halo series, i have read the prequel book and cant wait for Halo Reach I am currently rebuilding my GS after having a profile banned on XBL si i'm playing Halo3 .. On Legendary of course Steve
my gamertags are: stickerman14 (yes i know its gay but its from launch day and i was not even 10 xXHACKERX360Xx
Call of Duty WaW and MW2 GTA IV liberty city episodes Read Dead Battlefield 1943 Duke Nukem Send me a pm
My Gamertag Is: Ryan Stampton I Play: Halo 3 Halo Reach Halo Wars Guitar Hero PGR 3 Forza 2 Or 3 (I Have More Then That) BUT: I Dont Really GO Online Mutch As I DOnt Have Broadband But If You Can Show Me How To Connect A USB Dongle That Would Be Great And I Have Already Had A Look On Youtube But You Cant Really See The Things You Have To Do! Thanks, Ryan Stampton
This should be what you are after: You will be at a disadvantage playing live over a 3g connection as your ping will be much higher than most other players, however some games such as Halo 3 which handle lag pretty well are just about playable.
Just listing my gamer tags Xbox 360: BigRod989 Playstation 3: BigRod989 so if anyone wants to add me, just say your from Digiex