Xbox One Telnet Into Console Linux / Windows

Discussion in 'Xbox One Guides' started by Clumsy, May 30, 2024.

  1. Clumsy

    Clumsy Member

    May 29, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Macon, Georgia
    Here is how I found this so I automated it

    The Following is for linux users

    Script Name:

    The script automates the process of configuring network settings and user authentication for a gaming console on your network. This script:

    1. Checks for Necessary Tools: It ensures that arp-scan and expect are installed on your system. If any of these tools are missing, it prompts you to install them.
    2. Prompts for Console MAC Address: It interactively asks for the MAC address of the console, ensuring that the user does not need to edit the script.
    3. Scans the Network: Utilizes arp-scan to identify devices on the local network and finds the IP address associated with the provided MAC address.
    4. Generates a Configuration File: Creates a configuration file (config.conf) with specified network settings and includes the IP address of the console.
    5. Telnet Authentication: Uses the expect tool to automate Telnet login to the console for two predefined users (xbox and flash), verifying the connection and authentication.
    6. Displays the Configuration File: Outputs the generated configuration file content for verification.
    7. Cleans Up: Removes temporary files created during the network scan process.
      # Ensure necessary tools are installed
      REQUIRED_TOOLS=("arp-scan" "expect")
      for tool in "${REQUIRED_TOOLS[@]}"; do
          if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then
              echo "$tool is required but not installed. Please install it first using:"
              echo "  sudo apt-get install $tool"
              exit 1
      # Prompt the user to enter the MAC address of the console
      read -p "Please enter the MAC address of the console (format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx): " CONSOLE_MAC
      # Validate MAC address format
      if [[ ! $CONSOLE_MAC =~ ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ ]]; then
          echo "Invalid MAC address format."
          exit 1
      # Scan the network to find the console's IP
      echo "Scanning the network to find the console IP..."
      arp-scan --localnet > arp_scan_results.txt
      # Extract the IP of the console
      CONSOLE_IP=$(grep -i $CONSOLE_MAC arp_scan_results.txt | awk '{print $1}')
      if [ -z "$CONSOLE_IP" ]; then
          echo "Console IP not found. Ensure the console is on and connected to the network."
          exit 1
      echo "Console IP found: $CONSOLE_IP"
      # Telnet authentication function
      telnet_auth() {
          local USER=$1
          local PASS=$2
          expect <<EOF
      spawn telnet $CONSOLE_IP
      expect "login: "
      send "$USER\r"
      expect "Password: "
      send "$PASS\r"
      expect ">"
      send "exit\r"
      expect eof
      # Define the configuration file path
      # Write the configuration settings to the file
      echo "BindPort 21" > $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "CommandTimeout 300" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "ConnectTimeout 15" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "MaxConnections 20" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      # Add user configurations
      echo "<User \"xbox\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "    Password \"xbox\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "<User \"flash\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "    Password \"flash\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
      # Authenticate users via Telnet
      telnet_auth "xbox" "xbox"
      telnet_auth "flash" "flash"
      # Print the configuration file to confirm
      cat $CONFIG_FILE
      # Clean up
      rm arp_scan_results.txt
      echo "Script completed successfully. Configuration file created at $CONFIG_FILE."
      How to Use
      Install Necessary Tools
      Ensure arp-scan and expect are installed by running

      sudo apt-get install arp-scan expect

      Run the Script
      Save the script to a file named, make it executable, and run it.

      chmod +x

      Follow Prompts
      When prompted, enter the MAC address of the console in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.

      The script will handle the rest, including network scanning, IP extraction, Telnet authentication, and configuration file creation.

      For Windows Users

      For network scanning, we can use arp and for Telnet automation, we can use plink (PuTTY Link), which is a command-line interface to the PuTTY backend.

      Ensure MinGW and necessary tools are installed: MinGW, PuTTY (plink), and the Telnet client must be installed and available in the PATH.

      Use arp for network scanning: arp -a is a common command on Windows to list ARP table entries.

      Use plink for Telnet automation: PuTTY's plink can automate Telnet sessions similarly to expect.

      Script Content for Windows (MinGW)

      # Function to check if necessary tools are installed
      check_tools() {
          local REQUIRED_TOOLS=("plink" "arp")
          for tool in "${REQUIRED_TOOLS[@]}"; do
              if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then
                  echo "$tool is required but not installed. Please install it first."
                  if [ "$tool" == "plink" ]; then
                      echo "Download and install PuTTY from"
                  exit 1
      # Function to prompt user for MAC address
      get_mac_address() {
          read -p "Please enter the MAC address of the console (format: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx): " CONSOLE_MAC
          if [[ ! $CONSOLE_MAC =~ ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}-){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ ]]; then
              echo "Invalid MAC address format."
              exit 1
          echo $CONSOLE_MAC
      # Function to scan network and find console IP
      find_console_ip() {
          local MAC_ADDRESS=$1
          echo "Scanning the network to find the console IP..."
          arp -a > arp_scan_results.txt
          local IP=$(grep -i $MAC_ADDRESS arp_scan_results.txt | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '()')
          if [ -z "$IP" ]; then
              echo "Console IP not found. Ensure the console is on and connected to the network."
              exit 1
          echo $IP
      # Function to perform Telnet authentication
      telnet_auth() {
          local IP=$1
          local USER=$2
          local PASS=$3
          plink -telnet $IP -l $USER -pw $PASS exit
      # Main script execution
      main() {
          # Check for required tools
          # Get MAC address from user
          # Find console IP
          CONSOLE_IP=$(find_console_ip $CONSOLE_MAC)
          echo "Console IP found: $CONSOLE_IP"
          # Define the configuration file path
          # Write the configuration settings to the file
          echo "BindPort 21" > $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "CommandTimeout 300" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "ConnectTimeout 15" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "MaxConnections 20" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          # Add user configurations
          echo "<User \"xbox\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "    Password \"xbox\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "<User \"flash\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "    Password \"flash\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
          # Authenticate users via Telnet
          telnet_auth $CONSOLE_IP "xbox" "xbox"
          telnet_auth $CONSOLE_IP "flash" "flash"
          # Print the configuration file to confirm
          cat $CONFIG_FILE
          # Clean up
          rm arp_scan_results.txt
          echo "Script completed successfully. Configuration file created at $CONFIG_FILE."
      # Execute the main function

      How to Use:
      Install Necessary Tools:

      MinGW: Install MinGW from
      PuTTY (plink): Download and install PuTTY from

      Enable Telnet Client on Windows

      Open Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off.
      Check the box for "Telnet Client" and click OK.

      Run the Script

      Save the script to a file named, and run it using the MinGW shell


    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. Clumsy

    Clumsy Member

    May 29, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Macon, Georgia
    If you are having trouble with the windows script I have updated it to work without PuTTY

    # Function to check if necessary tools are installed
    check_tools() {
        local REQUIRED_TOOLS=("telnet" "grep" "awk" "arp")
        for tool in "${REQUIRED_TOOLS[@]}"; do
            if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then
                echo "$tool is required but not installed. Please install it first."
                if [ "$tool" == "telnet" ]; then
                    echo "For Windows, you can enable Telnet Client from 'Turn Windows features on or off' in the Control Panel."
                elif [ "$tool" == "arp" ]; then
                    echo "ARP should be available by default in Windows. Ensure you are using MinGW with network capabilities."
                exit 1
    # Function to prompt user for MAC address
    get_mac_address() {
        read -p "Please enter the MAC address of the console (format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx): " CONSOLE_MAC
        if [[ ! $CONSOLE_MAC =~ ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ ]]; then
            echo "Invalid MAC address format."
            exit 1
        echo $CONSOLE_MAC
    # Function to scan network and find console IP
    find_console_ip() {
        local MAC_ADDRESS=$1
        echo "Scanning the network to find the console IP..."
        arp -a > arp_scan_results.txt
        local IP=$(grep -i $(echo $MAC_ADDRESS | tr ':' '-') arp_scan_results.txt | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '()')
        if [ -z "$IP" ]; then
            echo "Console IP not found. Ensure the console is on and connected to the network."
            exit 1
        echo $IP
    # Function to perform Telnet authentication
    telnet_auth() {
        local IP=$1
        local USER=$2
        local PASS=$3
            echo open $IP
            sleep 1
            echo $USER
            sleep 1
            echo $PASS
            sleep 1
            echo exit
        } | telnet
    # Main script execution
    main() {
        # Check for required tools
        # Get MAC address from user
        # Find console IP
        CONSOLE_IP=$(find_console_ip $CONSOLE_MAC)
        echo "Console IP found: $CONSOLE_IP"
        # Define the configuration file path
        # Write the configuration settings to the file
        echo "BindPort 21" > $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "CommandTimeout 300" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "ConnectTimeout 15" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "MaxConnections 20" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        # Add user configurations
        echo "<User \"xbox\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "    Password \"xbox\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "<User \"flash\">" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "    Password \"flash\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "    IP \"$CONSOLE_IP\"" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        echo "</User>" >> $CONFIG_FILE
        # Authenticate users via Telnet
        telnet_auth $CONSOLE_IP "xbox" "xbox"
        telnet_auth $CONSOLE_IP "flash" "flash"
        # Print the configuration file to confirm
        cat $CONFIG_FILE
        # Clean up
        rm arp_scan_results.txt
        echo "Script completed successfully. Configuration file created at $CONFIG_FILE."
    # Execute the main function
    This code should work on MINGW no problem

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