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XeLL Reloaded Download - Codename: 2Stages

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Download XeLL Reloaded 28/08/2011 - First Official Version

    Whats new?

    * Its divided in 2 stages:
    - 1st Stage initalizes the Hardware, uncompresses and executes 2nd Stage
    - 2nd Stage (based on LibXenon) loads all required drivers and does the usual "XeLL tasks"
    * XeLL is based on LibXenon now
    * XeLL is running with all CPU cores activated
    * Optimized CPU Usage
    * TinyEHCI is used, delivers full USB 2.0 speed when acccessing mass storage media
    * lwip network stack upgraded to v1.4 rc2 - It's faster
    * It can access the DVD-drive via DMA now: faster reading
    * It's possible to reload into XeLL now when you are inside a LibXenon Application
    * Refactored ELF Launching Code - shouldn't have issues when executed via XeLL-Launch
    * New HTTP Webinterface
    * Proper hardware init / shutdown (e.g. after XeLL Launch)
    * Supports upgrading XeLL with a XeLL-2Stages binary from USB, named "updxell.bin"
    * Infinite bootloop when looking for ELFs to execute
    * Parses / decrypts keyvault (either with real or virtual CPUkey)

    For now, there is still a little work to do on the nandflasher so this feature is disabled and a update will comes in the following weeks.

    If you have a Jtag console, you can update XeLL with tuxuser's apps : XeLL Updater or LxNANDFlasher (Use at your own risks).

    What is Xell?

    XeLL is the Xenon Linux Loader. It's a second-stage bootloader which is loaded by a loader.

    XeLL catches CPU threads, sets them up, loads an ELF file from either network (tftp) or CDROM (ISO9660), and launches it. It's made to boot linux. Thus it also contains a flat device tree for linux. However, it should be able to load other ELF files as well, like apps based on libXenon.

    Attached Files:

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