Manually updating games offline

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by robe36, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. robe36

    robe36 New Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Hello just tried firing up my old banned xbox 360 and tried to do a system link with my good xbox 360 to play with son. Anyways system link (Black Ops 1 and 2) shows both systems need to have same version to play, so think that is why i can't see other system from either system.

    Had to redo this since I can't add links to pages I'm referring to.

    I tried to follow this,How to extract / dump title updates (patches) to and from the Xbox 360 hard drive, for xbox 120GB drive but xplorer 360 won't see hard drive. It will see hard drive withParty_Buffalo_Drive_Explorer_v2_0_1_0 and with XPort 360 2.12.

    I tried doing the suggested here, but had no luck..Getting HDD's to Show Up in Xplorer360 (If you have FATX Error Look Here) on sevensins. I have Windows 8.1 Pro x64, so maybe issue with that software working properly there.

    Tried Xplorer360 Beta 6 Xtreme build 2.

    Can I use either Party Buffalo explorer or XPort 360 instead of xplorer360? Any other suggestions for me trying to patch my games? Can I get the patches from my XBOX live synced hard drive in a certain area and copy them to my banned xbox360 hard drive? For the moment I'm trying to patch Black Ops 1 and 2.

    Another question on title updates...Do I get the latest title update, assuming these are patches with previous versions applied, or do I have to apply each one for that game title?

    Thanks I'm new to all of the updating, which Black Ops drove me to this...

    Thank you
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Use Party Buffalo Drive Explorer, it works a lot better than the older tools I find.

    Yes you can get the patches from your console that's on Xbox Live.

    For Blackops the title update will be located in Content\0000000000000000\41560855\000B0000

    For Blackops 2 the title update will be located in Content\0000000000000000\415608C3\000B0000

    Simply extract the update and inject it in to the other console.

    Your legit games media ID could well differ from the copy you have on your banned console though, in which case you will need to find a title update online which matches the media ID of the game on your banned console.
  3. robe36

    robe36 New Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Thanks for the info InsaneNutter. I tried to use Party Buffalo, but only noticed browsing and didn't see the inject option.

    I've learned a few things since my initial posts.

    Tried several tools.

    360mpGUI: v1.0.2.3 would not work, gave error "subscript used with non-array variable". Found v1.0.9.2 beta and it worked fine. Used the media-info tab for getting media ID to make sure I was getting correct updates from Digiex.

    Modio: 5.301 didn't seem to be of any use for what I was trying to do, so removed. No inject etc.

    Xplorer360: Beta 6 xtreme build 2 would not see xbox drive with transfer cable. (Installed FATXplorer integration driver and then Xplorer360 seen the hard drive). Copied updates to the cache folder on partition 3 but did not see the update happen when checking version again in game. I did notice each update file I injected it would create 2 files on drive. Also I couldn't see the content subfolders to copy to game id directory directly.

    FATXplorer: would not see xbox drive on transfer cable. 7 day trial as well. Installed its integration driver, unsure what it does but still didn't see hard drive.

    Horizon: (unsure version) eventually was the tool to help me copy or inject the update directly under the game content folder and when I started game and checked version I seen the version change. (watch for the junk in the installer)

    I'll have to remember the details on the slim hard drive to get the media from the content subfolders you mentioned. Did it have the same adapter on slim for hard drive, like it does on the fat console so I can use the transfer cable? Black Ops II with update from Digiex (TU9) brings you up to 30.0.-1 for both zombie and multiplayer modes. My slim with xbox live is 44.1802.1 (zombie) 44.1826.14 (multiplayer). So I'm not sure if it because of possible free map download or if Digiex doesn't have the latest Title Update posted. Any ideas?

    Since Black Ops 1 matches versions I think the 2 consoles will see each other over network with system link, unless I'm doing something wrong or not thinking correctly.

    **(Black Ops now works since both consoles have the same version, still have to sort BO2)
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    For Party Buffalo you can right click and inject files, or right click to extract a file also.

    CoD title updates are a pain as theirs so many different regional variations of the same game, you can try and see if you have any luck finding the updated for your copy of the game.
  5. robe36

    robe36 New Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Thanks again InsaneNutter. Tried Party Buffalo again and see the option with right click, unsure why I didn't see or notice it before...haha.

    Xbox Unity looks to have higher title updates. Thanks for that info.

    Confused on this: Do I get both?
    MediaID :05C7492A
    Update: 18 Base version: 00000002
    Update: 18 Base version: 00000003

    I wish the sites on the 360mpGui interface were still alive, or there was a utility like the PS3 has, where you enter the game id and it gives you the latest updates from a storage point

    ** Update. When I downloaded both (TU18), they had the same file name, so assume they were the same. I injected the update and it made the version of COD BO2 44.0.-1. Tried connecting the two consoles and it worked. I seen the slim show the version 44.0.-1 but then showed the 44.1802.1/44.1826.14 versions (zombie/multiplayer) so most likely they may be the maps throwing the .###. I may grab the slim console drive later to see if I see anything distinguishing a map file in the content directory later

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