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Command and Conquer Gold (Released for Free By EA)

Discussion in 'Games' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Free and Legal from CommAndandConquer.com

    Thanks largely to the efforts of our loyal fans whom continue to sustain and grow the Command & Conquer community, Command & Conquer has become a legendary franchise and it’s time to celebrate its birth once again.

    In order to give back to the fans for over 12 years of devotion we are putting together a 12th Anniversary celebration during the month of September. However, as any Command & Conquer fan knows, the true party starts today, August 31st, which marks 12 years since Command & Conquer Gold launched way back in 1995.

    To kick the celebration off, today we have a special surprise which we are certain new and old Command & Conquer fans will enjoy. We are providing the original Command & Conquer Gold as a free download, compatible for Windows XP! This is the same version included with the collectors pack Command & Conquer: The First Decade, and is now available for you to download for free!

    As the original files are no longer hosted by EA, we have created a mirror on Digiex for your convenience, we have also included the patch to enable you to play the game in resolutions up to 1280x768.


    C&C Gold - Torrent (Includes both CD’s and the patch)

    C&C Gold - GDI CD

    C&C Gold - NOD CD

    Install Instructions

    Higher Resolution Patches - The latest version can be downloaded from: Command & Conquer Gold Project 1.06

    For information on how to burn the image file to disc please have a look at the following Digiex guide: How to burn BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI images to disc.

    64bit Windows Users:

    Nyerguds has created a custom installer which works on 64bit versions of Windows, it is recommended you download this version as it includes many enhancements such as allowing you to use higher screen resolutions and most importantly you can install the game and have a fully functional copy that works on Windows XP, Vista and 7 64bit editions. (Also works on 32bit Windows versions)

    After installing go to the folder you installed to and set the compatibility mode for C&C95.exe to:

    -Win95 for XP
    -Win98 for Vista or higher

    Download: Nyerguds C&C Complete No-CD game installation pack (v1.06c r2, no videos, all music included)
    Download: Video Addon

    Just un-rar the video addon to your install folder and you can now play through the campaign complete with all the cut scenes.

    Nyerguds website: Link

    Attached Files:

    Rick, Trebor and MasterChief like this.
  2. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    BonezOz likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I didn’t know this was still available on the EA servers, it was removed at one point.
    Always nice to have a copy not hosted by EA as you never know when they might decide to remove the download.

    Also thanks for the link to your patch, I have edited my original post with a link to your website. I found the patch on gamershell originally.

    Looks like you have made a lot of improvements since! :)
  4. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Heh, yeah... and I'm still working on more ;)

    I've had to restrict the resolutions to just the standard 640x400/640x480 and then 1024x768 as hi-res. Wish I could add 800x600 too, but there's too many problems with adding several resolutions.

    As for the download, yeah, I know they removed it... not sure exactly when they put it back. They probably realized it took less space than one patch of one of their newest games :P

    Note that people on 64 bit systems can't install from CD, because the installer is a 16-bit program. To get around that, I put a full game installer on my site too. It normally enables NoCD mode, but if people want it to read the CD to show the briefing videos, they can just open the conquer.ini file and disable the NoCD option.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
    BonezOz likes this.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I’m going to try your installer for 64bit systems as I was never able to install this free version, I have the first decade pack so it never really bothered me too much.

    Would be nice to have it installed on other PC’s in the house though! :)

    Could i dump the movies from the CD’s in to the games folder too or would the CD or ISO have to be mounted for movies to play?

    Edit - I used your installer, however when ever i start a game the mouse just freezes after a few seconds and the music continues to play. This is on Windows 7 64bit, I will have to see if it happens without the resolution patch.
  6. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Ah, right... I forgot to make the installer set the compatibility options. You need to run C&C95.exe in compatibility mode:

    -Win95 for XP
    -Win98 for Vista or higher

    Did you say you used the resolution patch on my new version? Bad idea, I don't know if the changes are exactly the same. It might mess it up completely. Just use ccsetup.exe to switch between the resolutions. The full download is already the latest version, so don't try to patch it with anything.

    As for the videos, well, the easiest way is to just mount the ISOs, but both ways are possible. The problem with copying it is that both CDs have a movies archive with the same name (movies.mix), but with about 50% different files inside it. I made a combined archive, and it's on my site too, but it's about 500 mb (800 when unrarred), so I'm not too keen on throwing that link around. It's not my own server...

    With the next release, I'm going to upload complete video packs for the game, and even video addon packs for different languages. (I got the vids in English, French, german and japanese)
    MasterChief and InsaneNutter like this.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Don’t worry what I meaning to say is I downloaded your new version which has the patch pre done, I have now got it working perfectly with compatibility mode for Windows 98 and the video add-on you linked to. Thanks!

    If you wanted we could host a mirror of them on Digiex and link to them either in this thread or you could make your own about your improved Command and Conquer for Windows.
  8. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Got it working fine here, thanks for the download and cheers to Nyerguds for the patch (Y)
  9. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Glad I could help :)

    I'd be great to have a mirror of the movies pack, but for the patch I prefer just making my own thread to attach a local copy, so I can still update it when necessary.
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I’ve added a mirror of your C&C NO-CD install pack along with the video add-on and a link to your C&C patch website.

    I’m loving the NO-CD installer and video pack, the best way to play the game and not have to worry about mounting different CD images. (Y)

    I don’t know if your planning to update the installer anytime soon, if you ever want to do your own thread about it on Digiex ill remove it from here so you can post it up.
  11. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I'm swamped with school projects right now, but yeah, I'll update it later to fix the compatibility thing.

    As for the next patch... not sure, could take a few months. I really want to look into removing most of the Advanced options in the config file, and making them into multiplayer game settings (like number of players, MCV Undeploy and non-allied AIs), but that means doing some serious research into the way the game transfers such options to the other players.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  12. Nyerguds

    Nyerguds Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Fixed the compatibility settings in the installer, and re-uploaded it on my site. If you can re-upload the full version to the server here, I'll make the new thread :)
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  14. yuriythebest

    yuriythebest New Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    hi and thanks for this release!

    question: is it possible to have a build queue in c&c gold?
  15. byrows

    byrows New Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    Multiplayer mode works?
  16. Vocatus

    Vocatus New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Hey, I registered on this site just so I could say a huge THANKS!!! to Nyerguds. You rock man!
  17. Luciel

    Luciel New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Hi Guys,

    I know it´s a bit of an old thread bump but...

    ...I recently purchased C&C4 to see how it all ends... I was incredibly disgusted with what they´ve done to the game and havent even bothered to finish it.

    I did however enjoy C&C3 so figured I´d replay C&C and Tib Sun for good old days.

    Anyhow, downloaded the C&C95 and found out it didnt work with W7 x64, so google-ing for answers I found this thread, needless to say it´s all working now and thank you very much!!!

    So I thought, how can I give back to the community?

    Well I´ve assembled in one rar file, 6 rar files named as steps.

    The steps include install, copying movies to the dir, patching to 1.06c, hotfix for patch, 1280x768 patch, music remixes and all that.

    I´m currently uploading it to one of the websites I manage which some of you might recognise, cd-2-dvd.com

    I´ve also told one of my moderators about it as he is a fan of the C&C universe as well, and in the process of convincing him to create one of his famous installers (the most famous being the SIMS2 installer with all the expansions) so all this steps, plus any other you guys can think off will look like one single installer, with an up to date interface and very nice looking, so all you´d have to do is click install, choose directly and the rest will be done automagically.

    Hope you guys like this : )

    Thank you very much!
  18. Antony.R

    Antony.R Addict

    Aug 5, 2008
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    Oooo the old C & C, Worth a look when i can be bothered downloading ;)
  19. Rincewind32

    Rincewind32 Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    i managed to get this play easy enough which is more than can be said for C&C Red alert. If someone can help me by replying on the red alert thread, thanks!

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