Download / rip / save Channel 4 - 4oD (4 on Demand) Content with no DRM as MP4's

Discussion in 'Media Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The problem:

    So you have seen something you want to watch on 4 on Demand, but don’t want to watch it on your PC? or stream it on a mobile device due to bandwidth restrictions.

    4oD uses DRM, which means anything you can download will only play on the PC that downloaded it, not very useful if you would like to watch it else where at a later date.

    Note: This tutorial is many years old now and probably doesn't work with any of the content on 4oD anymore.

    The solution:

    Not all is lost, we can use rtmpdump with the rtmpExplorer user interface to rip content from 4oD in .flv (Flash) format, we can then use ffmpeg to mux the .flv video back in to an .mp4 video which should play perfectly on most devices.

    If you follow this tutorial the end result should be a nice mp4 file with no DRM attached to it.

    Its worth mentioning the quality of your download will vary, the newer content on 4oD is of much higher quality than content that has been on there for a couple of years.

    Note: You need to be accessing 4oD from a UK ip address, so if you are outside the UK you will require a VPN to view or download anything on 4oD.
    If you havent got a VPN provider yet, I strongly recommend NordVPN. If you use the coupon code "2YDeal2017" you can get 2 years service for only $79.99 which is a massive steal. I picked NordVPN because of its zero logging policy, it's Netflix US friendly as well as P2P friendly while operating out of Panama meaning DMCA and Blocking Streams just doesnt happen.

    Lets get started:

    First Download my 4oD rip package, this includes all the applications you need in one neat package.

    When this has downloaded unzip it somewhere, your desktop will be fine.

    Go in to the folder containing the files you just unzipped and load rtmpExplorer


    You will need to allow access to the internet if prompted


    Now go to 4 on Demand (4oD) and find the program you wish to rip.

    Copy the URL of this in to RTMP Explorer:


    Still in RTMP Explorer click play on the video, as if you were going to watch it normally


    Ignore the adverts as they play (or watch them if you enjoy that sort of thing)


    When the adverts have finished this is where the download process will now start, instead of your web browser playing the video rtmpsrv will download it, saving it as an flv file.

    The speed here will vary greatly depending on your internet connection, it takes me around 1 or 2 minutes to rip a show on a 20mbit connection.

    Wait until rtmpsrv says the download complete, when it has you have ripped the program from 40d! (Y)


    Mux the FLV video back in to an MP4:

    Now all that is left to do is to mux it back to an MP4, so it will be compatible with the majority of media players and mobile devices out there.

    You want to load Command Prompt which can be found by clicking the Start Orb, going to All Programs > Accessories > or pressing the windows key + r and typing in CMD.

    After you want to navigate to the folder you unzipped in Command Prompt, if this was on your desktop you would likley only need to type: cd 40d-rip-download-package


    Once in the folder type:

    ffmpeg -i file.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy your-download.mp4

    file.flv = the name of the file ripped from 4oD
    your-download.mp4 = the name you want the mux'ed MP4 to be.

    The process should only take a couple of seconds


    The quality will vary, with the newer programs generally been higher quality

    Episode from Skins series 3 released in 2009.


    Episode from Skins series 5 released in 2011


    As you can see the more recent content on 4oD is a higher resolution and bitrate.

    Congratulations you are done! the mp4 file should play in your favourite media player, or portable media player.

    This is the only free way to rip content from 4oD at the time of posting, it has worked perfectly for many months. I cant guarantee it will work in the future as Channel 4 could change how 4oD works, however it works now at the time of posting.

    Enjoy :)


    Q: I get a black screen when i try rip another program:


    A: Load internet explorer and clear your internet history, it should work fine then. You might have to do this every time after ripping a show, i have to anyway for the next one to rip correctly.


    Attached Files:

    DARKFiB3R, tommroper5 and Rick like this.
  2. afiqr

    afiqr New Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    hello, i'm having trouble, help me, it shows Capture.PNG
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Have you allowed rtmpsrv.exe in your firewall? it looks like its been blocked.
  4. dmpiq

    dmpiq New Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Every time when I download, no matter which video from 4oD, it comes up with: RTMP Error.JPG

    The videos stream and can be watched without any problems on Firefox and IE, but when I try to download it using the above instructions, I get the errors.
    I have added a rule to my firewall for rtmpExplorer, rtmpsrv and rtmpdumb, cleared all of my IE cache, history, etc AND used CCleaner, but to no avail.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  5. tommroper5

    tommroper5 New Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I can confirm this still works as of 30/04/2012. Thanks a lot for this! (:
  6. dmpiq

    dmpiq New Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Good for you. But it doesn't work for me, so that's a 50% chance that it will work.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    When i have got that error you do clearing the internet history for IE always fixed it.

    Do you have anything like Norton internet security installed that messes with your internet and DNS settings?
    Maybe some ad blocking software could be the cause too.

    Only thing i can think is that some 3rd party software could be interfering with it.

    Try disabling your firewall and see if it works then.

    I've just done a quick test and can confirm it still works here as the 01/05/12:

  8. charliepie

    charliepie New Member

    May 2, 2012
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    This Rtmp thing is great so thanks for making it available. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get it to work with 4od where my mum wants me to record Marrying Prince Harry(anyone else tried to get this?) I tried deleting all the history etc but still just showing a black box with no play button to click. Strangely I am able to download stuff from demand five, William and Kate: One year on again for my royal family loving mother! Can't find that Prince Harry one on the torrent sites either so I'm stumped...4 days left on 4od to grab it too so need to fix the problem fast!

    I don't use any anti virus/security software only the windows firewall which allows the server to run(besides the five stuff works for so not sure what the issue is here?)

    *Edit* Managed to find it on youtube but it wasn't working so decided to try rtmp explorer again and it seems to be downloading as I type (fingers crossed) so I can only assume there was a problem over at 4od's end...? Thanks again:)
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  9. bakelentil

    bakelentil New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    First of all thanks to insanenutter for the tutorial, very clear and easy to follow. I tried RMPTExplorer to download from C4od nd got the same blank screen as others. Works perfectly on C5od though?

    Any thoughts on this?

    64bit Windows 7 system.

  10. AngloSaxon

    AngloSaxon New Member

    May 21, 2012
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    Hi guys,

    I have just joined the site to say a big thanks to insanenutter for this guide and software package. After trying lots of other pieces of software which promised much and delivered little or nothing, I happened upon this forum. With a lot of scepticism I downloaded the package, followed the instructions and lo and behold it worked!

    Many thanks! :D

    (Windows 7 64bit System)
  11. sinebyte

    sinebyte New Member

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Hi fella i tried this and it appears to ask me to update the flash player, i did this and the screen then goes black, can you confirm this still works or does the code need updating as flashing has been updated ?
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It still works here, clear your internet history, cookies, temp files and so on. I have to do that each time i try and download something.
  13. Flora111

    Flora111 Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Hello All! At the end of last week the 40d downloads suddenly got SO MUCH EASIER... The downloads no longer need to be converted to MP4 [which I found a bit of a trial at first] they are automatically saved as a flash video is a breeze to save the programmes & saves the tedious spooling which afflicts us so much of the time.

    Was it our friend Insane Nutter who sorted this ?....Well done & thanks again!
  14. CyberDude

    CyberDude New Member

    Aug 17, 2012
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    Well as of 17-8-12 this isn't working for me on 4OD - well partially true. It downloads the streams for the adverts but it doesn't download the content for the "main feature"..... I've been through the usual clear and restart but are there other troubleshooting tips?
  15. Le Blur

    Le Blur New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Please could somebody who has used this successfully before confirm that this still works for them or not?

    Like CyberDude, I am finding that it successfully downloads the streams for the adverts but not the actual programme that I wanted to capture.

    I have also tried clearing everything etc. before I try to do a download.
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It only half works now, on older programs that have been on 40d for a few months it works fine.
    However for programs that have been added recently it will only download the adverts as you have both found.

    I have attached a screenshot showing a successfully downloaded episode of Skins from earlier this year, however on new content it does not appear to work any more.

    Attached Files:

    • 40d.png
      File size:
      107.1 KB
  17. Le Blur

    Le Blur New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Thanks for confirming that, Insane Nutter. And thank you for the excellent post in the first place. I think it will still prove very useful for the older stuff.
  18. jimbo

    jimbo New Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    Any update to the 4Od Downloader package?

    4od downloader not working for the programmes.

    The original post which was closed last year gives he impression that it does work but only for the dverts tht preceed the programme.

    So can anyone tell me if there is an update to the 40d line-command downloader package?

    I am new year so hope any of you are able to help me. I am for now just looking around to see what is here. seems iteresting.

    Thanks for your help.
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Unfortunately I don't believe anything has changed in regards to this, it's still only possible to rip older content.

    Also not sure why this post was closed, however i have re opened it so people can discuss any new methods that might be available in the future.
  20. baderdossary

    baderdossary New Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    thanks man! I can't believe it really worked!!

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