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Driver for ISSCEDRBTA Bluetooth Dongle in Vista 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64)

Discussion in 'Drivers' started by Nimrod, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Bluetooth Dongle (ISSCEDRBTA) Driver for Windows Vista

    Purchased one of those cheap USB dongles for only 5 dollars but found to use it you need to spend money on the software? Or if you have found a cracked version or actually bought it and found its useless and wanted to use the built in Bluetooth in Windows Vista? Well now you can!

    USB Bluetooth Dongle:

    (Note: Design can vary and may not look like above)

    What I have done is modified the Bluetooth driver file that comes with Vista, to include this dongle by adding its hardware ID to the supported devices list.

    To install, download either the 32-bit or 64-bit package (depending on your version of Vista – If you are unsure it will most likely be 32-bit) and extract all the files somewhere, like for example on your desktop in a folder called Bluetooth drivers. Then plug the stick in, Windows will fail to find the drivers and ask you to either provide a location for them, or provide a CD. Provide the location and give Windows the folder location of the extracted drivers. Windows will now install the drivers and your Dongle will be ready for use.
    You should now be up and running with the Windows Bluetooth Interface, which you can find in Control Panel or in the System Tray.

    You have now got a dirt cheap Bluetooth Adaptor to work fully without having to pay extra for any rubbish software.

    The Hardware installed into Windows Vista:


    Bluetooth devices nearby:


    Adding a new device:


    File transfers:


    Working with the Nokia PC Suite:



    Download is below for Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit.

    If you are still using Windows XP you may be interested in the XP version of these drivers located at:


    Attached Files:

    titititi4 and deyab like this.
  2. unkellsam

    unkellsam New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Using Vista x64 with sp1, the driver works just fine until the computer goes to sleep.

    When it wakes up the driver "generic bluetooth adapter" gets a yellow exclamation mark and devices stop responding. The only way to fix it is completely uninstalling the drivers, restarting the computer and reinstalling.

    Anyone had this problem? Suggestions?
    Ilya likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I’m also using Vista X64 with SP1, however I have no problems with the when the computer resumes from sleep.

    Maybe you can unplug the Bluetooth dongle before you put the computer to sleep, I’m not too sure what can be causing this.

    Did you have the dongle installed before upgrading to SP1? I have tried to replicate your problem a few times but it’s still working fine for me.
  4. Itzel

    Itzel New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    I just installed this driver for Vista 32 bits but I can get to turn on the bluetooth. I check the control panel Bluetoth Devices and in Device Status, it shows Window has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43) . I don´t know what to do next.

    I also tried to add my device (movil phone) having it with the Discovery mode but I think is useless if the device in the computer is not working. Please help me.

    One more thing how I now what SP do I have?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes that’s correct, if the drivers are not working your mobile phone will not be able to find your computer.

    To find out what service pack you have click the vista orb in the bottom left of the screen, then right click on computer and go to properties, If you have SP1 it will be shown like in this image:


    If you don’t have SP1, un install the drivers, upgrade to SP1 and try the drivers again.
  6. billsmith

    billsmith New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    I get a code 43 error after numerous installs. I'm using Vista x64 with sp1. Is there any fix for this?
    Also, Microsoft Bluetooth Emulator does not show up in the device manager. Please help!
  7. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Sounds to me like the dongle you have isnt the same as the one the driver was for :(
  8. billsmith

    billsmith New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    It looks the same but when I insert it into the system it tells me to find a driver for "ISSCEDBTA" not "ISSCEDRBTA" Is there any way that this driver can be made to work for it? I hate the stupid software that comes with it.
  9. CharlyAR

    CharlyAR New Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    First of all: thanks! (Y)


    I'm trying to make this piece of sh.t work with Win2008 x64... *-)

    Tried changing the bth.inf, line 102, "[GenericAdapter.NTamd64...1]" to "[GenericAdapter.NTamd64...3]" so it *should* be able to work in a server. 8-)

    The first time I tried, it installed itself (after the warning) but with an exclamation sign. ^o)

    Then I tried to remove it and reinstall, but now it doesn't seem to recognize the driver. :(

    Any idea?

    Thanks again!

    Edit: by the way, some info working with the Bluetooth stack in Win2008 can be found in http://www.gilkirkpatrick.com/Blog/post/Installing-the-Microsoft-Bluetooth-Stack-on-Windows-Server-2008.aspx
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2008
  10. Kero_1116

    Kero_1116 New Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    I tried using it to connect to my bluetooth headset. It seems like there's no driver to support the audio component of the device.

    Possible to add it in the future? Thanks
  11. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    No can do. This driver uses Microsoft's Bluetooth stack. Until Microsoft bring support for bluetooth headsets to Windows there's nothing that can be done to add it to this driver. :(
  12. naoki1980

    naoki1980 New Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Sorry for reviving the thread, recently downloaded the drivers to install my ISSCEDRBTA dongle on my vista machine. Kept getting "Device cannot start(Error Code 10)" on the Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator and Bluetooth Device(RFCOMM Protocol TDI) items, seems to be linked to some bthenum.sys errors, as that file is a common driver file for these 2 items. Any of ytou guys have this problem too? Anyway this problem occured after I installed SP2 for Vista, did not have this problem prior to the installation.
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What about if you right click on generic Bluetooth adaptor in device manager, select un install, then the checkbox to remove all drivers associated with the device and re install after that?

    I’ve upgraded from SP1 and SP2 and it carried on working for me, it appears a few people are having problems with the drivers but ive never been able to replicate them on any of the XP or Vista PC’s around here. Do you have any other usb devices plugged in it could be conflicting with?
    deyab likes this.
  14. expert_vision

    expert_vision New Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    Driver not digitaly signed

    How did you guys instal this on Vista 64 .. drivers are not digitaly signed ?!?!
    I've deal with this problem before by sign them for myself and enableing test mode in vista.
    Anyway I get the same error "Device cannot start(Error Code 10)" 'cause BthEnum service it's not running. No ideea way(I signed the drivers including bthenum.dll).
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Press the windows key and r to open the run box, type in services.msc.
    Find Bluetooth Support Service.

    Right click on it and go to properties

    Change start-up type to automatic, then if the service is not started click the start button below.

    Also be sure to have a look at my guide on how to disable driver signing here: https://digiex.net/guides-tutorials/116-how-disable-driver-signing-windows-vista-64-bit-x64.html Do so then install the drivers.

    You shouldn’t need to modify / sign the drivers in any way if you do the above.

    Good luck.

    Attached Files:

  16. deyab

    deyab New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    @naoki1980, Did you ever get this to work in vista x64 SP2? I have the same error code 10.

    @InsaneNutter, I tried your fix, and that didn't help.

    The "Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator" has the code 10 error. "Generic Bluetooth Adapter" looks okay. In Control Panel\Bluetooth Devices, I can search for my Palm Centro, see it, and can initiate pairing. Palm pops up a passkey dialog - I put in something like 1234, and expect the vista machine to pop a dialog for passkey (this is how it works in my Lenovo T61 running xp 32 SP3) - but this never happens. As soon as I hit okay in Palm after entering a passkey, Vista errors out claiming authentication error. I suspect this is because the enumeration service is in error state, but I can't be sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as this is the only way I can get my Palm to sync with my machine. TIA!
  17. deyab

    deyab New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    okay. I finally got it to work (for the most part).

    First, getting rid of the above mentioned Code 10 error. There probably is a better way to roll back drivers to earlier version, but this is what I did. Find C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bthenum.sys, then take ownership of the file, update permissions to give yourself full control. Then replace this with the same file in the zip file provided by nimrod at the beginning of this thread. Basically, we are downgrading from 6.0.6002.18005 to 6.0.6000.16386. After this is done, in device manager disable, then enable Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator and Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI). They should now work. Do keep in mind, if the bluetooth dongle is moved to a different USB port, the newer drivers would get auto installed, and you have to redo the whole thing - so make up your mind about which USB port you would keep the dongle in.

    However, I still can not pair my phone (as a trusted device). Authentication error persist. I can not use my bluetooth mouse, for example. I can, however, do bluetooth sync of my phone, which was my basic goal. After the code 10 error was fixed, I was able to set up a bluetooth serial port in the vista box (for incoming connections). HotSync works over this serial port just fine, with one caveat. After every reboot of the machine, phone would not be able to connect. I have to go to HotSync connections in the vista box, change something in the settings, and then change it back - then HotSync would work. Why? I do not know. Anyone else struggling with it would probably have some other weird thing happening to them - but hopefully this post will help someone!
  18. alyann

    alyann New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Thanks so much for doing this! I do have a question. I downloaded and extracted all the files to my desktop folder but when I put the dongle in I get a message saying "Device Driver Software was not Successfully installed. Please consult with your device manufacturer for assistance getting this device installed. Install failed. " Windows doesn't ask me to provide a location for the driver or install cd. How do I get to where I can tell windows where to find the drivers??
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Click properties on the Computer icon on the desktop, failing that right click the computer button on the start menu.

    Click device manager in the top left of the window that opens.

    Now find the Bluetooth device in there, right click and select update driver software.
  20. alyann

    alyann New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Thanks Insanenutter that worked but when I updated the software it gave me the error 10 code. So I tried what deyab did and I think I really messed something up. Now my generic bluetooth radio (the dongle), bluetooth enumerator, and Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI) all have the yellow triangle box with the exclamation point in it next to them and when I double click on them they all say error 10 code. Please tell me I didn't really screw this up!

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