Guide to Jailbreak the PS3 with a iPhone 3G/2G running PSFreedom

Discussion in 'Playstation 3 Guides' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. redzombi2k

    redzombi2k New Member

    Oct 10, 2010
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    Hi, this has been my experience with the easy install.
    Yes it was easy however, when i tried to load the game with out disc it simply never would work, Just a flashing screen and back at the xmb. so i looked around and found the supposed hermes v3 'no disc' android.img.gz file.
    I ssh into the phone manually replaced the one from the installer here and tried again, this time it worked but only with a disc!?
    I am so confused, now the one here showed up on xmb without a disc but would not load, then after replacement of the android.img.gz file to a supposed hermes v3 no disc it began working but only with a disc... is it possible that its the backup manager im using? i have tried both open manager and backup manager with the same results.
    Any ideas?
  2. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Well you can open the iPhodroid menu on you're device and hit uninstall then use the installer here that contains the Hermes V3 or you can just download the files for the hermes here and replace them using SSH. It's in the guide just show the spoiler.
  3. maleman46

    maleman46 Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    loading iphodriod

    ok guys iam moving in reverse here lol. i uninstalled iphodroid off of my iphone because i want to load the iphodriod with the hermes v3 patch. Now iam back to the same problem i was having before. when i click on "SHOOT" i get the message 'ERROR IN EXSTRACTION PROCEDURE try again i dont remember what i did last time so that i dont get this message could someone please help thx
  4. kuba2102

    kuba2102 Member

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Hi guys. I have noticed that the jailbreak works only when Iphone has a clean system installation and is only jailbroken coz just after I unlock it by repo cant jailbreak my ps3. You got the same?
  5. cengherbogdan

    cengherbogdan New Member

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Hy man
    I have a ps3 with 3.41 firmware , Iphone 3g with 3.1.2 firmware. I do everithing well , But when on iphone write INIT I plug tu ps3 an on tv screen say "an unknown USB device " you know what is the problem ? where I wrong. (scuse me but i don't knok very well to write in english)

  6. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    You almost have it down it sounds like. When you go into the stage to boot up the exploit for the PS3 be sure to make sure the iPod is unplugged, turn off the power source of the PS3 (switch or unplug) after that then plug the iPod in and then press power and eject quickly afterwards. The exploit should work then.
  7. KromaZone

    KromaZone New Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Extract and install iphodroid to C:\

    then run it
  8. KromaZone

    KromaZone New Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    I have my iphone jailbroken with blackrain on 3.1.2 but ive heard that blackrain is not compatible with iphodroid only redsnow is. Are there any tuts that can show me how to re-jailbreak my iphone?
    any help appreciated

  9. epc

    epc New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Hi, thanks for the great work.

    I have follow all the steps on PC and MAC. Both pre patched version and manual version. chmod 777 the 2 files, firmware 3.41 and 3.12 IOS. 2G
    Hermes payload or any other 2 img files, I tried all.
    I get iphone work init, ps3 slim 160G 2 days ago from walmart.

    I got 2 folder installed, and unplug the cord on time so [unknown usb] didn't show.

    got backup manager installed.

    however, when click into app_home folder, it always pop up
    [An error occurred during the start operation. (80028F14)]

    I try reboot and followed re-hack, have the 2 folder show up, but same error.

    any idea what's going wrong? please help, Took me a whole day ..... Thank you!!!
  10. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    If i'm not mistaken your trying to load disc less. What payload are you using on your iPod/iPhone? Also only about 10% of games even work that way so its not really worth it.
  11. N62

    N62 New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    someone help me please!

    Firstly, thankyou VERYMUCH to xzKinG (and all subsequent post-ers) for making this the most helpfull tutorial i have found ... Okay so heres my deal;

    -Iphone 3.1.2 - JB'd (blackra1n) with Iphodroid (Hermes V3 payload from this tutorial)
    -PS3 Slim, 3.41 firmware.

    iv'e followed the instructions countless times and i get the 'unknown usb device connected' message when the ps3 loads up. So thats my first problem - ive tried timing my button presses every way imaginable and no matter what, i always get 'unknown usb device' meesage and the ps3 JB fails. if reading the scrolling text which appears on the iphone during this failed attempt would help - i can re-post.

    However, if i unplug my Iphone from ps3 at a particular moment (when psfreedom first appears on iphone) i seem to get the two magical folders (/app_home/PS3_GAME and install package files) - hack successfull!!!
    BUT by doing this method of removing iphone from ps3, when i try and open the '/app_home/PS3_GAME' folder i get error code 80028F14 the other folder (install packge) works fine.

    Ive installed a few backup managers and backed up one of my games (red dead) which seems to backup successully, but when i try to boot it from backup manager - i am returned to XMB.

    Suprisingly, when i backup (currently trialing flexmanagerv1.0.1) to ps3 internal HD the app_home folder no longer displays error code, and when i hover over it, the game graphic appears and music plays, but when i press x, similar to trying to boot from backup manager - am returned to XMB

    If anyone knows what im doing wrong with the correct method for JB (without having to remove iphone) OR knows a fix for the error code 80028F14 OR has any advice that might help me in anyway with PS3 JB with iphone
  12. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    If you did actually back up Red Dead Redemption instead of downloading it from the internet. Leave the disc in the console and use a backup manager. Find the game you want press X and then you'll return to the XMB, go to the disc icon and instead of it showing the game that is in the console it'll show the game that you wanted to load with backup manager. Most games don't work with app_home (disc less) so don't even bother.
  13. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    I'd say you've got all the files correct. You're just not using the correct backup manager to support disc less play. Try this one
  14. N62

    N62 New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Hey thanks again for your help... i assure you, my copy of red dead is legit - bought during the eb games managers special for $77 - my fav game on ps3 to date; reason im trying to backup & play free running. Didn't even know one could download ps3 games?? i tried your advice ... as per xzKing's reccomendation iv'e been using backupmanager 1.1 - when i run backup (tried using both x, and [] to load with) and am bumped to XMB - the disc icon still shows the disc in the drive (have tried 5 or 6 different games), not as the game im trying to load (red dead) ?? app_home now shows red dead - but when i try and run from there both with other game disc or discless, i get either freeze, or back to XMB. Should i give up on disc-less gaming? or am i just doing something wrong.. PSJCL shows red dead as working discless ( so im assuming i just need to fix my approach... again thanks for any help anyone can offer
  15. FTL3000

    FTL3000 New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    No files in folders

    Using iphone 3g 3.1.3 jb with redsnow

    Fat ps3 firmware 3.41 (silent second full release) from here Ps3OsRels - EurAsiaWiki

    Using "Already Patched with PSFreedom and Contain's the Hermes V3 Payload - No Disc Required" for 3g

    When I do get the timing correct and can get the two folders "install package files" and "app_home/ps3_game/" to show up, there is nothing inside either of them and there is no backup manager or ps3 ftp server as seen in your youtube video. Help?
  16. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    LOL, thats cause app_home/PS3 Game/ is used to launch backup games. In order to get the backup manager you need to place the backup manager v1.1 on the root of a fat32 fotmatted device. Then go to install package files to install the backup manger.
  17. FTL3000

    FTL3000 New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Hey no laughing man, I'm new to this! Pretty obvious eh? ;) Anywho, I just put backup manager on there. Thanks for the tutorial!
  18. breaker_ugay

    breaker_ugay New Member

    Oct 27, 2010
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    heLp pLease.. its me again..
    i aLways get a bLackscreen when i start to pLay backup games..
    i dont know what went wrong..
    i'm using iphone2g, Patched with PSFreedom and Contain's the Hermes V3 Payload - No Disc Required...
    but i cant Load the game..
    ex. Naruto 2, when i boot it up, go to bLackscreen and turn me back to xmb..
    heavey rain got me stuck on bLack screen..
    ive try to copy them both to internaL, same resuLt..
  19. epc

    epc New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Thank you for the reply, I got it work........ It's all about the timing....
    I found a pc, and followed your iphone 2g tut, no payload changed. it works.

    I write it here so maybe can help someone later in this situation.

    It all about timing. I guess first time i was pressing the eject key too quickly after the power. and it didn't go well. Just press the power key then keep pressing eject few times, make sure it go though...

    2. it's about when to pull the plug out of the iphone after jb is done, my experience is , pull the plug as soon as i start to see the wave of SONY starting screen.

    basically, the 2 timings are very important.

    Yes, I did change the payload to the one from the wiki page. 3.41 payload. (not the nos payload). Since the original one come with the iphone 2g PC version dont work well. only game work with that payload is the Dirts 2. even chmod the 2 payload files.

    After changing the payload, all 30+ games work with disc less mode ON. I keep the original GT 5 disc in the drive anyway, since I have no idea which game need it to run with it......

    in conclusion, My experience: the 2 timings are very important. Power then eject few times. when start to see the waves, pull the plug off your iphone. pull it too late wont work. New payload make this part much easier, just wait 1-2 second after you see [remove module]

    if can update the iphone tut and integrate the new payload will be great ;)

    again, thanks for the great tut and answering my question. it helps alot!!
  20. Mengele

    Mengele New Member

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Hi guys im kinda stuck..ive used (Already Patched with PSFreedom and Contain's the Hermes V3 Payload - No Disc Required) patch and everything works fine the ps3 has been hacked but im having problem starting a game from external hdd(even original bd i cant make back ups)as soon as i click the game goes black screen for a while and than auto redirects me to xmb
    ps3- 3.41 iphone 2g 3.2.1 all the files ive used are from here.

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