How do I assign Xbox 360 DLC to my profile?

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by Deathbliss, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Deathbliss

    Deathbliss New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    The threshold of my future...
    A long time ago, when I was a lot more ignorant than I am now, I took my hard drive over to my cousin's and from there I paid for and downloaded a few things, including one of the Perfect Dark map packs and the Call of Duty 4 Variety map pack.

    I still have these files, and since I paid for them I would like to register them with my profile. My Xbox 360 is not modded, and I don't care if it can play online or not since the only time I go online is to update or get demos or videos. I do not want to mod my console or loose that functionality.

    Is there a program that can edit my profile, assign this content to it, so that when I put in my game in the 360 I have access to it? If so what is the name of the program and what are the steps I need to take to do this?

    I have taken advantage of the feature to turn a USB thumb drive into an Xbox 360 memory unit, and I have the file in the appropriate section there. I used USBXtafGUI v3.1 for that, and I currently have Le Fluffie, Profile Editor, DrEmulerXBX, Modie, Xbox 360 Commander and Xplorer360beta6. but have no idea how to use any of them.

    I appreciate your help!
    - Deathbliss
  2. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    There aren't really any programs that you can use but there is something you can do. Whenever you have access to live do this. If you have to go somewhere else to do it, take your 360 with, you will have to redownload everything I believe but it isn't too hard to remember what you have and haven't downloaded if you check your download history on the 360.
  3. Deathbliss

    Deathbliss New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    The threshold of my future...
    For future reference...

    I would like a non-Microcrap solution to this. I thank you for sharing the info as it can help me with my current problem. But let's just say that I may not always feel the need to acquire my games and content through legal means. In a case like that I need a non M$ solution.

    I feel I have the right too, so don't try to convince me otherwise. I pre-ordered the system when it first came out, and went through one disappointment after another. Broken promises, games that were never released that I got the Xbox 360 in the first place, this push for online multiplayter only and elimintaing split-screen, games like Call Of Duty 4 that are supposed to have the bonus maps included but don't, nonlimited edition versions of games I shelled out a lot of cash for, and the list goes on. There's absolutely no loyalty here to Microcrap or any company working with them.

    I don't expect you to agree with me, but I will ask that you respect my opinion and allow me to make my own personal choices, for which I am well aware of the consequences. I know one of the programs I have should be able to do what I want. If you are unwilling or unable to help me here I will simply go somewhere else, and leave you all in peace.

    Thank you for your understanding -
    - Deathbliss
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Its honestly not possible to transfer purchased arcade games / dlc to another profile and its unlikely it ever will be.

    This would allow people to sell arcade games/ DLC once they have finished with it and essential create a second hand market for virtual items.
    Games publishers / developers already hate the fact that so many games are sold on multiple times once a person has finished with it, they get no extra revenue from this sale. Is unlikely there going to be nice to the customer and allow them to re sell content purchased on Xbox Live, that would be a massive loss in revenue for them so its never going to happen... as much as I would love it to.

    I presume you actually purchased the stuff you want to transfer on your cousins profile, if so then a licence transfer would be no good... and there really is nothing you can do sadly.

    If you did purchase it on a profile you own just do a licence transfer to your console and any profile that is signed in to your console can use the content.
  5. Deathbliss

    Deathbliss New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    The threshold of my future...
    Could you explain?

    Thank you for taking the time to reply so politely. I was wondering if you could explain what you said. As far as I know each time someone downloads something on their 360 that content is assigned to that 360 and the online profile signed in at the time. That's two sets of numbers, and all you need is a program that can find them and allow you to change them.

    As far as I understand this process is call resigning them. Modio does this, as a matter of fact. But even if all these programs I found can't do it, how hard could it be to accomplish?

    I just don't understand why you, and a few other people I have read while Goggling around, seem to think this can't be done. Folks wouldn't be sharing DLC if they couldn't use it! Someone has figured this out, and there is a program or set of programs that can be used to inject the necessary data into a profile. I mean we can inject game data, right? Why not dlc?

    I would greatly appreciate some clarification here... Why is it easy to assign games to a profile but not the dlc?
    - Deathbliss
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The console and profile is assigned a licence by the Microsoft servers when you buy something, even if you could some how copy this licence to another profile you would still need to be signed in to Xbox Live to use the content, it can then be seen that this profile has never purchased the content so it simply will not allow you to use it.

    You can resign saves as those are originally signed by the console and not the Microsoft servers. Keyvaults can be extracted from exploitable consoles, you can then modify a save and resign it with this keyvault which makes the console think that save was originally assigned to your profile ID / console.

    If you have what is known as a "Jtagged" system you can basically use what ever you want on that console, this is a hacked console with the security checks removed so you can modify / use any downloadable content even if you dont own it. As the system can run unsigned code you can modify the DLC so it has the licence from a game called Yaris which works on any console, even if that console did not download it from live.

    However in doing so you break the signature of that DLC package so you need a console that will ignore this, aka a Jtagged console. Thats why people are uploading DLC's anyway as they run on Jtagged systems.

    Modified DLC however this will not work on a non hacked console as when you modify the content it breaks the digital signature so the non Jtagged console thinks the content is corrupt.

    Thats a basic explanation of what is going on anyway, I hope that helps.
  7. Mr.NightmareTM

    Mr.NightmareTM Addict

    Sep 19, 2010
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    Leeds, West Yorkshire
    You need a jtag
  8. Deathbliss

    Deathbliss New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    The threshold of my future...
    Couple questions...

    Once again I thank you for your responses. OK, so let's say I consider this Jtag thing... Could someone provide me with a rough estimate of the total cost, including hardware, shipping, and the process itself? Also what are the pros and cons of a jtagged system?

    Next question... I er... Acquired some dlc and I discovered what you said, the 360 sees the file as corrupt. But I managed to fix that using Le Fluffie! I don't remember just what I did, but now I have non-corrupted dlc copied to my 360, however when I start the game the content doesn't show up, so I assume we're back to having to assign it somehow.

    So my next question is this... Obviously there is free dlc out there, is it licensed the same way as dlc you pay for? If not perhaps there is a way to use that info?

    Last question is why would I have to be signed in to Xbox Live to use dlc if I was playing offline only? Remember I don't play online and I have absolutely no intention of altering my profile for more achievement points or to get any other advantages. If I were to get dlc it would simply be additional content for games I already purchased and which I play offline, usually split-screen multiplayer. I know there is some dlc that requires you to be signed in to Xbox Live in order to use it, but that's not all dlc is it?

    Thanks again, you guys are helping me put the pieces together here...
    - Deathbliss
  9. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    Is this of any use?
  10. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    For the most part with games that were never released on 360 or games without split-screen, that is the developers of the games fault not Microsoft, unless the developer was actually Microsoft and lacked these features. The GotY CoD4 was supposed to have the maps but that wasn't Microsofts fault, that was the companies fault some games came with the maps while others didn't. Honestly I don't really like the 360 all that much but between the PS3, Wii and 360, 360 is the one that sucks the least. Hmm, if only Steam would make a game console.

    Thats what I said on my first message, apparently he didn't like the idea.

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