Setup OpenVPN on Tomato (firmware) and enjoy secure browsing / access to your network

Discussion in 'Networking Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What is a VPN?

    A VPN is a virtual private network that uses a public network such as the internet to connect private networks together, securely, at multiple locations.

    Why would I want to setup a VPN?

    A VPN can have a number of uses, these include:

    • Secure access to your network from an insecure location, such as a free Wi-Fi hotspot.
    • Privacy – when connected to a VPN all your internet traffic can be routed through the VPN, this is useful as no one else connected to the free Wi-Fi hotspot can see what you’re doing on the internet.
    • Bypass content restrictions – maybe you are visiting a country that is very restrictive with what can be access on the internet. Say you are in China for example and you wanted to access a blocked website, such as Facebook. You could connect to your home VPN, now any website you access will be going through the VPN to your home internet connection, so will not be blocked.

    What is Tomato?

    Tomato is a custom firmware for various routers that add’s many additional features and improvements over the manufactures stock firmware. You can read more about Tomato and the various versions of the firmware here:

    What is OpenVPN?

    OpenVPN is a free and open source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections.

    Getting started:

    We will presume your router is already running a version of the Tomato firmware that supports VPN’s.

    Log on to your routers web interface, by default this is:

    Click the VPN tunnelling menu, then select server.

    In the basic tab:

    Select: Start with wan
    Interface type: TAP
    Protocol: UDP
    Port: 1194
    Firewall: Automatic
    Authorization Mode: Static key


    In the advanced tab:

    The settings here can be left as default (seen in the picture below) all you need to do is add

    push "redirect-gateway def1"
    in the custom configuration box


    In the keys tab:

    We need to generate a secure key that will be used by the VPN Server to authorise VPN clients, to do this we must install OpenVPN, I would recommend you do this on the computer you wish to connect to the VPN connection as you will need it installed on that anyway.

    Go to \OpenVPN\Utilities in the start menu, then right click on Generate a static OpenVPN key and select run as admin


    A static key should be generated for you and saved in: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config\key.txt


    Open key.txt and copy the following (your key will be different to this)

    -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
    -----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

    Now paste this key in to the keys tab on the routers web interface


    Now save your settings and press the start now button, all been well your router will now be running a VPN server.


    If you have a dynamic IP address it would be a good idea to setup a Dynamic DNS service, this will update your hostname with the Dynamic DNS provider every time your ip address changes.

    For example if I setup everytime my router detected my ip address had changes it would update with my new IP, ensuring I can always access my VPN at

    Tomato support many Dynamic DNS providers that can be configured under Basic > DDNS

    I have personally used No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP for many years now with no problems what so ever


    Configuring your OpenVPN client:

    Now your router is setup as an OpenVPN server, we need to configure OpenVPN on the computer you wish to connect to the VPN with.

    Open the Key.txt file you generated earlier in Notepad, and go File > Save As and type “static.key” as the file name, then for filetype select all files and save the key.


    Now we need to create a config file for OpenVPN, copy and paste the configuration below in to Notepad

    port 1194
    dev tap
    secret static.key
    proto udp
    redirect-gateway def1
    route-method exe
    route-delay 2
    Change “remote” to either your static ip address or the Dynamic DNS hostname that will resolve to your Dynamic IP address e.g. “”

    The rest of the settings should be fine for your home network, if your routers ip address is not change this to what ever your routers ip address is.

    Now go to and go File > Save As and type “Home Network.ovpn” as the file name, then for file type select all files and save the config settings.


    Copy your static.key and Home Network.ovpn settings in to C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config


    Now run OpenVPN GUI with admin rights (right click, run as Administrator)


    Now you can right click on the system tray icon and connect to your VPN, if you have more than one VPN config you will be able to select which VPN you wish to connect to.


    Your VPN should connect and you can now access your home network and the internet, securely from anywhere in the world.


    How can i check the VPN is working and my traffic is secure?

    To check your internet traffic is going through the VPN go to Digiex IP Address Detector before connecting to the VPN and make a note of your IP address.


    After connecting to the VPN connection your IP address should change and be that of your home internet connection.

    If you also check the Device List in Tomato you will see you have been assigned an IP address on your home network.


    You should also be able access shared files, printers, media and any other services on your home network, just like you were physically connected to the network


    Thats it, if you have any questions do ask and i will do my best to try answer them.
  2. garifo

    garifo New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Great article. I have a quick question for you. Is there a way where say if I am at my office all
    the traffic for the office network does not get directed to my vpn with your method. That way I can always have vpn on.
    Here is the scenario, Office network has with vpn on it will redirect the traffic through the vpn but I would not be able to access the site since it can
    only be access within the office network. While If I want to go to then those requests should go through the VPN.
    I am looking for a method where I can specify a range or block of the Office IP's and force those to not be redirected to my VPN.

    Thanks in advance.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I'm not sure if / how you can do that, i would imagine it's possible however it goes beyond anything i know about OpenVPN.

    I might have another solution for you though, from what you say i presume you basically want a secure way to browse the internet at work? and still be able to access pages on your works intranet?

    If yes you can achieve what you want another way.

    At home:

    Enable the SSH daemon in Tomato


    You need to allow remote access, i would run it on port 443 as you should be able to connect to it then even behind the most restrictive of firewalls. This is because port 443 is used for secure web traffic, so you connecting to your router via ssh will just look like your on an secure website.

    Remote forwarding will allow us to tunnel our internet traffic through your router at home, an even open ports to allow remote desktop access to another pc on your home network if you wish.

    Port 22 in the above screenshot is the port the ssh server is accessible on when you are on a pc at your home network.

    Password login will allow you to connect using the same password you use to access your routers web interface.

    At work:

    Download putty:

    Load putty and enter the your home ip and the port ssh is running on:


    Create a dynamic tunnel:


    Now connect to your router via ssh


    The username is root, the password is the same as what you use to log on to your routers web interface


    You can now tunnel any application that supports socks proxy servers through your SSH tunnel, this is a secure, encrypted connection to your home network so it will not be possible for anyone to see what data is going through the tunnel.

    The ip is localhost as you are running the socks proxy on your local pc, the post is 5555 as thats what we setup as the dynamic port foward in putty.

    E.g. IE supports socks proxy servers


    You could use one web browser for work stuff, then have another setup for secure browsing for anything else.
    Or even select the bypass proxy server for local addresses to use the same browser for both secure and work stuff.

    You can automate everything we did with putty with myentunnel: N2 - MyEnTunnel - A background SSH tunnel daemon

    Hope that might help you, quick and easy way to browse securely anywhere, even works on an Android mobile phone too and is very easy to automate the connection / setup process.
  4. nlucchesi

    nlucchesi New Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Great tutorial; worked like a charm!


    How about the set-up for

    Authorization Mode=TLS

    Thanks again!

    - nello
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    I'm honestly not sure about that, i would have to play about sometime and see if i can get it to work. Its not something i have ever done.
  6. Leont

    Leont New Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hi! thanks for your helpful tutorial :)

    I took your advice and setup my vpn server without any problem. However, recently I change my phone from iPhone to Android, and the tap mode can not work on Android 4.x.

    I have tried to change your settings to the tun mode and can't work successfully. Could you help to write another tutorial for the tun mode?

    Thanks :) !
  7. deepstar

    deepstar New Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Thank you Sir :D
    It works great !
  8. lng101010

    lng101010 New Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    First, I'd like to thank you, Insane Nutter, for an insanely noob-friendly guide.

    However, I can't get it to work properly. The lights on my OpenVPN client only goes to Yellow and not Green.

    Stuck at the: Wed Apr 24 11:53:38 2013 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]Wed Apr 24 11:53:38 2013 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]ip:1194

    Any idea what's wrong? I also can't ping my home IP.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Where are you connecting from, if its from the workplace or college / uni then you could be behind a very strict firewall that blocks vpn connections.

    Also check your don't have a double nat e.g. your modem has a firewall enabled, then your router running tomato is behind that. If you enable the web interface of your router to be accessed over the internet, can that be accessed at a remote location. That would be a good starting point just to ensure your router is reachable from the internet.
  10. lng101010

    lng101010 New Member

    Apr 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hm, that's useful info.

    I'm trying to connect from another location that I have complete control over so it's not an issue. I can't connect to router via remote access, can't ping home IP. I will definitely check the Motorola modem that I'm using at home though. Hopefully it's that simple.

  11. illmatik

    illmatik New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Hello. First off, thank you so much for the well-written and easy to follow tutorial. I have gotten the VPN Server set up on my Linksys E3200 with Tomato F/W.

    As of now, I can connect to my home network no problem with various different clients. I can access machines on my home network, and do what I sought out to do originally which is stream Live TV from my HD HomeRun Prime outside of my house. Beautiful!

    The only problem now, is that when I am connected to my VPN, I cannot access the internet at all. Not sure if this is an issue but the client machines are only receiving internal IP Addresses, and I do note this error from the clients: write to TUN/TAP : Input/output error (code=5)

    Any ideas?
  12. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    The Internet
    Did you run the Open VPN client with admin rights? and add push "redirect-gateway def1" to the config in the router as stated?
  13. suyogshah

    suyogshah New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    iOS VPN Client


    Thanks for a very good article.

    I was able to configure my OpenVPN server using static keys on my Tomato Router.

    I am still having issues on using the OpenVPN on my iOS device.

    It is giving an error stating the Polar SSL Certificate is undefined.

    I think I am missing something but not sure as to what.


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