Easily update your Jtagged or RGH Xbox 360 to Kernel / Dashboard 14699 with XeBuild

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you have a slim it can only be an rgh. You probably want to load Xell and flash from there to be safe on a slim.
  2. Hassan Saleme

    Hassan Saleme New Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    my Brother Read Your Thread and decided to go for updating our jtagged xbox console to the latest version, it worked out fine, and i can actually play the installed games without needing the disc.
    Problem is , the xbox can't read any of the discs anymore it doesnt even show that there's anything
    What should i do ? would it be becoz the update doesnt let you read the pirated games ?
    p.s i live in lebanon, so we have only pirated games to deal with..
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Is that on all your discs? you probably need to update the firmware on the DVD drive to LT+ 3.0 in that case.
  4. risingforce

    risingforce New Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Get nand dump (7371) falcon (cb5771) and cpu key to pc, then i accidentally made RGH 1 image with wrong dash version 14699 and flashed it to xbox.
    Started box and dash lauch ok, but xex laucher doesn't work. I made more mistakes, updated dash to 9199 (because i tried usb xex stick) but it doens't see injected xex.

    after update to 9199 i forgot to take 9199 orginal nand dump to pc. Now i cannot made 9199 retail or pached dump because Jrunner always says missing ini files or missing cp. files.

    tried again with my orginal 7371 dump, patched it to
    many versions like 14699, and others. There was 1 bad sector so i used Demon Write in Jrunner and this remapped nand. Started box but always get stuck in 360 screen, only what works is home button and i can navigate guide options.

    Downloaded dashboard update 14699 to usb stick. But always get error when tried update dash.

    Also tried to patch with rawimage, always stuck in screen.

    Sorry about my english.
    Thanks for help.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Power the console on with the eject button. Xell should load. Ensure the network cable it connected, then you should see this

    View attachment 11600

    go to or what ever your consoles ip address is, you should be able to download your "raw flash".

    Do that and use it as your source nand to build a new image, after that has done flash it to the console and hopefully that should work.
  6. Backchat

    Backchat Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Probably a really muppet question and I gotta be missing something obvious but I have to ask .... what's the major difference between this and update for dashboard '2.0.15574.0'. ( https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...60-dashboard-update-2-0-15574-0-download.html )? It can't just be one is newer/ an updated version can it,or why is the installation process so different on each?

    Also when I dump my Nand the info at the bottom reads.... unknown / CB:9188/ Nand: 16 MB/ SB Revision / Bad Blocks:0 ...so will that be a problem or do I even need to update on a Xbox 360 S 250G (Trinity)?

    :D`I only wanted to update to the dashboard 3.06 to match Fsd 3 from 'mod scene' and read it's best to update everything, Now reading this an that an that an this I'm lost :D:D
  7. Backchat

    Backchat Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Like I said, 'probably something really obvious' ....ones for the xell dash and ones for microsoft dash.....mmm!!

    facepalm_2.jpg If anyone needs me I'll be sat in the corner trying to avoid eye contact *-)

    I'll say it's because it was 5am on a Sunday......:D

    Still worried about the .....unknown / CB:9188/ Nand: 16 MB/ SB Revision / Bad Blocks:0.....at the bottom of the screen when I dumped my nand although there doesn't seem to be a problem on xebuild..... do you think it'll be safe to write to my console or should I check another way first to be sure everything is ok?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nand Flasher 360 was released before the Slim Trinity consoles were hacked, that's why it says unknown for them. It should still dump the nand fine as you have found. If you want to be extra safe follow the directions in this post here: https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/c...rnel-dashboard-14699-xebuild-6.html#post64641 and dump the nand from Xell over the network.

    Also when flashing the new nand i would personally use Xell on a Slim as it will be 100% supported, I can not tell you if Nand Flasher 360 will or wont wortk. To use Xell to flash the new nand just place it on thge Fat32 formatted USB memory stick and call it updflash.bin, Xell should pick it up and flash it then.

    Finally for building your nand i would use xeBuild GUI 2.085 - 16197 GUI Nand Builder for Jtag / RGH Xbox 360 Consoles if your not already. Very simple to both build and flash. It will also build you a nand for the latest dashboard from the update last fall, this tutorial builds a dashboard over a year old.

    I will be updating the next version of this tutorial to use the GUI nand builder, it reads the settings from the existing nand making it harder for someone to go wrong.

    Hope that helps a bit, any questions just ask and good luck :)
  9. Backchat

    Backchat Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Yeah literally just finished everything, I ended up taking the console apart earlier just for my own piece of mind before I flashed or updated anything ..... turns out just got a Matrix Glitcher 2 installed and already knew the dvd was a Phillips-LiteOn 16D4S from 'Xell reloaded'.... which is what 'xebuild gui 2.085' read from the nand image I dumped with 'NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0' so I decided to ignore the 'unknown', wrote the image and flashed it...

    Installed FSD 3 then uploaded the 2.016202.0 update because whilst the xebuild gui includes the latest dash (and Dashboard 3.06) it doesn't complete the update .... that's something I think needs to be explained somewhere lol

    Basically I read a quite few different tutorials and took a bit of info from each before doing anything ... (what you wrote above funny enough)!

    I think I might write a 'total noob' tutorial and explanation sometime this week ....you know from a noob to a noob kinda thing :D....now I've caught up with the '360' and you can give it a quick edit or something because there is so many different tutorials, updates, dashboards, settings (e.g like ya mac address for 'xkai link''), hacks etc that it can be a bit over kill to be honest ....that along with the fact that most tutorials just plough straight into it without explaining the very basics.

    Anyway my console is fully up to date and working- touch wood- so cheers!


    P.s on the video you made for the xbox dash update what version of windows are you on?
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Glad you managed to get everything updated and working!

    I do like the idea of a total noob tutorial, would be a great resource for beginners, especially as you have just done it all so its fresh in your mind. Sometimes even hearing something explained slightly differently can make something click and the person reading to then understand it perfectly.

    I'll be interested to see it when you are done anyway (Y)

    In that video i'm on Windows 7, has been since the beta at the start of 2009! only recently upgraded to Windows 8.
  11. vegatooth

    vegatooth Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    gud day insane, need your help again, this time its jasper with a wrong dvd drive.. =( (switched it with another unit before, which lost now) everytime i input the cpu key key in xeBuild gui, it says unable to decrypt kv... and the in KEYVAULT INFORMATION says ERROR to all box... im on dash 9199 and want to update it... unit is working fine right now... is it SAFE to GENERATE this in xebuild gui ang write it on xbox 360??? dont use the dvd rom anyway...
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    From what you say you might have the wrong CPU key, i would power on the console with the eject button to boot Xell and double check the CPU key, and of course dump the consoles nand at the same same time, since you will need this to update anyway.

    Dont generate a new nand with the incorrect cpu key.
  13. vegatooth

    vegatooth Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    yup... triple check it actually... isn'tthis because of different dvd drive?? I remember switching its dvd drive before with other console??? heres the screenshot of xeBuild gui pic_xebuild.jpg
  14. b3eman

    b3eman New Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    hey man great tut.....but i have a question on my nandump the name of the console says ``unknown`` what shoul i do
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Im guessing you have a Slim? if so Nand Flasher 360 was released before the Slim consoles were hacked, that's why it says unknown for them. It should still dump the nand fine as you have found. If you want to be extra safe follow the directions in this post here: https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/c...rnel-dashboard-14699-xebuild-6.html#post64641 and dump the nand from Xell over the network.

    Also when flashing the new nand i would personally use Xell on a Slim as it will be 100% supported, I can not tell you if Nand Flasher 360 will or wont wortk. To use Xell to flash the new nand just place it on thge Fat32 formatted USB memory stick and call it updflash.bin, Xell should pick it up and flash it then.
  16. helix

    helix New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    So I decided to follow this as I havent updated my JTag xbox for a long time.
    After I wrote the nand, the xbox will not boot into the dashboard or xell anymore and it gives me the 3 red rings. Error code is 0022.
    I try putting my original nand onto a usb stick and then turn on the xbox by opening the disc tray, it does not boot into xell so I am guessing not updating from the usb.

    I have my original nand and cpu key. What should I try to at least get back to my previous nand? this is a Jasper 512
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You need to flash your backed up nand with a USB nand flasher soldered to the motherboard, something like the Nand X will do this fine. Thats the only way to recover from a bad flash.
  18. helix

    helix New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Forgot to add this is what happened when I try to build the nand if it helps
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2013
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Use: Xebuild GUI and open a backup of your existing nand, not the original.

    Enter the CPU key and it should do all the hard work for you.
  20. zardano

    zardano New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Having lots of problems updating my jtag Falcon beyond 9199. I've tried both the 13604 guides and this 14699 guide and always same result, 3RROD error 74 after flashing the updflash.bin using Nand Flasher. The only nand.bin that seems to work is the 9199 version I created with FreeBOOT Toolbox which I then manually handled bad blocks B2 and 277 and then flashed using nandpro20b over LPT. Would really be cool if I could figure out how to update this thing beyond 9199 though.

    Only thing I can think of offhand is when I read out my "current" nand (at 9199) using Nand Flasher 360 to make the orig_nand.bin file, it usually only finds B2 as a bad block, but when re-flashing, it identifies both B2 and 277 as bad blocks. I've noticed this too when manually dumping and verifying the nand using nandpro, that 277 can be read/written about half of the time. B2 is always bad though. I have also tried manually moving block 277 to 3FE on the updflash.bin file that is produced using this guide (I assume it properly handles moving B2 to 3FF since Nand Flasher identifies B2 as bad when its dumped). Any ideas of something to try so I can update my 360 out of the dark ages would be great.

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