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Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA]

Discussion in 'Pokemon GBA Event Distributions' started by Professor Oak, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town

    About the 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge:

    This is the distribution cartridge used for the Pokemon 10ANNIV event distributions in the United Kingdom, then later other European counties. These Pokemon were distributed for a limited time back in 2006 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pokemon.

    With this you can send a legit 10ANNIV Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Latias and Latios to your Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen or FireRed GBA Games.


    @Deoxyz released a dump of his English distribution cartridge, costing a significant amount of money. All credit goes to him for making this available to the masses.

    European 10ANNIV Distributions:

    Thanks to a collector who wishes to remain anonymous we are pleased to be able to release the French, German, Italian and Spanish regional variants of the 10ANNIV Distribution, meaning the complete sets of these European distributions are finally available for all to enjoy. These were released on 23/12/18 and this post was updated to reflect that.


    Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [English]

    Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [French]

    Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [German]

    Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [Italian]

    Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [Spanish]


    10ANNIV-uk.png BUUJ - Top 10 (FRE).png BUUJ - Top 10 (GER).png BUUJ - Top 10 (ITA).png BUUJ - Top 10 (SPA).png

    Equipment Required:

    • 2x GBA's
    • 1x link cable (original cable works, 3rd party cables might not work)
    • 1x Distribution cart, so you can use a GBA Flash Card or Emulator
    • 1x Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, FireRed cart from the language of the distribution you are using.

    1. Save in a Pokemon center and have at least 1 free slot in your party
    2. Now turn off the receiving system.
    3. Turn on the sending system with the distribution cart inside, connect with a link cable to the receiving system with the Pokemon 3rd gen cart inside and select the Pokemon to transfer.
    4. Turn on the receiving system WITHOUT any cart inside, or hold start and select as you power the receiving system on, leaving the cartridge in
    5. After a couple seconds you’ll see a colored Nintendo logo appearing on the receiving system. When you see it, put the Pokemon 3rd gen cart inside the receiving system. If you held start and select keeping the cartridge in, the distribution process will simply happen.
    6. You’ll see a screen that tells you a Pokemon is being received. That Pokemon will be in your party.


    Ensure you are using an a Pokemon game that matches the language of the distribution you are using, for example the English distribution and an English Pokemon game. It is not possible to mix and match different languages, however you can trade the Pokemon to a different language game once distributed.

    You are following the procedure perfectly (receiving cart first not inserted, then inserted when Nintendo logo appears)

    Have saved in a Pokemon center and have at least a free slot in the party

    If the transfer gives you an error, try changing the link cable ( some 3rd cables don’t work), the gba systems or the receiving cart ( unofficial carts could not work).

    It the cart suddenly doesn’t transfer Pokemon anymore then just turn both the systems off and on again.

    Attached Files:

    Rigi07, AlamosIT, Luca.b and 8 others like this.
  2. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Just want to point out that you don't have to start the receiving GBA without a cart. You can still set up multiboot mode with a cart in by holding Start and Select until the Nintendo logo vanishes.

    EDIT: When we get more distros, I might just get a Revo K101+ and load the Link Cable and use my EZ Flash 3-In-1 for the Aurora Ticket (Deoxys quoted me on Project Pokemon and said to drop him a PM in around early-mid February).
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  3. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Since the guy who has sold/is selling me these carts happens to be on ProjectPokemon as well, he saw my posts when I released the rom and since then we've been discussing things in private. Even though I won't finish paying off the Aurora Ticket cart until mid-late January, he agreed to give me the rom in advance(I got it from him a few hours ago) since I'd end up releasing it anyway. I already sent InsaneNutter a PM on ProjectPokemon with the zip file, so he should have it posted in its own thread here soon. I'll send you a PM on PP.org too in the meantime :^)

    I won't be able to get any other roms at the moment, but my seller said he'll probably have more carts/roms to sell/share around July. He can't talk in detail about a lot of what he has, but he has stated he also has all the other languages of the 10ANNIV cart and all languages of the Aura Mew, and the UK Shiny Zigzagoon cart. Though, that doesn't mean he'll sell those or release the roms, but it's possible. He also stated that he does not have the Mystic Ticket or Old Sea Map, so don't expect those in the foreseeable future.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    Montdog95, HaxAras, Slaz and 2 others like this.
  4. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    I wasn't expecting Mystic Ticket or Old Sea Map. The fact that the Aurora Ticket ROM is now out and we have the majority of the Ticket wonder cards is MORE than enough.

    EDIT: Just tested the ROM. It sends the US Aurora Ticket, and Emerald cannot download it.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  5. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I put together a video showing the cart in action, how to, and misc stuff about it. I don't think it came out that great, but I only really did it to help spread awareness, and the links to the downloads and this thread are in the description. YouTube is a good medium to advertise things.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  6. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Even if these end up being the only GBA distros available, we can just modify them if needed. Obviously I'm not gonna turn down otherGBA distros should they become available, but at least we have these to work with.

    That said, having super distro ROMs with EVERYTHING of its type (Link Cable or Wireless Adapter) would be really handy.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    We only actually have 12 of the 22 US "10 ANIV" distribution Pokemon for example, would we not need a US distribution cart to know how these are generated if you want a truly legit cart capable of distributing everything in GEN 3?
    Deoxyz likes this.
  8. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    I was reading on Project Pokemon that all 10ANNIV/10 ANIV have the same generation method, no matter what country they're from. Aura Mew also applies (though there's a chance we could get that​ cart).
  9. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Great stuff! Nice christmas present to have 2 rare cards backed up. The earlier crowdfunding was ambitious yet desperate. Many kudos to Deoxyz!!
    Deoxyz likes this.
  10. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Ok seriously though, how do you even get this working on emulator?

    NO$GBA never recognizes my FireRed save file and keeps claiming that I need to progress far enough to receive Pokémon. I've beaten the Elite Four, I think that's far enough. On top of that, whenever I use any link features on NO$GBA and run two games at once, once I close NO$GBA it won't run anymore unless I delete the config file. Yes I've tried making sure my save file was in .sav2, .sa2, with SAV/SNA Type == Raw in NO$GBA.ini, it never made a difference.

    VBA Link 1.7.2 never works, it gets stuck in some kind of loop where the communication keeps going on for half a second, then off for a few seconds, then back on, etc. and never actually works.
    VBA Link 1.8 "works", but I am greeted with a white screen on FireRed's end, while the distro acts as if it's successfully distributed and adds 1 to the counter.

    VBA-M 2.0.0 beta 2 never connects anymore. I used to be able to get it to connect before, but it would lag immensely whenever any kind of link connection was established, and basically it was unusable. I'm retrying it now, and it just plain never connects at all.
    VBA-M 2.0.0 beta 3 does not work because button input hangs the emulator every time, so it isn't even worth trying.
    HaxAras likes this.
  11. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I don't have any experience with no$gba, but from what I understand, it is the only way to use the multiboot method with an emulator(Start+Select) needed to receive from the 10ANNIV rom. I saw a guide in the 10ANNIV thread on PP, but I can't verify if it actually works.

    VBA simply doesn't want to do anything after you attempt to enter multiboot mode, even if you have the link emulation set up properly. I tried. Thankfully the Aurora Ticket works on VBA since all you have to do is go receive the WonderCard.
  12. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Another thing I'm wondering about is how possible it'd be to insert the OTHER Wonder Cards that were collected on Project Pokemon into the US Aurora Ticket ROM (with a selection menu) so we could have an all-in-one solution. In this case, it would be EXACTLY how the DS Distro ROMs were modified.

    Oh, could it also be modified to distribute Wonder News? Those would have to be 100% custom, but since the feature went unused in the West (and is just a cool think that doesn't affect gameplay in the slightest), I doubt anyone would mind.
  13. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Yeah, but on the thread on PP, people were saying they got it to work using VBA. Also the guide pMD posted is wrong on so many levels lol. And then he says that the save file extension should be .sav2 which is wrong, it should be .sv2 (I remembered that from a few years ago last night as I was trying to sleep.)

    Instead I ended up using NO$GBA v2.6a since it doesn't crash on startup every time after using multiplayer emulation, but it was a -huge- pain in the ass to get distro rom on screen 1 + FireRed on screen 2 working. I can't even make it work a second time for me to write a step-by-step guide for 2.6a lol.

    So instead I wrote a step-by-step guide that actually works for 2.8d.

    - With NO$GBA 2.8d
    - With gba bios named gba.rom in the same directory
    - With your Gen. III save file in extension .sv2 (not .sav2) in the BATTERY folder, saved in the Pokémon Center with free space in your party

    1. Start up the emulator, click Options --> Save options to create NO$GBA.ini
    2. Close the emulator and open NO$GBA.ini in a text editor, change "SAV/SNA File Format == Compressed (good/lz)" to "SAV/SNA File Format == Raw" (Otherwise NO$GBA will compress your save for no reason at all and you won't be able to use it in VBA or restore to physical cartridge anymore.)
    3. Start up the emulator again, go to Options --> Emulation setup
    4. Set "Reset/Startup Entrypoint" to "GBA/NDS BIOS"
    5. Click the "Controls" tab and define controls for both Player 1 and Player 2.
    6. Exit the settings, right-click the emulator screen and select Link which will open a second screen.
    7. Go to File --> Cartridge Menu (FileName), at the bottom, select 1st machine in the dropdown menu then select the distro rom. The distro rom will start on screen 1.
    8. Go to File --> Cartridge Menu (FileName) again, this time select 2nd machine in the dropdown menu and select your Gen. III rom. It will start up on second screen.
    9. Hold the keys you have bound in controls to Start + Select for Player 2 (hit File --> Reset Cartridge if you need to), and on Player 1 (distro rom) select one of the Pokémon you want to send.
    10. It will send the Pokémon you chose over to your Gen. III game. Once it says you can turn off the power, go ahead and hit File --> Reset Cartridge and repeat the process to receive other Pokémon, or to get to the Pokémon Center in-game if your party gets full.

    Do note however that NO$GBA 2.8d is shit and will crash on startup after you've done multiplayer stuff, and you'll have to delete NO$GBA.ini and redo the setup again if you need to use it again, but once you're done sending every 10ANNIV over you can just close it and move your save file back over to VBA so it doesn't matter much. The setup only takes a minute or two anyway so if you ever need it again it's not a huge deal.
  14. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    I just got some potentially nice news. In the Project Pokemon topic about the 10ANNIV/10 ANIV distributions, I asked if this ROM would be able to generate EXACT versions of the other 10th Anniversary events, regardless of the OT, the ID and if they're holding an item or not. Bond697 replied and said "i have no doubt they're exactly the same aside from the obvious changes to ot and whatever else."

    The reason I'm pushing for testing this is because if we can't get any more 10th Anniversary ROMs, we just might have to settle modifying this ROM. But I'm only for it if we can prove this ROM generates Pokemon no differently from the other 10ANNIV/10 ANIV ROMs, despite the aforementioned differences.
  15. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Personally I'd like if we could mod it to send
    - Aura Mew
    - 10 ANIV Celebi
    - SPACE C Deoxys
    - 10ANNIV Raikou/Entei/Suicune
    - 10ANNIV Lugia/Ho-Oh
    - 10ANNIV Latias/Latios

    Then we can get Mew, Celebi from it, Jirachi from Bonus Disk, Legendary Beasts so we don't need to play through FR/LG three times to get them all, Lugia/Ho-Oh so we don't need Mystic Ticket, Deoxys so we don't need AuroraTicket, Latias/Latios so we don't need Eon Ticket.

    Even though we already have Eon Tickets and Auroraticket, 10ANNIV distro could be more convenient too. Although I personally prefer using the tickets in-game.

    Depending on how Wishmaker Jirachi is generated, if it's generated the same way as the 10ANNIV then I guess we could probably have Jirachi in there instead of Deoxys, since we do have the Auroraticket distro and we can just get Deoxys from there. Then those who don't have a GC/Wii could get it, and we wouldn't really need to bother with GBA<->GC connectivity with Dolphin and VBA-M that doesn't seem to work reliably.

    Then this would be like, the ultimate disto rom to get every event-only Pokémon you could think of. I mean it's not like we're limited to only one rom, we could make as many as we want for any events, but I think having one that's good for every possible event-only would be cool. :P
    King Impoleon and Deoxyz like this.
  16. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    There are 22 10 ANIV Pokemon from Journey Across America, and I'm thinking Celebi had its own cart, but I can't say for sure. I'm just going off the fact that there were two lines at the JAA stop in Chicago, which is the one I was at. One line for Celebi and one line for the other Pokemon. The strange (yet handy) thing was the Celebi line was shorter than the one for the other Pokemon, so I didn't get any of those. Got three Celebi, which are in one of the saves in InsaneNutter's topic.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  17. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    There's something interesting I recently noticed about these multiboot distribution carts. With the two we have actually seen, the 10ANNIV and the Aura Mew, they have a distribution counter at the bottom right. I had mentioned in the video I made how the numbers always reset to 0 when you turn off the system, and that fact can also be backed up with the one seen on Nintendo Age back in 2012.

    With the Aura Mew cart we've seen in the past on ProjectPokemon, the counter does not appear to reset. He talks about how the number is 252, which you can see in the image, and once he figure out how to distribute, that it was indeed a distribution counter. This would seem to imply that the Aura Mews create savefiles, while the 10ANNIVs don't.
  18. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Oh that's interesting. Yeah I was wondering why the 10ANNIV didn't keep a save and the counter reset every time, since I'd heard about some other distro that kept it in memory.

    Also @Invader TAK, I'd assume that the reason the line for Celebi was shorter was because you'd only need to go in line for Celebi once to get one, but if you wanted the others, you'd need to go back in line several times. Or if they allowed you to pick up every single one of them at once when it was your turn, that's bound to make the line take way longer too.
    HaxAras likes this.
  19. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    The person at the table with the Celebi cart downloaded it to three of my games. A friend had my other two and we never got a chance to get Celebi on those two.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I finally got a chance to try out the 10ANNIV distribution cartridge, it works great with an official GBA link cable. I couldn't get it to work with the 3rd party cable I had when I was younger.

    Official link cables seem pretty expensive these days, however more than worth it to use the 10ANNIV distribution!



    Thank's again Deoxyz, i'm going to enjoy obtaining some Pokemon with this.

    I hope to have a few sets of each Pokemon to contribute to the Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save shortly.

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