360 HDD initialized to GPT on Windows, Xbox won't recognize it anymore

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by goatman993, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. goatman993

    goatman993 New Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    I bought a transfer cable after wanting one for a decade the other day. To test it, I plugged in my old Xbox 360 HDD with all my data since first owning a 360 back in the glory days. At the time, I didn't know these were *technically* not meant to be used on the PC, just between consoles. I heard the familiar sound of a USB device being plugged in but nothing popped up to verify the cable was actually functional. I proceeded to disk management where a dialog box appeared asking me to initialize the drive, GPT was already checked, and instead of clicking enter on cancel, I clicked on next or whatever it was that accepted. I did not format the drive. I repeat, I DID NOT FORMAT THE DRIVE. I'm not familiar with the 360 scene, but I am aware of the FatX filesystem through OG Xbox modding. At this point I didn't think I screwed anything up too majorly since I hadn't formatted. I should've known 360 used FatX too, but I never looked into it. I thought it might be fat32 or something. I've used Xplorer360 so I'm not sure why I never put two and two together. Anyways, so I move on to Xplorer360 and the drive is not detected. So I put the drive back in my console thinking, worst case scenario, I lost all my data but I can just reformat the drive and still use it. Wrong. 360 won't recognize the drive now either. So, what can I do to fix this, if anything? I did some Google-fu, found a program named Xport which I previously hadn't heard of. That program actually DID detect the drive, partition 2 and 3 being explorable (already backed them up). Partition 1 has no drop down menu. Is that normal? Or is that the partition that my initialization to GPT has ruined? Any searches for Xbox 360 partition 1 have been fruitless... sorry for the novel, I'm wordy.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Does the hard drive show in the memory section on the 360 as unformatted? if so you can just format it again.

    I suspect you might well have erased the security sector when you initialized the drive to GPT sadly.

    You can try this to flash a security sector for the same size of the drive in windows if not: https://digiex.net/threads/xbox-360-how-to-flash-your-hddss-bin-in-windows.8569/ however I dont think anyone has actually had any luck fixing the drive doing this from what I recall.
    goatman993 likes this.
  3. goatman993

    goatman993 New Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    No, it doesn't show up in the storage section of the 360. Xplorer won't detect it either, but that program has been glitchy/given me problems in the past. What's strange is Xport detects it and all the data seems to be intact. Thanks, I will follow the steps in the thread you linked and hopefully it will yield good results. I was hoping there would be some kind of simpler solution since I didn't format the drive and Partition 2 and 3 seem to be intact, but my plan was to follow the steps to creating a 360 HDD from scratch if not.

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