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Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor Download – Local Wi-Fi / Infrared Pokemon Distributions

Discussion in 'Pokemon 3DS Event Distributions' started by Professor Oak, May 1, 2023.

  1. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town

    About the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Wireless (Wi-Fi) and Infrared (IR) Distributions:

    Unlike past Pokemon Distributions for Generations 3, 4 and 5 with Gen 6 Pokemon distribution software was simply installed on to a normal 3DS console, that would then distribute the currently active distribution to any 3DS, the same as the Gen 4 and 5 distribution carts did over local Wi-Fi.

    This distribution software is also capable of distributing events over IR as well, which some events are setup to do.


    Download Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor
    Download Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor Distribution Data (Checkpoint Saves)

    How do the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Wi-Fi and IR Distributions work?

    These distributions download the distribution data as required. This is essentially the Wonder Card and some metadata, which essentially contains information about the current distribution such as its name, if the distribution is to be distributed over Wireless or IR and the date range of the distribution.

    Like with the Gen 4 and 5 distribution carts, the date on the 3DS has to match the distribution period, otherwise you will not be able to distribute the Pokemon.

    Only one Pokemon event distribution can be stored on the 3DS at once, however one event distribution can contain multiple Pokemon for example.

    Distributions are downloaded via serial codes entered into the distribution software when it is placed in download mode. This is done by holding A+B on the blank screen when the distribution software is loaded, which unlocks the serial code prompt.

    We can speculate that these codes we’re probably emailed to stores / event organisers to allow relevant distribution 3DS consoles easily to be updated.

    It’s possible for any 3DS with the Gen 6 Local Distributor installed to download these event distributions by entering the correct code, even today in 2023. However it’s worth mentioning that not all local Wireless and IR events are still able to be downloaded.

    How do we know what Pokemon Gen 6 Distributions can still be downloaded?

    That part is easy, once you know how. The distribution software downloads a filelist.txt to the 3DS’s extdata. We can dump this extdata data with a 3DS save manager such as Checkpoint and view the data on a PC.

    The filelist.txt includes information about all the local Gen 6 distributions that are still able to be downloaded, along with the serial code to download these distributions!

    Below is the filelist.txt data cleaned up in Excel to make it more human readable, the date format used is dd/mm/yyyy:


    So now all we have to do is start the distribution software with our 3DS connected to the internet, enter download mode by holding A+B on the blank screen, type the serial code we have obtained, the event distribution will then download:


    How to Distribute:

    Once you have downloaded an event to distribute the date on the 3DS must be set somewhere in the distribution period.

    You then simply load up the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor and press X + Y to start distributing.


    Local Distributor Event Preservation:

    Surprisingly the infrastructure / servers for the Gen 6 Local Distributor are still online in 2023 so for at least for now you can use the local distributor as intended.

    Sooner or later I suspect the servers supporting this will no longer work, however not all is lost. I have been though and downloaded every local distribution event still available today. After downloading each event I’ve backed up the data with Checkpoint (A 3DS save manager), so the end result is the Wonder Card, along with the metadata, distribution setup and all preserved for every event still available to download.

    This in turn allows the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor to work without an internet connection. You simply restore the desired save for the distribution you wish to use with Checkpoint, set the date on the 3DS and it will then distribute the event as normal.

    It might not be the best idea to install this on your 3DS and go online and download events with this, they are probably not many 3DS consoles out there in the wild with this software on legitimately... so could well raise some raid flags about your 3DS been hacked. Then again its 2023, the eShop recently closed down, so do Nintendo really care at this point? only you can decide if its worth the risk.

    Either way I have backed up all the events, along with the meta data, so you don’t have to connect to the internet to use the local distributor if you don’t wish to.

    Installing and using the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor:

    To make use of the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor you will need:
    • 3DS (or 2DS) console with the Luma3DS custom firmware
    • FBI installed so you can install the local distributor CIA
    • Checkpoint installed if you wish to restore the save game i'll talk about below
    • Another 3DS with the Pokemon X or Y game you wish to distribute to
    Hacking your 3DS and installing Custom Firmware (CFW), FBI and Checkpoint is far beyond the scope of this post, so follow the excellent tutorial here: https://3ds.hacks.guide/ then come back here once you have CFW installed and have learned how to use it, which is all possible from the 3DS Hacks Guide.

    To get started simply download the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor, copy the .CIA to your 3DS’s SD Card and install it with FBI.

    You should then see Pokemon X has appeared on your home screen (if you own the actual game you'll now have two Pokemon X icons on your home screen) this is not actually Pokemon X, however the local distributor.

    So it might be an idea to place it in a folder to remind you of that:


    When you load the Gen 6 Local Distributor you will get a black screen, this is normal:


    To start the distributor in download mode hold A+B, you will then be asked to enter a code:


    The distribution will then download and be ready to distribute, if the date on the 3DS is correct.

    Below we can see the date is incorrect, however the distributor will display the date range 02/May/2016 to 08/May/2016


    Simply go in to the 3DS settings and alter the date to be within the distribution period:


    When you next load the distributor hold X+Y and you will see a message stating the distribution has been suspended (press A to start):


    The distribution is now running:


    Any 3DS console with Pokemon X or Y in range will be able to receive the distribution via Mystery Gift > Get via Local Wireless:


    Or even Infrared if you align the infrared port on the top of the 3DS / 2DS consoles:


    Using the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor Offline:

    As mentioned above sooner or later I suspect the servers supporting the Gen 6 local distributor will no longer work, so I have downloaded every event still available to download and backed up the saves with Checkpoint, below I will show you how to restore and use these saves with Checkpoint. You would install the Checkpoint.cia the same as you did the local Gen 6 local distributor.

    Download and extract the saves I have created to the 3ds\Checkpoint\extdata\0x00EC5 Pokémon X on your 3DS's SD card, as shown below:


    Load checkpoint and notice how it states "Press X for extdata" do so and press "X":


    You will probably see games on the top menu will change to only show ones which have extdata, if you actually have Pokemon X also installed on that 3DS it could be confusing which is the local distributor and the actual game.

    The distributor is CTR-N-NADA:


    If you have copied my distributor saves to the SD card you will also be able to scroll though all the saves and restore the one for the event you wish to distribute:


    I have named the file names for these save starting with the ID then csv name you will find on the spreadsheet below, to keep things organised:


    After restoring one of the above saves set the date on the 3DS to be within the range of that distribution:


    You then simply load up the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor and press X + Y to start distributing.


    That's pretty much it, you have now learned how to distribute Gen 6 events via Local Wireless / Infrared and even restore all the events I have preserved for when the servers inevitably close down at some point in the future.

    Distributing Other Gen 6 Events:

    It is possible to replace the Wonder Card on any of the saves i've provided and distribute any past event Pokemon to a non modified 3DS.

    You can a Download a raw Pokemon Wonder Card Server Dump of all the Wonder Cards still available online here.

    However I would suggest obtaining additional Wonder Cards from the Events Gallery curated by Project Pokemon. You will find more Wonder Cards here, in addition all these are all curated and organised, some events in the dump above are unreleased / tests.

    Editing the local distributor to distribute a Wonder Card of your choosing:

    1. I would suggest using the GF Celebi example event I have created as a base for any event edits. This already has the date restrictions removed. However I will still show below how this was done.

    To get started if you unzip the save you will see a file called "info.txt", open this in a Hex editor. For the instructions below we are using HxD as this is a nice freeware Hex editor.

    Do not open info.txt in Notepad to edit, it will not work and will cause the local distributor to crash if you save changes this way.


    In HxD click under where it says decoded text and type over the distribution name with what you wish to call the edited distribution, then save:


    Next download the Gen 6 Wonder Card (full) you wish to distribute from the Events Gallery curated by Project Pokemon.

    This should be renamed to "1" with no file extension


    Inside the distribution save you are editing open the hashin folder and overwrite "1" with the Wonder Card you have downloaded and renamed:


    To change the distribution start date scroll right the to bottom of info.txt to offset 00014120

    Highlight 65 2D 31 01, if you look to the data inspector to the right you at Int32 will see a date (the date format is YYYYMMDD).
    In this example the date is 20000101 as I've already changed this to the earliest possible date the 3DS will accept.

    To modify the start date simply type a new date in to Int32 using the data inspector on the right of HxD:


    The distribution end date is also at offset 00014120.

    Highlight EF D3 38 01 then if you look to the data inspector to the right, you will see another date on Int32.
    In this example the date is 20501231 as I've already changed this to the latest possible date the 3DS will accept.:


    By setting the start date as 1st January 2000 and the end date as 31st December 2050 you have covered every date it's possible to set on the 3DS, essentially removing the date lock on the distribution.

    Now go File > Save.

    Your edited distribution is now finished!

    Finally copy the folder containing your modified save to \3ds\Checkpoint\extdata\0x00EC5 Pokémon X on the 3DS's SD card and restore the save game with Checkpoint as you have read instructions for above.

    Launch the local distributor and you can now distribute your chosen Wonder Card to any 3DS in range.

    Example distributing the 20th Anniversary Celebi with the text on the local distributor edited to read GF Celebi (ENG):


    Attached Files:

    Monokuma, OSP, InsaneNutter and 4 others like this.
  2. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Is it Xmas today? (L)
  3. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Than you!
    Another Milestone in our history

    is this the Official system from the Distributor 3DS?

    I know only once happened to me back in 2016 at the Regionals VGC, that during the distribution on Machamp there was another distribution of a ''racism gengar''
    someone had managed to break through the system.

    UPDATE: Here a Updatet List with the reciving games because not everyone works with XY

    Shiny Tanhel 色違いのダンバル - ORAS
    Hidden Ability Jalorda? ジャローダ - ORAS
    Jumpfesta 2015 Linoone ジャンフェスマッスグマ- ORAS
    Megatokyo Pikachu メガトウキョピカチュウ- XY ORAS
    Pokescrap Shaymin スクラップシェイミ - ORAS
    PC Hirohima Revival リバイバル5月 - ORAS - Pokeball Vivillon
    PCHiroshima Revival リバイバル6月- ORAS MegaTokyo Pikachu
    election720_gekkouga - XYORAS
    election720_simisear - XYORAS
    2015 Tanabata Jirachi - XYORAS
    Skytree Town Rayquaza - ORAS
    PC Kyoto Shiny Ho-Oh - ORAS
    Masuda Psyduck マスダのコダック - ORAS
    0177 - 0182 Pokémon Center Villain Teams Pokémon - ORAS
    KOR Mewtwo IR - XYORAS
    KOR Mewtwo Wireless - XYORAS
    KOR iroch_Diancie - XYORAS
    KOR League Shiny eevi_rare_IR - XYORAS
    Shiny Machamp_wireless - ORAS

    PJCS2016 - Battle Data - NO pokemon Distro!
    live_91_JapanChampionship 日本代表決定大会2015選手証

    live_92_niconico2015 ニコニコ超会議2015選手証
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    InsaneNutter and AlamosIT like this.
  4. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Just a little thing, in the .zip you uploaded folders are not named with CVS name
  5. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Pallet Town
    The software is what was used on an official distributor system, however the 2DS in the photo above is simply running CFW, so can use the Distributor.

    Ah my mistake, the correct zip is now uploaded!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  6. OSP

    OSP Member

    Mar 25, 2023
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    This is epic, well done for bring this out (so far this year we’ve had some amazing releases)

    I tried to replace wondercards into the existing saves but had no luck and following the offline procees. No luck however, it just throws up ‘error 1002’
    Last edited: May 7, 2023
  7. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town
    If you scroll up much more detailed instructions are now present at the bottom of the original post.

    I have also re-created the GF Celebi (ENG) event to work with the local distribution as an example.

    This would be a good basis for any additional user created events to work with the local distributor. The date restriction is essentially removed, so all you need to do is replace the Wonder Card and then edit the text shown screen of the local distributor (as detailed above).
    AlamosIT, Khronos, OSP and 1 other person like this.
  8. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Does anyone have ideas about how multilanguages distribution worked? Because I remember, for example, that shiny Machamp was also distributed during Italian National championship in 2016 and I downloaded it with Italian WC.
    There were multiple 3DSs with different WCs or a single distribution software could distribute same event in different languages like European DS distribution carts?
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I suspect the local distributor would have had a different Wonder Card setup for the dominant language in the country where that event was distributed.

    We have the following Wonder Cards preserved for that event:

    0580 ORAS - ScreenPeekaz Shiny Machamp (ENG) - United Kingdom, United States and Australia
    0580 ORAS - ScreenPeekaz Shiny Machamp (GER) - Germany
    0580 ORAS - ScreenPeekaz Shiny Machamp (ITA) - Italy

    Bulbapedia has that event well documented which would back that theory up:

    Khronos and AlamosIT like this.
  10. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    this section doesn't exist in my 3ds folder....

    how can i edit the distribution title for the actual distribution?
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It will exist if you load Checkpoint at least once and Press X for the extdata mode and create a save backup for the distributor.
    If you download the Pokemon Gen 6 Local Distributor Distribution Data (Checkpoint Saves) and unzip these, you will see the folder structure is already created, so you can just copy this over to the 3DS's SD card.

    Look in the first post under the section: Editing the local distributor to distribute a Wonder Card of your choosing

    However open the info.txt for the distribution save you wish to edit in a hex editor, such as HxD:


    Now in HxD click under where it says decoded text and type over the distribution name with what you wish to call the edited distribution, then go to File > Save:

    King Impoleon and AlamosIT like this.
  12. TheShadyRelapse

    TheShadyRelapse New Member

    Dec 25, 2019
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    I've been manually recreating the wc6full's for the distributor. If only there was a program to make them easier.
  13. mxrvine

    mxrvine New Member

    Aug 1, 2023
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    Hey there! The wireless distributions appear to work fine, but whenever I try an infrared distribution, I get Error 6002 (see attached image). Has anyone else gotten this error/know a potential fix?

    Attached Files:

  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I got the Mewtwo infrared distribution to work without issue.

    At what point does it error out at? before aligning the IR ports on the 3DS consoles or after?

    You could try updating your Luma 3DS custom firmware if not already on the latest version.
  15. mxrvine

    mxrvine New Member

    Aug 1, 2023
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    The distribution errors out after aligning the IR ports on the 3DS consoles, seconds after starting the search for gifts on the receiving 3DS.

    That made me think that it’s finding the receiving 3DS, but errors out when trying to send the gift. The receiving 3DS is a regular N3DSXL (no CFW) with a U.S. copy of Alpha Sapphire with open WonderCard slots.

    I’ll try updating Luma3DS once I get home from work!
  16. mxrvine

    mxrvine New Member

    Aug 1, 2023
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    The issue was with the receiving N3DSXL; for some reason it has issues receiving via IR Port. Interesting!
  17. Bug Catcher Anakin

    Bug Catcher Anakin Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    was wondering how far you made it with this? I started doing some myself, but saw your comment and didn't want to commit to doing them all if they were done already haha
  18. Bug Catcher Anakin

    Bug Catcher Anakin Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    custom distributions for all the gen 6 English events, I'm going to start working on the other languages as well :)

    Attached Files:

    King Impoleon and InsaneNutter like this.
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Welcome to Digiex and nice work!

    Just so you know the following two folders are empty in the zip you uploaded:

    0017 XY - XY Garchomp (ENG)
    0504 X - SPRING 2014 Magmar (no ribbon) (ENG)
  20. Bug Catcher Anakin

    Bug Catcher Anakin Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Oh whoops, fixed now :) thank you for letting me know!
    InsaneNutter likes this.

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