I finally installed PicoBoot on my GameCube!

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by AlamosIT, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    After a long time the mod came out, I finally attempted to install PicoBoot on my GameCube.

    I followed the official guide here.

    Here there are my suggestions:
    • I have some soldering experience but I'm not a true expert. I can say that this mod needs some experience. It isn't very hard, but it can't be your first soldering work.
    • The main developer recommends stranded wires, I personally prefer solid wires because they are easier to solder (I used 28AWG solid wires).
    • The best option to place your Pico board is near the vent using this 3D printed stand (you need two screws 2mm diameter).
    • If you own a Game Boy Player, or if you simply want a more accessible SD card, I suggest the SD2SP2 POR (PRO). You can fill the gap between the SD card slot and the GameCube chassis with this 3D printed cover.
    • I suggest FAT32 SD card. PicoBoot works also with exFAT, but a lot of Homebrews (like GCMM) works only with FAT32 and a lot of .ISO works better with FAT32.
    • If you use an old model of GCVideo HDMI adapter (like previous version of Kaico HDMI adapter), I suggest this 3D printed Support Brace in order to support the dongle from sagging.
    • During the work, I replaced the thermal pads. If you want to do the same here there are the thickness:
    Pad size.png

    Here there are some pictures:

    IMG_20240425_103010_516.jpg IMG_20240425_103010_393.jpg IMG_20240425_103010_822.jpg IMG_20240425_103011_306.jpg IMG_20240425_103011_049.jpg IMG_20240425_103011_539.jpg
    Gridelin and InsaneNutter like this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nice work on the installation, that looks like a good install. Did you 3D print the stand yourself also?

    The Raspberry Pi Pico really has become almost a universal modchip of sorts, interesting to see all the projects that has been used in.

    I should probably give my GameCube some love and do this some day. The Wii kinda became my super charged GameCube, so I still only have PSO + BBA to exploit the cube if I need to.
    AlamosIT likes this.
  3. Gridelin

    Gridelin Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    This has been the main thing holding me back from modding my cube as well. I love the look and design of the GameCube much more than the Wii, but the Wii can just do so much more for 99% of the games I'd want to play.

    Still, I am jealous haha, very nice mod and I would love to do this to one of my cubes someday!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  4. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Yep, I 3Dprinted the stand with the helping of a friend who owns a 3D printer (I should buy one myself sooner or later).

    I still keep the GameCube in my entertainment system because of the Game Boy Player. All my Wii stuffs are copied in my Wii U, so at the moment I keep Switch, Wii U and GameCube (my Wii is safe in a box).

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