Rename your TV episodes the easy way, with Epnamer.

Discussion in 'Application Guides' started by Hoffman, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
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    So you have a folders full of your favourite TV shows but the episodes all have random filenames, a bit like this.


    You could look on and rename them by hand, but that would take ages. It would be nice if you could rename them all in about 10 seconds wouldn’t it?

    Now you can thanks to a program called Epnamer, this little program will look at the episodes you have in a folder then download the names of the episodes online.

    Epnamer will show you the file names of the episode before it is renamed and the file name each episode will have after.


    You can also set various naming options to suit your requirements.



    After your episodes will be renamed with meaningful names.


    It’s worth mentioning if you want Epnamer to remember your naming settings you need to run the program as an Administrator, after its saved your settings you don’t need to run it as an Administrator again (to do this: right click, run as administrator)

    Also I do own the DVD’s user in this tutorial, it’s just a lot easier and quicker to download episodes to play on my portable devices rather than spending hours ripping an encoding the episodes myself.

    Download Epnamer 1.3.0 (Digiex Mirror)

    Epnamer Homepage

    .NET Framework 2.0 (You might need this)

    This might make life a bit more easy for some of you TV show addicts (Y)

    If you found this guide useful you might also like my guide on how to Un-RAR multiple sets of RAR achieves easily

    Attached Files:

  2. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Oh my god, thank you :) Finally I can tidy up my download drive which has been such a mess for years. Pretty cool how it gets all the episode names to, no longer will I have to wait until I get a tidy copy off you ;)

    All it needs to do now is unrar all the indivudual episodes for more ;)
  3. ShockResist

    ShockResist Resident

    Aug 11, 2009
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    nice guide. renaming tv episodes is now easier to do .
  4. Spooks

    Spooks Active Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    United Kingdom
    This is brilliant, it will help me out a lot, many thanks Hoffman!

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