I HAVE hdd 500GB WD5000LUCT what can do to use it in xbox as internal hard
is this TUT. work with external usb hdd 500GB
hello my console with internal memory 4GB only some games need to install content in internal hdd like cod ghost,watch dog,gta v,.... are there...
i wait for this tut. great
i try that and no message of update appear
i name it $Systemupdate no update appear then name it $$Systemupdate and nothing happen i try boot more than 6 times with that two names with...
i update just now with nand flasher to 16203 need help to restore avatar
i build 16203 nand with xebuild 2.09 but when try to write it using flash 360 the flash 360 say that (your current nand is not zero piard) please...
what should i select under build type and motherboard my console jtag 14699 dash jasper 512
thats all you mean only by this i can updaye to 15574 then where 15574 dash files please make short tut based on this apps to update jtag
ok i will continue in this way if there is no others
HELLO I know i can convert jtag files to iso then use iso2god but this take long time i need a way to JTAG RIP TO GOD directly if there is possible
i see in vedio it the game menu depended on gamescover and i have old problem with download gamescover my console is not connect to net thank you...
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