Thanks for the help everyone it is working cause when it said to turn my account into a live version email i did it just never told me it was a...
Ok here is what is happing now i kept entering all of my passwords i have ever used it worked with one of them so it logged in but it went to a...
Thanks for the help, i have been trying to guess my password its from 2010 so its been a while since i haven't changed the email i have just...
Hey everyone i need help with my 360 i haven't used it in a while so the email that is used with it no longer exists,so i want to change it to...
Well just making sure as i heard injecting things into your 360 HDD can get you banned.
Will the Halo 2 DLC work with a PAL copy of halo 2 as i want to install the maps to my xbox 1 also will that title patch for halo 2 the JTAG one...
Will this get me banned from xbox Live ?
Looks awesome i can't wait ^_^
Hey everyone i was looking for something that could do this yesterday because i backed up Halo from my 360 HDD using a USB and i couldn't find a...
Thanks so much Harcroft for taking your time to make all this DLC available for everyone that wants it cuz Microsoft got rid of the old Live so...
Thank you very much for helping me with this i didn't even know people could just do this to get Some pre order stuff ^_^.
Thanks heaps but if i put Sargent Johnson to my 360 will i get banned from xbox live or bungie just want to make sure sure 1st thanks heaps.
Is there a compress version of this plz like about 400mb or 500mb.
Separate names with a comma.