You are...
Can you show us a screenshot of your overscan/underscan settings?
Try checking screen size settings in your tv/monitor settings. I had the same issue on a samsung tv, had to change screen size setting to "Screen...
I still wish there would be desktop only interface. The best thing would be if during windows installation it would ask what type of interface you...
I don't think there is such gpu in the wild. I think you did a mistake there somewhere.
Microsoft: "LIMIT THE END USER, EVERYONE IS AN IDIOT THERE!!!"" Sony: "Jeez, give people some freedom with their games Microsoft." Valve: "Wtf...
Thats, umm, very informative.
I cant find you on steam. Can you add me? my profile Steam Community :: ID :: dimen363
Posted. And yes, i meet the specs.
If only somebody would still play ut2004 today...
Modern routers today can do ip address reservation, which binds their pc to a specific router ip adress based on MAC address, so you don't have to...
Is the server still up? I'd love to play with someone :))
Meh, when someone says classic then i instantly think of Sega mega drive and ps1. About xbox, well, probably one friend owned that, and it was...
Well, casino owners will do anything to not loose their money. Even if you are too good at poker, soon enough they won't allow you to enter and...
Do what you want cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate. Yarr, harr......
Separate names with a comma.