I declare this threat, dead R.I.P
i updated my old console this morning, when i got my new console this afternoon,( arcade) i used the memory card to install NXE, then i moved my HDD
i dont know, but i just connected to xbl using my new console, then updated it, then i moved my hdd in halo 3 here i come
20-30 minutes, wtf? i took me 2 minutes to complete everything, BTW my new xbox is so much quieter, yay, and it was made 2 months ago, so it...
thanks, it should be arriving real soon
yes im getting a new 360 when i get home from school, do i have to update that first, then move my hard drive to my new console?
i got it working the first time i turned my xbox on, NXE is swwwwwweeeeeetttttttt
yeah, i got it
9 hours remaining:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
5am EST<:o)
http://news12.com/NJ/topstories/article?id=220975oh nice, i just saw the news and there is a water main break, and it has affected my high school,...
oh, its going to be realeased globally, at the same time
GMT means greenwich mean time, its 5 hours ahead of EST, and 2 for PST
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