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Counter-Strike Xbox 23 New Map Pack Download

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by BiasOpinion, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Just finished a 23 Map-Pack for Counter-Strike Xbox based on the original maps released during the BETA days of Counter-Strike. I uploaded it to the News Groups, but a file was missing.

    Download 23 Map-Pack for Counter-Strike Xbox

    23 Classic Maps from BETA 1.0 to BETA 7.0.
    All Playable and working with SYSTEM-LINK

    BETA 1.0: cs_siege, cs_mansion, cs_wpndepot
    BETA 1.1: cs_assault, cs_desert
    BETA 2.0: cs_alley1, cs_zoption, cs_bunker, cs_docks
    BETA 2.1: cs_alley
    BETA 3.0: cs_hideout, cs_tire
    BETA 4.0: de_nuke, cs_station
    BETA 5.0: cs_backalley, de_train, cs_iraq
    BETA 6.0: de_fang, de_railroad, cs_747
    BETA 6.5: cs_estate
    BETA 7.0: cs_arabstreets, de_vegas

    Requires a modified XBOX or XBOX 360, plus Original Game Disk to play these maps.
    Xbox must be set to ENGLISH. Sorry too much work to support other languages.
    Original Xbox: Copy files to Hard Drive, rename folder "CSX-ClassicMaps", copy files over.
    Xbox 360: Extract orginal Files to PC Hard Drive, copy files over, make XISO, burn DVD.

    Any ideas on where else I should announce this?


    gatekeeper1122 likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Very interesting post you made, I have downloaded them from sendspace and uploaded them to the Digiex server.

    I dont have CounterStrike Xbox although maybe I should get it to check these maps out, I really enjoyed it on the PC back in the day.

    Maybe you could provide a bit more detail on where about people would copy the maps to on there Xbox.

    Edit - Actually i notice there is an Xbox Application included with the maps, I presume i load that on my console and the maps will install them selfs?

    Not sure where else you could post them, a lot of people come here for Xbox content and such so I guess the word will get around to anyone who might be interested in the maps.
  3. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Where to post it help.

    Thanks InsaneNutter. I guess I am doing things backwards. I spent the last year learning how to add maps to Counter-Strike Xbox. And now I am finding the Communities that support Game tweaking and such.

    Counter-Strike Xbox didn't have any DLC, so you have to replace a few files on the DVD to get the maps on the Menu. So if you did run the files stand-alone, it wouldn't load.

    The Xbox version is a great experience of Counter-Strike. When you get hit or a hand grenade lands near you, the Controller vibrates accordingly. And then when I went back to the PC version, with a mouse, it seems lacking.

    I have 3 original Xbox's networked together, and we usually play against the 6 to 10 bots. Great fun, and the bots never complain!

    Since you can get original Xbox's and even TVs for pennys on the dollar, this a pretty cheap setup.


    As for copying maps, it was tediously difficult when I started with the tools available. I spent the 1st few months writing a tool called BSP_to_XPR. This tool determines all the Textures used in the map, extracts them and converts them to XPR format. The other thing it did that was not done before is convert transparencies.

    With that tool you could convert a map in 15 mintues instead of 20 hours.

    Anyway, I got in touch with a couple of key people. Quickie_007 in Germany who continued the work from 2005. Savant_Storm who created SXWad Compiler. UnrealMack who had the original vision and energy to get people going.

    UnrealMack has created a forum at csxmoddingforum.tk and uploaded some YouTube videos. I also created a page where I was planning to pass on the knowledge of how to convert maps and put them on the menu. That page is csxmaps.tk

    Anyway, I drop by later and answer any questions people have.


    PS: What is the Digiex server?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I got this to work perfectly first time, just FTP'ed the map package in to the Counter-Strike folder on my Xbox and all your new maps appeared on the main menu! Some great classics I had long since forgotten about.

    The webserver that hosts Digiex on the internet, we have one for the website and another with all the downloads on.

    The link in your original post was updated and linked to the download on Digiex as one click hosting website links like sendspace never usually last too long.

    Attached Files:

  5. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Many Thanks

    Wow! thanks for the support. You probably know this kind of Mod was attempted before in 2005 by the vektorious/csx group. This release made some strides forward:
    - no more blue ladders
    - Map Preview ScreenCaps
    - Custom Map List Menu
    - all games working in System-Link

    I copied the "Head-Shot" audio patch from the release by the Germans (Quickie_007 and the gang at www.xbox-download.de). The only thing I couldn't get working was the water surface, as it is black on most maps. I also spent a lot of time tweaking the BSP entity files to make sure each map was as playable as possible.

    Can I put the new download link on our TK websites to yours? I assume the person would need to register for this Forum 1st. Or should I just tell them it is here. If so, what url should they enter your site? The direct link you updated or something else?

    thanks again.

  6. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Salinas, California, United States
    This has made me want to play Counter-Strike again ;). I remember the hours I spent on that game! It would be great if Valve were to do another one on current generation consoles!
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I didn't know this had been attempted before, it sounds like a great deal of work has gone in to getting everything working as good as it is (Y)

    Sure you can post the link anywhere you like, the person doesn't need to register to download the file. Just link to this thread: https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...3231-new-23-map-pack-counter-strike-xbox.html and not the file its self otherwise the download wont work.

    hehe so do I on 56k dialup internet, i wasn't that good at all but played for fun and gradually got better at it. Did you play on PC or are you talking about the Xbox version?
  8. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Why Classics?

    With 14,000+ maps out there. I did choose the Classic Maps because that was the magic time when this game took a hold of me. There are maps still being created for this game even 10 years later, but the early maps hold a special place in my FPS heart.

    By the way, I noticed InsaneNutter didn't buy any Kevlar or ammo in the screen shot. Maybe others trying it won't be familiar with the Xbox controls when compared to the PC.

    You need to press down on the Left Thumbstick and rotate to what you want with the Right Thumbstick, press right Trigger to select. Sounds clunky, but it works well and you can get really fast at it.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Cheers for that, i did work it out pretty quick, i was mainly messing about on the maps to get a feel for them! its been a long time since i played CS.

    The classic maps are always the best in my eyes!

    We have another modded Xbox in the kitchen, mainly used for streaming media to the tv in there. Its got the stock hard drive however I might have to burn a DVD with the new maps on and play a bit of system link.

    Do people play this on Xlink Kai?
  10. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    System-Link Play over Internet Proxy

    Yes people are still playing Unreal, Halo 1& 2, Battlefronts 1 & 2, etc on Xlink and XBConnect. A guy named moonmaster1 wants to get a game time set to play over XLink. However, enough people need to hear about and download the ClassicMaps release to get it going.

    I am going to post about the Release on their Forums right now...
  11. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Salinas, California, United States
    I played it on both. PC first, and then picked it up on Xbox when I saw it for $10. I think Valve should do a few HD tweaks to it and re-release it on the Xbox Live Arcade. How great would that be?!
  12. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    CSX+FightYards Release

    As stated earlier, I've created a website csxmaps.tk and started on a Fightyards release. If you want the pre-release of the Fightyards I've converted so far, you will need to create an account on the our Forum and request it from me.

    Also, I don't have a 360 so if anyone has tested the CSX+ClassicMaps release on a 360, please let me know how it went.

  13. Kebiled

    Kebiled New Member

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Quick Question,
    What program do you use to make these maps?
    Me and my friends recently purchased CS and are really enjoying it, but we want to make some custom maps for it.
  14. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    I haven't made any maps from scratch. I have used programs by others and written a few of my own to convert CS 1.6 and CS Condition-Zero maps to Counter-Strike Xbox. If you are interested in converting maps for use in Counter-Strike Xbox, go to csxmoddingforum.tk and I will try and help you convert your favorite map.

    If you are interested in map authoring for CS on the PC, there are lots of sites out there to help you.

    FPSBANANA > The FPS Customization Community
    Counter-Strike Maps - SuperJer.com

  15. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    I'm confused about how to use this. I'm using a modded original xbox. Where do I need to put the files?
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    From what i remember in the same folder as the game on your Xbox hard drive, i will have to check when im home to be 100%
  17. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    When I run the default.xbe from the map pack with the CSX disc in the drive, it says that my disc may be dirty or damaged. However, if I just run the game straight from the disc it works fine. (but without the maps, obviously)
  18. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Using the Map Pack


    In the Map-Pack there is an NFO text file that should have explained everything. You need to copy the original Game Disk to the Hard Drive 1st. Then FTP (FileZilla) the Map-Pack files over top. If you do want to keep the original game, use FTP to rename the folder on the Xbox. I renamed it to CSX-ClassicMaps because you cannot use a + in the Xbox file system. The game still shows up in the Dashboard menu as CSX+ClassicMaps.

    If you do not have the original game disk, you can get it on eBay or at Pawn Shops that still sell orginal Xbox games. Redistributing the original game is not something I want to do. This is supposed to be purely a Map-Pack addon.

    CSX+Fightyards is almost finished. If people want to help with testing, go to csxmoddingforum.tk and I will be posting Pre-Release Download Link in the [Map Progress/Release] thread. Expect the download to be available by Saturday, May 8th. After testing it will be released to the masses...

    CSX-2010 has is a new Map-Pack that will focused on XBConnect and XLink play. Custom Admin options will be put into the FrontEnd. Now is the time to put in your Map Request on the forum. Again under [Map Progress/Release] at csxmoddingforum.tk

    Links to Final Releases will be posted at csxmaps.tk and possibly here if InsaneNutter has some more storage for us.

  19. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Bias, I got it now. The instructions in the nfo (same as the first post here) didn't seem real clear to me, but maybe I'm just an idiot :)
  20. BiasOpinion

    BiasOpinion Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    No worries NemVitzh. I am encouraged to hear of people trying out the Map-Pack.


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